I have seen a lot of great posts and videos recently that I have wanted to share, but instead of re-stacking or posting them individually, I thought that I would collect them all and post them on a single page, with a short description of each.
The topics that are covered in these posts and videos include jewish supremacism, Trump’s role as a controlled opposition president, the jewish genocide of the Palestinians-which is disgustingly portrayed by jews as some kind of war of self-defense, the COVID-19 Plandemic, NASA’s fake Apollo program, and mind control. What links these articles and videos together is that they all address, in one way or another, the fakeness and corruption of the system that we were born into, something that I posted about earlier here. We are living in a matrix of lies and illusion, and this matrix was actually described a long time ago in the allegory of Plato’s Cave. Here is a number of books that I have collected which also deal with this rather important issue.
Let’s begin, shall we?
1) America is a Gentile Nation. In this post the author explains how America is controlled by a jewish cabal, something that Americans really, really need to figure out toot sweet if they haven’t already. This cabal owns the financial system, the political system, the Media, the entertainment industry, the music industry, the education system, the publishing industry, the tech industry, etc. The post’s author believes that this jewish control is becoming more and more obvious to more and more people, and they are connecting it to the ongoing degradation and destruction of the country, and of the Western world. Our bought-out and blackmailed and jewish/zionist/dual-citizen politicians’ support and promotion of Israel’s bloody, televised genocide of the Palestinians has been an eye-opener for many citizens.
EXCERPT: It’s Talmudic on steroids that elite Jews have no problem stealing all our money for their wars, and running the U.S. into the ground. But now the masks are off. With the Hiroshima-level bombing of Gaza, the entire world is “noticing” Israel’s extreme behavior. As a result, the Overton Window of Judaic approval is shifting negatively. Jews may be the most proficient P.R., advertising, psyop professionals in the world, but even they can’t gaslight a genocide of their making.
After ruining Russia during the Bolshevik Soviet years, and then playing a huge back-door role in the destruction of Europe through two World Wars, elite Jews are now engaged in a takedown as they finish off the host with a variety of honed tactics, including inflation, illegal migration, and woke psychopathy.
Sun Tzu, the 6th century Chinese military strategist, philosopher, and author of The Art of War, advocates knowing exactly who your enemy is. If you can’t I.D. your opponent and assess who you are psychologically up against, how can you possibly defend yourself, let alone take the bastards out?
While many Jews of conscience are speaking out, let the world never forget that the Jewish deciders who control our country purposefully, proactively, zealously enable their Israeli brethren to starve hundreds of thousands of children, and have the audacious chutzpah to brazenly defend their actions as if they are the injured party. As Jake Shields tweeted, “This is evil not seen in the world since Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot.”
Related: jews Created Communism
2) It Impugns The Conscience (GRAPHIC). This post shows some of the child victims of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Has the massive amount of maiming and killing of innocent civilians in Palstine been investigated and reported on by the Mainstream (jewish) Media in any sort of fair and responsible way? No, of course not. The MSM are yet another part of the jewish control grid:
Related: Gaza home to largest number of amputee children in modern history
3) Trump: Timeline of an Israeli Asset. At this point it should be obvious that President Trump is a controlled asset of jewish supremacists. There have been some rumors that Trump is actually jewish, but regardless of this, he is clearly completely in the tank for Israel. Here is a post and related video about Trump’s history of involvement with a number of shady jewish characters and jewish organizations:
9:08 minutes
Video link here.
Related video:
10:24 minutes
But wait, there’s more…
Now that president Donald “Israel First” Trump is ending D.E.I. programs in the military services, is kicking the trannies out, and the U.S. Army is ramping up an advertising campaign for masculine, strong men, I suspect that The Powers That Be will try to instigate a war with Iran sometime in the next four years.
No more wars for Israel, Sergeant!
2) How Israel Created The European Immigration Crisis. The mRNA “vaccines” woke me up to the fakery and corruption of our system and compelled me to look a little deeper into how the world works. Now, after a little bit of research, I have come to believe that most of what is called Islamic terrorism is actually manufactured by the Israeli and Western governments. Examples of this: 9/11, the October 7th “Hamas” attack on Israel, the 7/7 London bomb attacks, and ISIS terrorism.
The purpose of these false flag terrorist attacks is to create a pretext for wars for Israel-like the so-called Global War on Terror-and for clamping down on free speech and human rights. One of the many benefits for world jewry of the GWOT is that-in addition to maiming and killing lots and lots of Gentiles-it provided an excuse for lots and lots of people from Southwest Asian, African and Middle Eastern Third World countries to be flooded into Europe and America (with the gracious assistance of numerous jewish open-border NGOs funded with taxpayer money). This flood is ongoing. The mass invasion is clearly part of the jewish project to destroy Western countries and, eventually, to create a jewish one-world government. They have bragged about this conspiracy numerous times, for decades.
Note that jewish politicians first opened up the United States to mass immigration from the Third World in 1965, and jewish-supremacist Alexandro Mayorkas, the former head of the Department of Homeland Security (which was created, ironically enough, in response to the 9/11 jewish false flag attack), dramatically boosted the illegal immigration invasion of America in 2021. It’s yet another example of jews waging war on a Christian-majority, White-majority country.
Below is the explanation of how jews manufactured the immigration crisis in Europe.
3) The Apollo Moon landings. Were the landings staged and filmed? Once I saw that the COVID pandemic was fake, I started looking into other events and I saw that 9/11 was fake, the Gulf of Tonkin incident-which was the pretext for sending hundreds of thousands of American troops to Vietnam-was fake, the USS Liberty attack was NOT some tragic mistake, the Holocaust was not what we were told it was, WWII was not what we were told it was, the moon landings were fake, and so on and so forth. It is clear to me now that the people running the system constantly use propaganda, lies and fake events to manipulate and control us, for fun and profit. And they actually poison us too. I wasn’t blind to government corruption and fakery before the COVID tyranny, but I had no grasp on the extent of it all-how we are actually living in a matrix of lies, and even now I know that I am only seeing small bit of the truth. The Apollo missions were just one more part of the illusion. I suspect that much of NASA’s space program today is fake.
EXCERPT: Purpose
We can frame an analysis of the moon landings in the following manner. The Corona coup and plandemic should have taught people that:
You cannot trust government(s),
Government(s) are often corrupt, immoral and diabolical,
You cannot believe what is on your TV,
You cannot place your confidence in medical ‘professionals’ and ‘The Science’,
Much of ‘The Science’ is corrupt and wrong,
Technology, media and information platforms are largely controlled in some way, by the US government and Deep State,
The Deep State will steal elections, enact coups, start endless wars, and commit any number of evils and crimes,
Globalism preaches a ‘New World Order’ of totalitarian digital and social control, along with anti-human-transhumanism, enabled by injections of gene altering chemicals.
With the above as a framework, all seminal episodes and theories including ‘virology’, cosmology, Relativity, materialist-’science’, ‘evolution’, mainstream ‘scientific’ beliefs and claims, 9-11, the Iraq and Vietnam wars, the war in the Ukraine, and the Apollo programme, must be re-evaluated and critically re-appraised.
This post lists about 75 issues with Apollo moon programme and discusses the Apollo 11 journey, end to end. You can decide yourself if you believe these to be real issues or not. The lunar landing module is particularly interesting as a focal point. An example is the memory and networking within the lunar module which makes the sending of ‘rich data’ over thousands of miles an impossibility (the author has worked on many large IT projects including advanced networking).
The late, great Dave McGowan wrote a wonderfully humorous series of articles about the fake Apollo program called Wagging The Moondoggie that is available here.
4) 30 Clues That Let Us Know That COVID-19 Was A Planned Operation. This is a series of substack posts detailing some of the evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic was yet another fake event manufactured by The Powers That Be. One goal of the monsters who ran the COVID PSYOP was to siphon wealth away from the middle and lower classes to themselves—so that we little people can own nothing and be happy. Another goal was to control the population (lockdowns, censorship, “vaccine” passports, digital money). Another goal was global depopulation, which these sick freaks are very, very excited about-see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
Related: VAERS COVID-19 Vaccine Mortality Reports
Related-it’s the jews!:
5) How Mind Controlled Are You? Do you still think that all of this stuff is just wacky “conspiracy theory” nonsense? Then why don’t you take the following test?
Mike Yeadon:
“Interestingly, one person years ago confessed to me that they (sic) didn’t want to believe what I was telling them, because it was simply too frightening. It’s possible that psychological protection mechanisms prevents some of us from accepting new information. I think we are much more subconsciously active beings than we realise. We then rationalise consciously those things our subconscious has processed (or not).
This may be why many of us have found it impossible to persuade others, even those we love & have known for many years, that we’re being lied to & are under extraordinary attack…”
The Most Dangerous Superstition
Political Ponerology
Our Greatest Earthly Enemy
The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
The Jones Plantation
Books About Our Corrupt Sytem
Interview with Jason Christoff: On Mind Control, Poisoning, Human Farming, Solar Panels, Word Magic, Egyptians and much more.
The Apocalypse of the Yajnavalkya NOTE: I really don’t know what to think or say about the first 215 pages of this book, but starting on page 216 the author focuses on the nature of the people running the world today and their methods of control, and what he describes makes a lot of sense.
The Controlled Demolition Of The American Empire
The Rape of the Mind
100 free redpill movies!
10 Conspiracy Fact Videos
The Liberator
Truthstream Media
Here is the Evidence
Being Red-Pilled
'Conspiracy Theory' Is Now Fact: Greater Israel Has Arrived
Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves
Is Judaism Incurable?
Israelis respond to the question "Do you know how many civilians have been killed in Gaza?"
It Impugns The Conscience
The October 7, 2023 "Hamas" Attack was an Israeli False Flag Attack
How Israel Faked the Oct 7th Attack - A Conversation with Matt Guertin
Justice For Gaza
The State of Israel as "Cartoonishly Evil"?
Why are Israelis and Zionists so psychotic?
Trump is controlled opposition-Posts
Trump launches anti-Semitism crackdown as he orders deportation of pro-Hamas students who terrorised campuses (a stupid and deceptive headline)
COVID-19 Plandemic-Posts
Eternal Strangers - Critical Views of Jews and Judaism through the Ages (2020) by Thomas Dalton
Jewish Books
jews Created Communism
The Peculiar Morality of Jewdom
The Holocaust, at the Heart of the Gaza Genocide
The Holocaust
The Holocaust Hoax Meme Page
One Man’s Road to “Holocaust” Revisionism
The Holocaust Narrative and Deep State Control
Documentary: Occupied
The jewish Supremacist Way of War
The jewish Supremacists' War on the White Population
Is this a jewish Supremacist War on the World?
The jewish War on the Gentiles
Terrorism: A jewish Tradition
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page I
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page II
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page III
The jewish Supremacists' War on Humanity Meme Page IV
Jeff Berwick's commentary about jews
Some Commentary from Hervé Ryssen, author of "The Jewish Mafia"
The Red Terror, the Holodomor, and the "Globalists"
Israel and elements of the U.S. government did 9/11
A Discussion with Navy Veteran Phil Tourney about the USS Liberty Attack
jewish Supremacists Speak
jewish Supremacist Quotes
Short videos about jewish Power
Kim Dotcom and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Ending Antisemitism
”Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer... and we are his chosen people.”
Interesting Stack here about Trump being a jewish puppet. I’m not a fan of the author but this one is good.