It is clear to me now that much of the official history of WWII is false. And I believe that the war never actually ended, it just changed—we are in the same war now. Many people see that what is being done to Western countries today is very similar to what was done to Germany after WWI, by the same people.
I have collected together a few resources linked below which provide what I am convinced are more accurate descriptions and explanations of the war than what we see in standard history books or what we are taught in school. The victors write the history books and I no longer believe that the good guys actually won WWII.
Among many other “revelations,” these sources provide compelling evidence that:
1) Germany repeatedly tried to prevent WWII but the leadership of the Allied countries forced war on Germany.
2) The Holocaust story is almost entirely false.
3) There was a genocide waged on the German population during and after WWII. More Germans were killed after the war than during the war.
4) Powerful Jewish interests played an oversized role in starting both WWI and WWII.
If any of this is hard for you to believe, then I encourage you to study the information I have provided, look at similar resources, and examine official histories. Compare and contrast. Look at all sides before making up your mind. And consider this: It should be glaringly obvious by now that the Media and the governments lie to us constantly…so how fake do you think our “official” history is?
After seeing this information, a lot of the insanity of today’s world started to make sense to me. Maybe it will be the same for you.
Here is a quick list of the links to these free resources that provide a revisionist history of WWII. Further below I have copied the links and added some additional information, such as descriptions and reviews.
1) The Falsehoods of World War II (online book by Ron Unz)
2) Benjamin H. Freedman, Germany and the Jews: The Role of the Jews in WWI and WWII (speech)
3) Europa: The Last Battle (documentary)
4) Hellstorm (documentary)
5) The Myth of German Villainy (book)
6) The Bad War (book)
7) Germany’s War (book)
8) Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (website)
9) The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry (audiobook, book)
10) The Scriptorium Archive (website)
11) The Forced War (book)
12) The Jewish Betrayal of Germany and the Cause of World War II (essay)
13) The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 1 (essay)
14) The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 2 (essay)
1) The Falsehoods of World War II (online book by Ron Unz)
Everything You Know About the Second World War Is Wrong
Question 1: Hitler
Question 2: The London “Blitz”
Question 3: The Purge of Antiwar Intellectuals
Question 4: Postwar Germany
Question 5: The Pearl Harbor Attack
Question 6: Operation Pike
Question 7: The Holocaust
Question 8: Our Understanding of the War
More Falsehoods of World War II
The Many Falsehoods of the Second World War
The Suvorov Hypothesis
The Nazi-Zionist Economic Partnership of the 1930s
Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers
The Continuing Importance of World War II
Hitler, Churchill, the Holocaust, and the War in Ukraine
Question 1: Hitler
Question 2: Munich
Question 3: Churchill “The Drunken Poltroon”
Question 4: FDR
Question 5: The Holocaust
Question 6: WWII and Ukraine, Connecting the Dots
2) Benjamin H. Freedman, Germany and the Jews: The Role of the Jews in WWI and WWII (speech)
DESCRIPTION: Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century.
Mr. Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.
Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times. This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley's patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense. Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated, Mr. Freedman's essential message to us -- his warning to the West -- is more urgent than ever before. -- K.A.S. ---
3) Europa: The Last Battle (documentary)
REVIEW: Internal sabotage at the end of World War 1 has devastated Germany, and its new Weimar government is riddled with corrupt men plundering what is left, all while overseeing the destruction of German culture and its social order. After it all collapses, one man manages to turn it all around in just a few short years. When Germany's people begin to prosper and start to live happily, the enemy declares war and seeks to destroy the German people once and for all. The true events surrounding World War 2 that you were never taught in history class, read about in your school's history books, saw on your television, or ever stumbled upon in a social media feed. And yet, it all happened. Scrubbed from the historical record and lost... until now. And if you try to mention it to anyone, you'll be immediately silenced or thrown in prison. - Apu Apujasta
4) Hellstorm (documentary)
REVIEW: Hellstorm - The Death of Nazi Germany (1944-1947)
Rating: 5 stars
In June 2010, independent author Thomas Goodrich published a book called “Hellstorm,” which told the tale of what really happened to innocent German men, women, and children both during and after World War II. After several years of going mostly unnoticed, Hellstorm was turned into a documentary movie thanks to the efforts of Kyle Hunt.
Released on May 1, 2015, the documentary hasn’t yet been covered by mainstream media sources, but it’s rustled enough feathers that the BBC, the Daily Mail (twice), and NBC have all published reports in the last two months chronicling just a small taste of what the German people were subjected to by the Allies. The documentary covers the full extent of the horrors in seven different DVD chapters: Terror bombing, rape, the Baltic Massacre, defeat in the west, death camps, purges, and ethnic cleansing. Here is a summary of each of those seven chapters.
Terror bombing
Pearl Harbor was like a random drone strike compared to this. After Soviet and British pilots leveled the infrastructure of civilian, non-military cities such as Dresden, American pilots dropped incendiary bombs on the already-leveled buildings, which created a firestorm that spread like a hurricane across the entire city. Anyone who tried to flee or hide was melted into the concrete or was liquefied in the walls of their bunkers. (As a side note, the reason why the lie of only 25,000 dead is thrown around is because most of the bodies could not be identified).
Par for the course? Perhaps. But in an age when “rape culture” is supposedly a huge problem on college campuses, and when Rolling Stone can publish a complete hoax and get away with it, the fact that nobody cares about the rape of German women and young girls because “they deserved it” certainly proves that rape itself is not what people have a problem with.
Baltic Massacre
The Baltic Massacre was an assault by Allied forces against German refugees who were trying to flee their towns in the dead cold of winter. As German families took flight on the crowded refugee ships across the icy waters, Allied bombers and submarines sunk those ships to the bottom of the sea. As Hunt explained, the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was the most prominent, as it resulted in the deaths of an estimated 8,000-10,000 refugees, dwarfing the tragedies of the Titanic or Lusitania. Again, in an era where crocodile tears are shed over sunken refugee ships from Africa and the Middle East, it is telling that everyone thinks German families fleeing their own homelands in the dead of winter somehow “deserved” to sink to the bottom of the icy sea.
Defeat in the West
This covers the outrageous treatment of surrendered German civilians and soldiers at the hands of American and British forces on Germany’s western front. At this point in the documentary, the savagery of the Soviet forces on Germany’s eastern front has already been exposed. This part focuses on the behavior of the “good guys,” the supposed liberators, the soldiers and leaders that are praised as heroes by the same people who wonder why America and Britain have become so darn “degenerate.” The surrendered Germans thought that they would be treated humanely by the Americans and the British. Instead, the Americans and British troops treated them as though they weren’t human.
Death camps
Starvation despite an abundance of food, dehydration despite plenty of water, being forced to stand in crowded out door camps for hours, the Red Cross being denied access to those camps – it’s all documented in this section. Perhaps the cruelest action of them all was when American troops burned excess supplies of food in full view of the starving, emaciated Germans, who had to watch as their hopes of being relieved from hunger went up in smoke (literally).
All of this was sanctioned by American General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the same guy who led the D-Day invasion of Normandy Beach on June 6, 1944, and the same guy who armed the National Guard and forcefully integrated the Southern schools at the point of a gun in 1957. Much criticism has been aimed at the current U.S. President, Barack Obama, who is often contrasted with American war leaders. But clearly, Obama cannot touch Eisenhower’s record.
The Purge
Also known as “de-nazification,” this was the process by which Allied soldiers “interrogated” German soldiers and civilians alike about their Nazi sympathies. To be “interrogated” was to be tortured and beaten until you confessed that you were a Nazi, because as everyone knows, no German was truly innocent. The Puritans in the 1692 Salem Witch Trials displayed restraint compared to Allied soldiers under “de-Nazification.”
This part of the documentary also covers the Morgenthau Plan, named after U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau. Under his plan, Germany was to be deindustrialized and returned to agricultural, subsistence level existence, which would result in the extinction of two-thirds of the German population. This plan was never put into effect for geopolitical reasons: Starting in 1947, America and Britain turned on Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union for reasons which quite frankly are mysterious. In any case, the beginning of the “Cold War” prevented the Morgenthau plan from ever being fully enacted.
Ethnic cleansing
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill made a deal with Stalin to split up German land after the end of the war. The result was that about nine million Germans were evicted from their homes, since the land they lived on no longer belonged to Germany. They were then marched across the conquered land to Eisenhower’s death camps or the Soviet gulags or God knows where. Churchill would later pretend that he was “surprised” by the cleaning of the Germans from their homes.
The horrors exposed in this documentary are real and undeniable. The same people who deny that they happened are the same people who pretend that “White Privilege” exists and that Whites are somehow uniquely “oppressive” towards colored people. The question, then, isn’t whether these horrors happened. The question is whether they matter.
After all, even for those who don’t believe in myths like “White Privilege,” the consensus in the United States, Britain, France, and indeed, modern-day Germany itself, is that the German people of the 1930s and 40s “deserved” every bad thing that happened to them. No tears are shed for them, and no hearts are moved for them. For they have been stripped of their humanity by the descendants of the British (1689), American (1776), French (1789), and Bolshevik (1917) Revolutions. Four horses of the apocalypse, indeed. But for those who are not mentally and spiritually enslaved by such things as "liberty" and "equality," Hellstorm has the potential to flip the historical narrative on its head, and to provide catharsis and reconciliation among the European people, including European-Americans.
ARTICLE: Hellstorm at The Myrtle Beach International Film Festival
April 26, 2016 2 Comments
Report by Shield Maiden
On a nice, warm Saturday afternoon a good crowd had gathered at Broadway Cinemas in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We were there to watch Hellstorm, a documentary by Kyle Hunt and Tom Goodrich, illustrating the horrific and oftentimes unimaginable treatment of the German people after World War II. As well done as the film is, it is certainly not for the faint-hearted, but nonetheless it is still imperative for every person of European descent to see this for it gives us a glimpse of what could happen if the Jews have their way and do successfully implement their New World Order.
Narrated by Renegade Tribune’s own Sinead McCarthy, it was almost surreal to hear her voice coming out of big theater speakers instead of my computer. It felt like a big moment, to have a film that presents the other side of the story, the side we never get to hear because it’s been silenced by Jewish opposition, was actually playing in a large movie theater and even drew a good crowd considering the subject matter. It was not easy to sit through an hour and a half of rape, torture, and genocide of millions of innocent men, women, and children. The most stomach churning part pointed out that some German women were forced at gun point to have sex with dead, rotting corpses. This seemed to be the breaking point for some audience members because after that a few got up and walked out. Most stayed however, and to my pleasant surprise they did not all walk out when the Jewish element was brought into the picture, although this was a point which unnerved some, as I would later find out.
Once the film was over, most of the audience applauded. The lights came up and Kyle Hunt was then brought out for Q & A. Sporting a ponytail and a nice blazer, Kyle reminded me of the hipster guys I used to see when I hung out at the local liberal coffee shops back in my twenties, certainly not an evil “Nazi” type of guy.
The first comment he received was from a young man who was upset with the Jewish element of the film. It was something along the lines of, “Oy vey! Why did you have to point out these guys were Jews? What does that have to do with anything?”
Kyle pointed out to him that the Jewish element had everything to do with it and then moved on because the guy’s kvetching was irritating him as well as taking time away from other people’s questions. Kyle also took the opportunity to point out to the audience that in many countries a person can be put in jail not just for questioning the validity of the Holocaust, but simply for questioning the six million number, even though at Auschwitz the plaque with the number of people killed has changed from originally claiming four million to now just 1.5 million. I was never good at math, but I’m pretty sure that changes the six million number just a little bit.
This triggered another audience member, a young man who argued that you couldn’t go to jail for questioning the Holocaust. Something tells me Ernest Zündel and Silvia Stolz might disagree (they have both been thrown in jail numerous times for questioning the Holocaust). Clearly, this man is unaware that questioning the Holocaust is a punishable crime in Germany and many other European countries.
A few other audience members commented that they felt the film was “one-sided” even though Kyle explicitly says that in the beginning of the documentary that they only wanted to focus on the German side. I can’t help but find these people’s opinion of one-sidedness patently absurd since we have heard ONLY one side for seven decades. There have been thousands of books, films, and TV series dedicated to the Holocaust. Impressionable children in middle school are instructed to read The Diary of Ann Frank, a book which should be flushed down the toilet for how full of shit it is, but not once did we ever learn about what the Germans suffered through. Indeed, all we have ever heard is, “OMG! Those evil Nazi’s!” I would wager that every single one of us had a history teacher who referred to Hitler as the devil incarnate; one of my history teacher’s actually told us the story of the lampshades and soap as if it was real even though it’s been proven to be a hoax.
After the brief Q & A, we all filed out into the theater hallway. I asked a few audience members what their thoughts were on the film. One middle aged woman named Cindy commented that she felt the film was one-sided and was very unhappy with Kyle for using the word “alleged” to describe the atrocities of the Holocaust, which was very real in her mind since she had been to the Holocaust Museum and saw the shoes of the little Jewish children that were killed. I asked Cindy’s mom what she thought of the film and got a more direct answer: “I hated it.”
I will give them credit for at least being willing to watch Hellstorm and to sit through the whole thing, but it saddened me that even after learning about the truly horrific, evil, and barbaric treatment the Germans were subjected to, they still could not shake their Jewish programming. To them the Jews are the biggest victims of all time and always will be.
I’m going to assume that most, if not all, the people reading this know that the Holocaust is a made up Jewish lie, but let’s suspend reality for a moment and say that it actually did happen as they claim. Although that would have been horrific, it would still be nothing compared to what the Germans suffered after the war. The narrative is that the Jews starved to death in concentration camps or were executed. Meanwhile, German women were raped to death, literally crucified with nails hammered into their hands, and as I mentioned earlier, sometimes forced at gun point to have sex with the corpses of dead men on the streets of what was left of Germany. German men had their testicles crushed and some were forced to eat their own excrement. Which would you rather suffer? At least starving to death you could die with some type of dignity.
In conclusion, Kyle made an excellent point at the end of Q & A; he pointed out that no one on Earth should ever have to suffer anything like this ever again and that is the point of watching a film like Hellstorm, to know what happened and what could happen if we don’t put a stop to it now. What I wish some of the more critical audience members could understand is that the Jews want Hellstorm for the entire world. We don’t have to go down that road. If enough people would wake up to world Jewry and understand how much damage the Jews have done and how intent they are on creating far more than what the Germans experienced, we can prevent another Hellstorm, and if we have to use violence to defend ourselves, so be it. Every white person, and even non-white for that matter, should be ready to do whatever it takes to defeat the Jews so that future generations can thrive, live happily among their own, and never suffer anything like this ever again.
I want to personally thank Kyle and Tom Goodrich for being brave enough to take on this subject matter and to spend the time, money, and tremendous effort it took to make this film. Most people simply parrot whatever is fashionable or “politically correct” so it takes some guts to show a film like Hellstorm at a film festival and be willing to stand there and take criticism from brainwashed people without flinching once. Hellstorm made me realize how much we’ve lost and how much we still stand to lose.
5) The Myth of German Villainy (book)
DESCRIPTION: As the title The Myth of German Villainy indicates, this book is about the mischaracterization of Germany as history’s ultimate “villain.” The “official” story of Western Civilization in the twentieth century casts Germany as the disturber of the peace in Europe, and the cause of both World War I and World War II, though the facts don’t bear that out.
During both wars, fantastic atrocity stories were invented by Allied propaganda to create hatred of the German people for the purpose of bringing public opinion around to support the wars. The “Holocaust” propaganda which emerged after World War II further solidified this image of Germany as history’s ultimate villain. But how true is this “official” story? Was Germany really history’s ultimate villain?
EXCERPT: The Red Terror
Candace Owens gets red-pilled about WWII:
6) The Bad War (book)
DESCRIPTION: During the 75 years that have now passed since the end of the grand history-altering event known as World War II, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. It is a story which the architects of the New World Order have implanted, no, POUNDED into the minds of three subsequent generations.
Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films, clergymen and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song.
You know the familiar lyrics: “Led by Adolf Hitler; Germany, Italy and Japan tried to enslave the planet. The ‘good guys’ of the ‘world community,’ led by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and Winston Churchill, banded together and stopped them.”
Literally, not a day seems to pass without some sort of media reference to this incomplete and simplistic narrative; a story which oh-so-conveniently ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, omits vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.
Indeed, the “official story” amounts to a manufactured mendacity of such mountainous dimensions that the human mind will have a hard time processing the actual truth of the grand event, no matter how compelling the case may be.
Isn’t it time you heard a different tune; at least for your consideration? Haven't you ever at least been curious as to what "the other side of the World War II story" was?
If so, you ought to have a look at 'The Bad War', a heavily illustrated epic timeline that will transport you back to the mid 1800's; and then lead you on an exciting "you are there" journey right up through both World War I and World War II.
Well-written, entertaining, and meticulously documented, 'The Bad War' is unique for its ability to condense so much real history into just 245 attention-riveting, illustration-rich pages.
But do be forewarned. Your worldview may never be the same.
7) Germany’s War
EXCERPT: Harry Elmer Barnes wrote that the dogma surrounding Hitler’s sole responsibility for starting World War II is unprecedented in modern history. Barnes said: “It is unlikely that there has been any vested interest in dogma, opinion and politics since the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ equal in intensity to that built up around the allegation that Hitler was solely responsible for the outbreak of war in 1939.”
The Allied atrocities associated with World War II also became a dangerous topic to examine too thoroughly. Only atrocities committed by the Germans were subjected to intensive investigation and given worldwide publicity. Historians have disputed or ignored many atrocities committed by the Allies during and after World War II.
For example, traditional historians have dismissed James Bacque’s research which documents that approximately 1 million German POWs were murdered in American and French camps after the war. One historian who disputes Bacque’s work states: “He placed responsibility for these supposed deaths firmly at the feet of the American leadership, whom he accused of pursuing a deliberate policy of revenge, and then concealing the ‘truth’ beneath layers of creative accounting. Bacque’s claims not only called into question the strongly held American belief that they had fought a moral war, but effectively accused American leaders of crimes against humanity.
As discussed in Chapter Five, the evidence is overwhelming that the Western Allies murdered many hundreds of thousands of Germans in their POW camps. American leaders were guilty of enormous crimes against the German people after the end of World War II. The United States also did not fight a moral war against Germany. President Roosevelt misled the American public into supporting the war, and prolonged the war with his policy of unconditional surrender. Eisenhower and American military leaders also intentionally allowed the Soviet Union to take over Eastern Europe, thereby subjecting its people to the terrible tyranny of Soviet rule.
8) Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
DESCRIPTION: The aim of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust is to promote intellectual freedom permitting an uncensored and unimpeded, yet always civil discourse on the “Holocaust” narrative, and to offer a forum to those who contest the orthodox Holocaust narrative. As an introduction, we recommend:
Our letter-size flyer “The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate.”
Our 20-page color brochure Holocaust Skepticism: 20 Questions and Answers about Holocaust Revisionism.
Our 32-page info brochure Holocaust: Facts versus Fictions.
Or watch our brief intro video on the left below (1 min, 47 seconds), or our 29-minute video explaining what exactly this is, “the Holocaust” (bottom right), in the context of the revisionist Holocaust Encyclopedia, proudly sponsored by CODOH
9) The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry (audiobook, book)
DESCRIPTION: On 545 pages of penetrating study and lucid commentary, Dr. Butz gives the reader a graduate course on the subject of the Jews of World War Two Europe. One main focus is on Auschwitz, which during WWII was a strategically important location of German petro-chemistry. Information about this location had been available to the Allies for a long time. The fact that the claimed exterminations had to be known to the Allies but obviously were unknown to them, has always been (completely) inexplicable for experts in the field. Except if those exterminations simply didn’t happen – and this is exactly Prof. Dr. Butz’s approach.
Chapter by solidly referenced chapter, Dr. Butz applies the scientist's rigorous clinical technique to every cornerstone of the legend. He focuses on the post-war crimes trials where the prosecution's false evidence was secured by coercion and even torture. He re-examines the very German records so long misrepresented; he critiques the European demographics, which do not allow for the loss of the Six Million; he re-evaluates the concept and technical feasibility of the gas chambers with some startling conclusions; and he separates the cold facts from the sheer tonnage of disinformation that has served as a formidable barrier to the truth since the end of WWII.
The first edition of this book caused unprecedented shockwaves throughout the academic and political world in the 1970s. Its open sale has been banned in an increasing number of countries including Germany and Canada. It is a book violently denounced by those unable to refute its thesis – the most hysterical reactions to it coming from those whose own historical views cannot withstand the light of honest review.
Now in its fourth edition, five major supplements have been updated to bring the reader up-to-date on the continuing Holocaust controversy and its impact almost everywhere World War Two is discussed. A best-seller by any meaningful standard, yet still ignored and maligned by the people who have known of it but have never even made the effort to read it, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century is a book you must read if you want a clear picture of the scope and magnitude of the historical cover-up of our age, who is behind it, and what can be done to put an end to it.
"We have known about it [The Hoax of the Twentieth Century] for some time. But we didn't want to give it any publicity and help the sales. Now it's too late; it's out in the open and we have to face it squarely."
— Abbot A. Rosen, Chicago Executive Director, ADL, Pittsburgh Press, Jan. 26, 1977
10) The Scriptorium Archive (website)
German internet site with over 30 online books, articles and essays in English about WWI, WWII and the period in-between.
EXCERPT: Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." The Federal Republic of Germany has acceded to this Declaration of Human Rights and so we claim the rights guaranteed by Article 19 as internationally acknowledged protection against the censorship that has recently been aimed at our site by the Federal Republic, in particular by the "Federal Office for the Investigation of Youth-Endangering Media"!
11) The Forced War (book)
EXCERPT: A marked trend toward a new arrangement of European relations based on the peaceable revision of the old Versailles settlement was rudely interrupted by the unexpected and unnecessary outbreak of World War II in September 1939. Germany had regained her rightful position as the dominant Power in Central Europe during 1938. At that time it seemed only a question of months before she would succeed in establishing relations with all of her immediate neighbors on a solid and dependable basis.
It is necessary to consider briefly in retrospect the European scene immediately after the Munich Conference.
Germany was prosperous, and there were numerous indications that France, Great Britain, and Italy were recovering from the effects of the world depression of 1929. There were also hopeful indications that the leaders of France were by this time fully aware of the new realities, and that they were prepared to abandon their old policies of active intervention in Central Europe. This means that the last obstacles to successful Franco-German amity could be removed, because there were no longer any territorial problems or disputes between France and Germany.
Italy had gracefully accepted the reunion of Austria with Germany, and there were no clouds on the horizon of Italo-German relations.
German-Polish relations had shown general improvement for several years prior to 1938, and Hitler's moderate and reasonable attitude toward Poland was highly auspicious for successful cooperation between the two countries in the future.
There were friendly relations between Germany and Hungary, and there was also increasing confidence and friendliness in German relations with such Balkan nations as Rumania and Yugoslavia.
The Soviet Union had been excluded from the deliberations of the Munich Conference, and there was every indication that the Communist Colossus would remain isolated behind the cordon sanitaire established shortly after World War I.
Hitler's friendly attitude toward the British Empire was well known. It was evident that Germany had no intention of resuming her earlier rivalry with Great Britain either in naval or in colonial questions. British world trade was increasing along with German prosperity, and hence there was no reason to expect new economic tensions of a serious nature between the former principal rivals of world trade.
All of this should have meant the beginning of a new era of peaceful development for Europe. Instead, Europe the following year, in 1939, was precipitated into the horrors, decline, and eclipse implicit in World War II.
It has been necessary to take a long and penetrating look behind the curtains of the European scene to discover how the tragedy of 1939 intruded its ugly visage on the world. The major aspects of the situation have been examined, but in the end it has been the march of events in London and Warsaw which has demanded the principal share of the observer's attention.
Halifax in London succeeded in imposing a deliberate war policy on the British Government in 1938-1939 despite the fact that most of the leading official British experts on Germany favored a policy of Anglo-German friendship. Beck in Warsaw adopted a position of full cooperation with the war plans of Halifax despite the numerous warnings he received from Poles aghast at the prospect of witnessing their country hurtle down the road to destruction.
Many efforts were made by German, French, Italian, and other European leaders to avert the catastrophe, but these efforts eventually failed, and the Halifax war policy, with the secret blessings of President Roosevelt and Marshal Stalin, emerged triumphant. These events have been depicted in the course of the previous narrative. The story culminated in the hideous tragedy of an unnecessary war.
12) The Jewish Betrayal of Germany and the Cause of World War II
EXCERPT: In summary, the truth of the matter is that the US government deliberately loaded a passenger liner with thousands of tons of munitions and explosives meant for use against Germany, while taking pains to ensure the Germans were aware of this military cargo, and thus making the Lusitania a legal military target. The German government made great efforts to warn Americans to not sail on this ship, but the Jewish-owned media refused to publish the warnings. The US then boarded the vessel with around 2,000 unwitting passengers and sent them deliberately to their death. To ensure this outcome, the captain of the Lusitania was ordered to reduce speed and travel in a straight line very near the coast where German U-boats would be waiting, and further ordered the Lusitania’s military escort to withdraw, leaving the ship openly vulnerable to attack and helpless. The sinking of the Lusitania was then used as the pretext for entry into the war.
This was neither the first nor the last time the US government willingly sacrificed the lives of its own citizens and military personnel to obtain justification for a declaration of war that had no justification. The US military destroyed the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, killing hundreds of its own men, as an excuse to blame the Cubans and declare war on Spain. For many decades the official explanation was that the source of the explosion was “unknown”, but eventually the truth emerged. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was essentially the same. The US had complete intelligence on the Japanese fleet and knew precisely its location and the expected time of attack, but refused to warn its base in Pearl Harbor and sacrificed thousands of American lives for the sake of having an excuse to enter World War II on behalf of the Jewish Zionists in Europe. And once again, for many decades the truth was suppressed, but finally today there is undeniable confirmed evidence the US sacrificed thousands of its own citizens as an excuse to declare another war.
13) The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 1 (essay)
EXCERPT: The other important factor at that time was the emergence of Zionism. Formally established by Theodor Herzl in 1897, its basic principles were laid out in his book Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State). He argued that the Jews would never be free from persecution as long as they were foreigners everywhere, and thus they needed their own state. A number of locations were discussed, but by the time of the first meeting of the World Zionist Organization in 1897, the movement had settled on Palestine. This, however, was problematic because the region at that time was under control of the Ottoman Empire, and was populated primarily by Muslim and Christian Arabs. Somehow, the Zionist Jews would have to wrest control of Palestine away from the Ottoman Turks and then drive out the Arabs. It was a seemingly impossible task.
They immediately understood that this could only be done by force. It would take a condition of global distress—something approaching a world war—in order for the Zionists to manipulate things to their advantage. Their guiding principle of ‘profit through distress’ could work here, but it would require both internal and external pressure. In states where the Jews had significant population but little official power, they would foment unrest from within. In states where they had influence, they would use the power of their accumulated wealth to dictate national policy. And in states where they had neither population nor influence, they would apply external pressure to secure support for their purposes.
That the Zionists seriously contemplated this two-pronged, internal/external strategy is no mere speculation; we have the word of Herzl himself. He wrote:
When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of the revolutionary party; when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse. (1896/1967: 26)
In fact, Herzl apparently predicted the outbreak of global war. One of the original Zionists, Litman Rosenthal, wrote in his diary of 15 December 1914 his recollection of a conversation with Herzl from 1897. Herzl allegedly said,
It may be that Turkey will refuse or be unable to understand us. This will not discourage us. We will seek other means to accomplish our end. The Orient question is now the question of the day. Sooner or later it will bring about a conflict among the nations. A European war is imminent… The great European war must come. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible moment. After the great European war is ended the Peace Conference will assemble. We must be ready for that time. We will assuredly be called to this great conference of the nations and we must prove to them the urgent importance of a Zionist solution to the Jewish Question.
This was Herzl’s so-called “great war prophecy.” Now, he does not say that the Zionists will cause this war, only that they will “be ready” when it comes, and “will seek other means” than diplomacy to accomplish their end. A striking prediction, if true.
In any case, there was clearly a larger plan at work here. The Jews would pursue a policy of revolution in states like Russia in order to bring down hated governments. To the degree possible, they would seek to undermine the Ottoman Turks as well. And in Germany, the UK, and America, they would use “the terrible power of the purse” to dictate an aggressive war-policy in order to realign the global power structure to their favor. This would have a triple benefit: curtailing rampant anti-Semitism; enhancing Jewish wealth; and ultimately establishing a Jewish state in Palestine, one that could serve as the global center of world Jewry. Revolution and war thus became a top priority.
14) The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 2 (essay)
EXCERPT: In Part 1 of this article, I provided an account of the Jewish role in the events leading up to World War One, with an emphasis on their influence in the UK and United States. Woodrow Wilson was shown to be the first American president elected with the full backing of the Jewish lobby, and he responded by placing several Jews into leading roles in his administration. They were also seen as having decisive influence at the time of Wilson’s declaration of war in April 1917. On the British side, Prime Minister David Lloyd George was a Christian Zionist and ideological compatriot of the Jews, and equally eager to support their aims. Britain leveraged Jewish support through the Balfour Declaration of November 1917, which promised the Zionists a homeland in Palestine; it was their reward for their having brought the US into the conflict some seven months earlier.
Such actions were shown to be part of a long-standing historical trend: one of Jewish activists and agitators inciting turmoil and even war whenever they stood to benefit. Wars, of course, are not only events of great death and destruction; they provide tremendous opportunity for financial profit, and for dramatic shifts in global power structures. For those in the right position, warfare can yield significant gains in wealth and influence.
Specifically, the events surrounding the First World War brought substantial gains to Jews worldwide—in several ways. First, with highly-placed individuals in the Taft and Wilson administrations, the US was very amenable to Jewish immigration; in fact their numbers increased dramatically, from 1.5 million to over 3 million between 1905 and 1920—on the way to 4 million by the mid-1920s. Second was the Balfour Declaration, which promised them Palestine. Granted, nothing was immediately delivered as to Palestine, but even so, it was a major concession by a world power. Third, the world order was changed in their favor: the hated and “anti-Semitic” Czarist rule in Russia was replaced by the Jewish-led Bolshevik movement, the hated and “anti-Semitic” Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany was replaced by the Jewish-friendly Weimar regime, and the Jewish-influenced governments of the US and Great Britain reestablished their global dominance.
Finally, and as always, there was money to be made. Running the War Industries Board for Wilson, Jewish Financier Bernard Baruch had extraordinary power to direct military spending; we can be sure that his preferred clients benefitted. But perhaps Nebraska Senator George Norris said it best. Speaking in opposition to Wilson’s call for a war declaration, Norris exclaimed that Americans were being deceived “by the almost unanimous demand of the great combination of wealth that has a direct financial interest in our participation in the war.” Furthermore, “a large number of great newspapers and news agencies of the country have been controlled and enlisted in the greatest propaganda that the world has ever known, to manufacture sentiment in favor of war.” Summarizing his case, Norris said this: “We are going into war upon the command of gold.” Finance, media, ‘gold’—Jewish interests prospered on many fronts.
Excellent and balanced fact presentation Blinky LA... May I suggest this groups site. Some gems here too.
If I may I will utilise when I get to WW2. Thanks
Have you seen Europa- The Final Battle?