“The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”
— Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54, June 1, 1928
We call the people who are currently up-ending civilization “globalists”. The globalists are centralizers/collectivists, otherwise known as communists. These neo-communists are happy to inform us that by 2030, we “vill own nothing und vill be happy!” The globalists have called their remaking of the world “The Great Reset”. They used to call this project The New World Order. The goal of the The Great Reset is the erasure of individual nation-states and the creation a technocratic, tyrannical, one-world government. Apparently the establishment of this globalist utopia will require the elimination of a sizable portion of the world’s population.
The big takeaway is that globalism is essentially communism. Maybe we can call globalism communism 2.0, or communism with a smiley face. Communism has a bit of a PR problem because communist regimes shot, starved and tortured to death over 100 million of their own citizens in the last century. This monstrous evil is not much mentioned nowadays, and the reason why should become clear in the next paragraph.
Where did communism come from? Communism comes from Judaism. Karl Marx was Jewish, the Bolshevik communists who took over Russia were mostly Jewish supremacists, and Jewish bankers funded the mostly Jewish Bolsheviks. The communist takeover of China was a Jewish project. It appears that WWI and WWII were Jewish projects as well. These Judaic people seem to have their hands in all sorts of things.
More recently these globalists/progressives/communists/Jewish supremacists orchestrated the COVID plandemic and vax genocide program, which is a big part of The Great Reset. The same people are pushing and promoting the open-border invasions of Western countries, “cancel culture”, mass censorship, propaganda masquerading as news, transgender activism (including drag queen grooming sessions for toddlers), crime, anti-White hate, and the wars on masculinity, femininity, the family, children, nationalism, education, merit, traditions, morality, history, etc.
See more here.
They are attacking us in many different ways, burning down the old world to build a new one up from the ashes. But of course this is really all for the greater good.
What is the main way in which this war being is waged against us? Through the control of our institutions. This is clearly a top-down, unconventional, full spectrum war on citizens by those in power. It is the governments, corporations, NGOs, Media, etc. versus Joe and Jane Sixpack. It is obvious that our formerly-trusted institutions have been captured and are being used against us. If you look at the people who are running these formerly-trusted institutions, they appear to be mostly or almost all Jews (see here, here, here, here, here and here).
Means, Motive and Opportunity
I apologize if the next section seems pedantic and condescending, but I am tying to make my arguments so simple and airtight and the supporting evidence so clear that it is impossible for any rational, reasonably intelligent person to question the conclusion.
So it is my contention that this war, which is actually much older than many people know, is being led by Jewish supremacists, for Jewish control over the world. Below I will make the case that this is so.
In arguing to establish a suspect’s guilt for a crime, prosecutors will show that the suspect had the means, motive and opportunity to commit the crime. So I am going to lay out the means, motive and opportunity for this crime against humanity, beginning with the means. To start out, here is a simplified description of the crime scene/crime scenario:
1. We are in a worldwide war. This war is between globalists and the rest of humanity.
2. Globalism is Communism, re-branded.
3. Communism (Globalism) was developed and has been instituted by Jewish supremacists.
4. Communism/Globalism is a mechanism to establish control over the entire world.
5. The communists/globalists running the institutions that are currently attacking us are mostly or almost all Jewish supremacists, or sympathizers.
Based on the supporting information I linked to at the beginning of this post, I do not think that any of these points are controversial or seriously in dispute. Right now, frankly, I could stop and rest my case, but I am going to push through the entire means, motive, and opportunity argument.
If we agree that this is a top-down war on the world by our formerly-trusted institutions, and if we have established that Jewish supremacists do in fact control these institutions, we can then say that the Jewish supremacists’ control of these institutions is one of the means by which this crime against humanity is being committed. There are many other means, of course, but this is one of the most important and most obvious.
Now on to motive-very important. If we surmise-based on the preceding observations-that an organized group of Jewish supremacists is behind this war on the world, what might the motive(s) of these people be? Here are some possibilities:
Potential Motive 1:
Supremacist religious beliefs. Within certain Jewish religious texts there are supremacist teachings which portray Jews as God’s chosen people and which depict everyone else as cattle that can be used and abused and killed by Jews-all without penalty. Some of these texts call on Jews to remake the world to prepare for the coming of their messiah. So perhaps these “globalists” are motivated by messianic religious fervor.
Talmud quote:
“That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful. That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general. A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.”
More on the Talmud and more Talmud quotes
Potential Motive 2:
A hatred of Gentiles (non-Jews). This hatred is clearly seen in Jewish religious texts, but we have very graphic displays of it in fairly recent history as well as today. After the Bolshevik Revolution, the mostly Jewish Bolsheviks murdered 20-30 million Gentiles in Russia and Ukraine, and did so in some of the most gruesome and horrific ways imaginable. Alexander Solzhenitsyn cites an estimate that the Soviets killed a total of 66 million citizens between 1917 and 1959.
Related information here and here.
Today the “safe and effective” COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” are maiming and killing millions of people. The control points of the COVID-19 mRNA clot shot genocide project are mostly held by people of one particular ethno-religious background. Can you guess which one?
The genocide of tens of millions of Russians and Ukrainians a century ago and the current global “vaccine” soft-kill genocide are clear manifestations of psychopathic hatred. The ongoing Jewish massacre of Palestinian civilians is yet another example of this hatred.
This extended excerpt from Ron Unz’s essay Oddities of the Jewish Religion helps illustrate the depth of the (supremacist) Jews’ hatred of the goyim-especially Christians-and suggests how it developed:
To put it bluntly, Jews have divine souls and goyim do not, being merely beasts in the shape of men. Indeed, the primary reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve as the slaves of Jews, with some very high-ranking rabbis occasionally stating this well-known fact. In 2010, Israel’s top Sephardic rabbi used his weekly sermon to declare that the only reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve Jews and do work for them. The enslavement or extermination of all non-Jews seems an ultimate implied goal of the religion.
Jewish lives have infinite value, and non-Jewish ones none at all, which has obvious policy implications. For example, in a published article a prominent Israeli rabbi explained that if a Jew needed a liver, it would be perfectly fine and indeed obligatory to kill an innocent Gentile and take his. Perhaps we should not be too surprised that today Israel is widely regarded as one of the world centers of organ-trafficking.
As a further illustration of the seething hatred traditional Judaism radiates towards all those of a different background, saving the life of a non-Jew is generally considered improper or even prohibited, and taking any such action on the Sabbath would be an absolute violation of religious edict. Such dogmas are certainly ironic given the widespread presence of Jews in the medical profession during recent centuries, but they came to the fore in Israel when a religiously-minded military doctor took them to heart and his position was supported by the country’s highest religious authorities.
And while religious Judaism has a decidedly negative view towards all non-Jews, Christianity in particular is regarded as a total abomination, which must be wiped from the face of the earth.
Whereas pious Muslims consider Jesus as the holy prophet of God and Muhammed’s immediate predecessor, according to the Jewish Talmud, Jesus is perhaps the vilest being who ever lived, condemned to spend eternity in the bottommost pit of Hell, immersed in a boiling vat of excrement. Religious Jews regard the Muslim Quran as just another book, though a totally mistaken one, but the Christian Bible represents purest evil, and if circumstances permit, burning Bibles is a very praiseworthy act. Pious Jews are also enjoined to always spit three times at any cross or church they encounter, and direct a curse at all Christian cemeteries. Indeed, many deeply religious Jews utter a prayer each and every day for the immediate extermination of all Christians.
Over the years prominent Israeli rabbis have sometimes publicly debated whether Jewish power has now become sufficiently great that all the Christian churches of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and other nearby areas can finally be destroyed, and the entire Holy Land completely cleansed of all traces of its Christian contamination. Some have taken this position, but most have urged prudence, arguing that Jews needed to gain some additional strength before they should take such a risky step. These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.
For the last two thousand years, Jews have almost invariably existed as small, relatively weak minorities living in the lands of others, whether Christian or Muslim, so a religious doctrine so unswervingly hostile to outsiders has naturally presented considerable obstacles for peaceful co-existence. The solution to this dilemma has been based on the divine mandate to preserve Jewish life and well-being above all else, superseding almost all other religious considerations. Thus, if any of the behaviors discussed above are considered likely to stir up resentment from powerful Gentile groups and put Jews at risk, they must be avoided.
For example, the prohibition against Jewish physicians treating the illnesses of non-Jews is waived in the case of powerful non-Jews, especially national leaders, whose favor might provide benefits to the Jewish community. And even ordinary non-Jews may be aided unless some persuasive excuse can be found to explain such lack of assistance since otherwise the vengeful hostility of their friends and relatives might cause difficulties for other Jews. Similarly, it is permissible to exchange gifts with non-Jews but only if such behavior can be justified in strictly utilitarian terms, with any simple expression of friendship towards a non-Jew being a violation of holy principles.
If the Gentile population became aware of these Jewish religious beliefs and the behaviors they promote, major problems for Jews might develop, so an elaborate methodology of subterfuge, concealment, and dissimulation has come into being over the many centuries to minimize this possibility, especially including the mistranslation of sacred texts or the complete exclusion of crucial sections. Meanwhile, the traditional penalty for any Jew who “informs” to the authorities on any matter regarding the Jewish community has always been death, often preceded by hideous torture.
Related quotes from the Talmud:
“The Gentiles are not humans, they are beasts.” – BABA MEZIA 114b
“Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed.” – SOFERIM 15
“Do not save Goyim in danger of death. Show no mercy to the Goyim.” – HIKKOTH AKUM X1
Prayer said on the eve of Passover (Pranajtis: Christianus in Talmudae Judeorum, quotations from: Synagoga Judaica):
We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!
Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b
The Feast of Tabernacles is the period when Israel triumphs over the other people of the world. That is why during this feast we seize the loulab and carry it as a trophy to show that we have conquered all other peoples, known as "populace"...
This hatred of the goyim may explain why Jews were kicked out of 109 cities and countries over the centuries. Some people suggest that these expulsions occurred because of the ignorant bigotry of the natives, but it seems that the natives usually had valid concerns about the behavior of the Jews who lived among them:
Antisemitism Is a Logical and Rational Reaction to Jewish Behaviour, by Pierre Simon
Conquest of the World by the Jews, by Major Osman
The International Jew, by Henry Ford
Oddities of the Jewish Religion, by Ron Unz
The Synagogue of Satan, by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Benjamin H Freedman – Speech at the Willard Hotel (audio here)
Jewish Ritual Murder, by Arnold Leese
Jewish Occult Murder, by Dr. Matt Hale
The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice, by Willie Martin
Jewish Ritual Murder – Chicago, 1955, by Ed Baumann and John O'Brien
Jewish Ritual Murder, by Dr. Hellmut Schramm
Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited (documentary)
Blood Passover, by Ariel Toaf
The Jews and Ritual Murders of Christian Babies, by Ippolit Iosifovich Lyutostansky
Molech is the Jewish god of child sacrifice
The Jews and Their Lies, by Martin Luther
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, by The Nation of Islam
The Myth of German Villainy, by Benton L. Bradberry
The Bad War, by M.S. King
New Light on the Protocols, by W. Creutz
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, by ?
The Complete List Of The 1030 Jewish Expulsions In Human History, by “Lord Molyneaux”
The Jewish War Against Gentiles, by Zion Crime Factory
There clearly has been a war between (supremacist) Jews and Gentiles for a very long time and I believe that what we are experiencing now is just the latest iteration of this ancient war.
Potential Motive 3:
A selfish desire for wealth, power and ultimate control over the world. Lots of people want wealth and power, and the desire to control the entire world was surely there at the beginning of civilization.
So the motive for this war on humanity could be some combination of the three listed above, and there could be other goals as well. But we have established that for this crime there is at least one means—the control of the institutions—and we have shown that there are several possible motives—messianic, supremacist religious beliefs, a psychopathic hatred of the goyim, and the desire for power and control.
Opportunity. Since Jews control pretty much all of our institutions, they have opportunities aplenty to do pretty much whatever they want to us. I don’t think this point needs much elaboration. However, here is a description of how they created one opportunity to attack us though psychological manipulation: During the COVID-19 plandemic, our fear of death, our compassion for others and our trust in our (their) institutions were turned against us in a massive psychological operation and propaganda campaign. Many of us were convinced by The Powers That Be that getting “vaccinated” was necessary to save ourselves from the scary virus, to “protect grandma” and to return to “normalcy”. It was for the greater good! This PSYOP created the opportunity to lock us down in our homes for months and to inject us with a bio-weapon. The plandemic/“vaccine” bio-weapon attack is a major battle in this war on humanity and it has the fingerprints of Jewish supremacists all over it.
So I believe that I have established the means, the motives and the opportunity behind this ongoing crime (war) against humanity that all implicate Jewish supremacists as the culprits. Linking these to the centuries-long conflict between Jews and Gentiles makes this a very strong case.
I wanted to note that the same mind-tricks that were used during the height of the COVID-19 PSYOP are being re-used now. Our controllers are trying to convince us that shutting down our energy systems and our farms and allowing ourselves to be corralled into “15 Minute Cities” will “save the planet” from the boogieman of “climate change”. These psychopaths are, once again, trying to twist our fear and our empathy into weapons of war against us. It goes without saying that it is relatively easy to control and enslave poisoned, starving, freezing, penned-in people.
Below is a reader’s comment on the The Unz Review website which provides further support for my contention that we are in a war with Jewish supremacists. This comment (#40) was actually the motivation for this post. The reader’s comment provides insight into the culture war on the West and the open-border invasions of Western countries.
COMMENT (#40): …E. Michael Jones has published a three volume study (entitled) The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
(The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit PDF. Ed.)
They are the point of Revolution because they are natural Gnostics. Ask any Jew, about what Judaism is and they will reply “It is Messianic”. The Jewish idea is that they must bring their Messiah into existence; it is called Jewish Messianism. That means rebuilding the Tower of Babel which means race-mixing. I have a paper on Jewish Messianism:
The Tower of Babel, The Philosophy of Race and the Genocidal Ideology of Social Justice/Political Correctness
Jewish Messianism is a bloody genocidal ideology that is in Freemasonry and in Communism. Communism is a Jewish Project: Harry Waton, Jew, (1939) “The Soul of Communism is the Soul of Judaism”; Rabbi Stephen Wise, (1935) “Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism”. Jewish Messianism requires World Peace and that is “immanentizing the eschaton” which is one of the central features of Gnosticism. The “oppressed/oppressor” paradigm is Jewish Thought. Any hierarchy is Oppression–and the hatred of hierarchy which is the hatred of Nature is Gnostic.
Jewish Messianism requires World Unity and hence a World Republic. Jews have always sought to build this “World Republic”; their messiah requires it. And second, in order for their messiah to come, both Amalek and Idolatry have to be destroyed. This is All Kabbala. Anybody that has ever persecuted the Jews are Amalek–and Christianity is Idolatry to them!
That is why you see the Anti-White hatred in the Left–that doesn’t come from “The Left” but the Jews. Just as the Commie Pol Pot killed people who had glasses because he thought glasses were the sign of high intelligence and thus superiority, so is White Skin–that is why we must be killed. All Leftists are Gnostics; that is why the Left has adopted Jewish values, Like to Like. Read Prof. Eric Voegelin. Gnosticism is a religion; Marxism is Gnostic and Freemasonry is a Gnostic movement and both are based on Jewish Messianism.
Moreover, in the Biblical teaching of the First born, Second Born. St. Paul uses this paradigm between the Natural Man and the Saved Spiritual Man. This is also in Cain and Abel and Jacob and Essau. The First Born seeks to kill the Second Born. Well, Judaism is the First Born and seeks to kill the Second Born, Christianity.
In the book “You Gentiles” (1924) Maurice Samuel writes:
“In everything, we are destroyers–even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief…We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” (p. 155)
Retrieved 10/27/2020
Everywhere they go, they spread Revolution and destroy. Communism is the biggest killers of Catholics and Orthodox and Communism is a Jewish Project; Communism is Judaism.
Here is some more commentary which supports the point I have tried to make in this post.
The (Jewish) “Controllers” And Their Destructive Mission
EXCERPT: I have come to the conclusion that Jews are the world’s “controllers” independently, thrice, in three separate empirical investigations. I am not predisposed to this conclusion through racial or religious prejudice. In fact, I am saddened and surprised by this conclusion. But an honest researcher must follow the truth wherever it leads. In the first case, my research into the origins of 9/11 produced overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was one in a long series of false-flag, synthetic terror attacks that were orchestrated and covered up at least, in large part, by “International Jewry,” aka the “shadow government” (see Fuerza’s Masters of Deception; Zionism, 9/11, and the War on Terror Hoax, 2013 and my website, www.911nwo.com). Secondly, this investigation into the New Age/New World Religion leads me again to identify the same perpetrators (“perpeTRAITORS”). Thirdly, my investigations into global organized gang stalking (this website; gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com) points to the same perpetraitors.
In fact, this conclusion has real historical “legs.” If one is willing to wade through old, obscure, and hard to obtain books, one finds that this war of Jew against Gentile (i.e., all non-Jews), and particularly the war between Jew and Catholic (Jones, 2008) has waged on for over 2000 years. Historically, Jews have always and everywhere formed a “state-within-a-state” in each country they have inhabited. And they inhabit all countries. As Henry Ford (1920) stated: “The Protocols (of Zion) do not regard the dispersal of the Jews abroad upon the face of the earth as a calamity, but as a providential arrangement by which the World Plan can be more certainly executed, as we see in these words of the Eleventh Protocol:”
God gave to us, His Chosen People, as a blessing, the dispersal, and this which has appeared to all to be our weakness has been our whole strength. It has now brought us to the threshold of universal rule.
History also shows that Jews have always and everywhere sought to bring about the destruction of their host countries. In 1902, some 46 years before the creation of the state of Israel, Zionist leader, Dr. Theordor Herzl, stated:
A nation is, in my mind, an historical group of men of a recognizable cohesion held together by a common enemy….. If you add the word “Jewish” you have what I understand to be the Jewish nation.
Who is the common enemy of the Jews? All non-Jews… aka gentiles, heathens, infidels, “goyim” (human cattle), and beasts. Jews have historically worked to overthrow the established governments of the nations they inhabit through their control of finance, the media, and other sectors of society, and by employing countless gentile fronts and covert webs of influence, including most secret societies. They have not always succeeded. Indeed, since 250 AD, Jews have been expelled from at least 78 (probably more) different countries on over 100 different occasions (Figure 1; Hitchcock, 2005).
I wish I was wrong about the nature of this war, but I cannot deny the evidence of my eyes. All of the evidence I have studied shows that Jewish supremacists have been waging a continuous war on the world to remake it in their image. The history of the last 100 years as well as the last 2000 years supports this conclusion. Jewish political leaders and their compatriots running the Jewish political system known as Communism murdered over 100 million people in the last century. Jewish bankers played a significant role in starting WWI and WWII. Both wars were used to facilitate and justify the creation of Israel, which is currently massacring civilians in Gaza to the horror of the world. Jewish Supremacists occupy all the significant control points of the COVID-19 vax genocide program. This evil goes on and on. And it goes back centuries.
Some people have written about a group called the Khazarian Mafia which supposedly converted to or infiltrated Judaism about 1000 year ago. This group has allegedly been using Judaism as a cloak and shield as it commits crimes and garners greater and greater control over the world. A big problem with this idea is that Jewish supremacism and the conflict between Jews and Gentiles existed long before Khazaria is said to have come into being. This is a debunking of the Khazarian Mafia theory.
There are other groups that are blamed for this war on the world too—such as secretive banking families, the Illuminati, Satanists, Freemasons—but they all seem to be part of this same Jewish supremacist cabal.
Many Jews oppose the Jewish supremacists, but more Jews need to speak out against them and to repudiate the supremacism found in Jewish religious texts. Many people do not see a distinction between the Jewish religion and Jewish supremacism. When the majority of the world’s people finally understand that it is Jewish supremacists who are tearing down civilization and who are maiming and killing them and their children, they may not see any distinction either. At that point, many Jews will likely be quite eager to leave their religion.
The (Jewish) “Controllers” And Their Destructive Mission
American Pravda: Gaza, Jewish Power, and the Holocaust
If it’s not the Jews (International Jewry) who are the instigators of this NWO (New World Order). Could you please explain to us ….
What The Jews Say About Themselves
The Jewish Supremacist War On The World Meme Page (from this substack)
The Jewish Supremacist Way of War (from this substack)
The Red Terror And The Holodomor (from this substack)
Israel and Elements of the U.S. government did 9/11 (from this substack)
The Architect, Parts 1 and 2
Wow, just excellent! Thank you so much. You might appreciate this article I wrote that corroborates your superb enumeration of jewish perfidy.
America Is a Gentile Nation
So why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?
As someone who arrived in this realm via a Jew’s vagina, I wish you were wrong. But, sadly, you’re not.