I believe that this is an accurate description of the world that we live in:
A month or two ago one of my brothers talked hopefully about Trump getting back into office and waging a take-no-prisoners war on the bad actors doing so much damage to America. I felt sorry for him because although I share his frustration with the situation we are in, I know that he is clinging to a false hope. I tried to explain to him that Trump is just one guy and that he was not on our side, but my brother does not see how this whole system we are living in is fake and that the Red versus Blue political squabbling is just a puppet show, with Trump playing a leading role. I realized a couple of years ago that Trump was controlled opposition. A big clue was the fact that he was still braying about the big, beautiful COVID-19 “vaccines” long after it was clear to any semi-awake citizen that they were maiming and killing millions of people around the world. He was still taking credit for the clot shots in 2024:
Trump’s endless praise and support of Israel was another major tip-off.
Related: The Secret Psychology Behind Trump Mania
Anyway, I wanted to compile some examples of the tyranny and craziness that we have been subjected to in just the last five years so that I can present this list to people like my brother to help wake them up. I want to be able to show people who are still not quite connecting the dots that our governing institutions, the Media, NGOs, etc. are not legitimate, they do not work for us, and they are actually waging a war against us. So here is some of the evidence for this disturbing truth:
1) The COVID-19 “Pandemic.” In 2020 the governments, the Media and various NGOs orchestrated a huge fear campaign to kick off the the COVID-19 scamdemic. We were told that we faced a tsunami of death from a novel coronavirus and so we had to close down our societies to keep everyone safe. A switch was flipped and countries around the world marched in lockstep shutting down businesses, quarantining people in their homes, enforcing masking and “social distancing” and mandating gene therapy injections for employment. It was dystopian. This draconian response was totally inexplicable in light of the fact that, according to CDC, the COVID-19 virus had the same recovery rate of the common flu. We now know that the hospitals remained largely empty that year despite the Media screaming that they were packed to the rafters with COVID patients. And there were no excess deaths globally in 2020. It’s obvious that the absurd 24/7 COVID-19 fear-mongering was part of a giant PSYOP.
Another part of the COVID-19 PSYOP were the creepy Tik Tok videos of doctors and nurses shimmying and shaking through empty hospitals in choreographed dance routines—at the same time that the Media were shrieking that the hospitals were overwhelmed with dying patients. It made no sense, and that seems to have been the point: confusing people with contradictory messaging tends to make them more compliant and malleable. In addition to being a PSYOP, maybe these Tik Tok videos were also a form of Satanic mockery?
Related: The Covid Pandemic was Fake…
I will discuss the COVID-19 “vaccines” further below.
2) The 2020 Riots. There were widespread riots in the United States during the summer of 2020 ostensibly because of several killings of Blacks by the police. Large public assemblies were banned because of the scary C-19 virus, but these riots got a pass for some reason and the rioters were allowed to pillage, rampage and murder with little intervention from the authorities. It’s clear that these riots were part of a plan.
3) The 2020 election steal. The 2020 Presidential Election was stolen using, among other things, manipulated search engine algorithms, news suppression, fake news, and of course the control of the votes through the Dominion voting machines and mail-in balloting. It’s likely that the election steal was made to be so obvious in order to enrage citizens and compel them to march on Washington, which they did. The January 6th protest in Washington D.C. was transformed into a “ violent insurrection” using targeted police brutality, agent provocateurs, government goons and MSM propaganda. Non-violent protestors who wandered into the Capitol building through doors held open by the DC police have been languishing as political prisoners for years. Many were locked up without trials for years. This cruel, unjust treatment of the J6 protestors was obviously designed to demoralize patriots and to keep anyone else from marching on Washington.
4) The COVID-19 “vaccines” and mandates. In 2021 the illegitimate Biden administration began its project of dismantling the United States economically, demographically and culturally. In December 2020 the genocide jabs were first unleashed on the public. The Biden administration eventually mandated the injections for the military, first responders, health care workers and businesses that had over 100 workers. The “vaccine” mandates applied to 100 million American workers. People who questioned the clot shots and the mandates were smeared and vilified as granny killers, and many people lost their jobs for refusing the experimental injections.
Never forget what these people did:
There was a massive number of injuries and deaths from these shots that was documented in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and elsewhere, but this information was ignored by Media and government talking heads, who repeatedly insisted that the gene therapy injections were “safe and effective.” Of course no evidence was offered to support this claim—we just had to “trust the science,” whatever that was.
It seems that the injections weren’t maiming and killing people fast enough, so The Powers That Be kept pushing “boosters” on anyone still in thrall to their ridiculous propaganda. In 2024 we are actually up to booster #9.
Related: 39+ COVID-19 "Pandemic" Questions
5) The open borders. In our upside-down bizarro-world, America’s Jewish Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas has overseen an invasion of our southern border by millions of military-aged men from the Third World, and this invasion has been abetted by a plethora of Jewish immigration NGOs that are funneling people into the country as fast as they can. A similar invasion is being inflicted on majority White Western European countries, an invasion that has also been orchestrated by the Chosenites. It is interesting to note that at the same time that the “vaccine” mandates were imposed on American workers, apparently none of the invaders that were flooding over the U.S. border and who were being flown all over the country by the government were “vaccinated” for COVID-19. I would love to hear a government spokesperson try to explain this.
6) The Afghanistan withdrawal. America’s Afghanistan withdrawal debacle seems to have been specifically crafted to humiliate and discredit America and destroy its relationships with its partners. The U.S. abandoned its Afghan allies and its own citizens, leaving them to the tender mercies of the Taliban. What was the real point of the war? Apparently it was to fill the coffers of the Deep State defense contractors and protect the poppy fields. If the defense contractors were upset at losing this income stream, the Ukraine War was launched just a few months later, keeping their production lines humming and the government money flowing. How convenient.
7) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We had the DEI agenda imposed on corporate America and the American military. This program prioritizes racial and sexual minorities in hiring and promotion, which puts the majority White, Christian population at a disadvantage. By design. This and the border invasion are just two elements of an ongoing, full spectrum war on Whites.
8) Child Grooming. Another war has been waged on children, and part of this war involves sexual grooming. This grooming is done through movies, music and other media, but it is also going on in the schools with gay/transgender indoctrination by teachers and with gay porn in the school libraries. Parents who complained about this government-sponsored child-grooming were investigated as domestic terrorists by the FBI. Of course the FBI was led for many decades by J. Edgar Hoover, who was infamous for his extensive blackmail files and his various sexual peccadilloes. The drag queen reading hour program for toddlers is yet another effort to sexualize and confuse children, and was undoubtedly designed to enrage and demoralize traditional, sane Americans as well.
Isn’t it odd that these drag queens never visit retirement homes to read to seniors? I wonder why?
9) Net Zero Agenda. The Climate Change/Net Zero scam is another part of the ongoing, top-down war on citizens. The evidence that the world is going to overheat because of excess CO2 doesn’t exist. The reality is that the world’s current CO2 level is at a dangerous, historical low. The global warming narrative was created so that humans could be targeted as the enemy and a war waged against them. So today the threat of “climate change” is being used as an excuse to replace reliable and cheap energy with costly “renewable” energy, and this is driving up prices and making pretty much everyone—besides the globalists—poorer. Soon we will own nothing and be happy eating ze bugs. That’s obviously the goal.
Does any serious person really believe that it is possible to power our country using wind turbines and solar panels, and that electric cars are the wave of the future? It’s all a sick joke.
10) Israel’s Genocide of the Palestinians. On October 7th, 2023 Israel staged a clumsy false flag attack on itself to provide a pretext to genocide the Palestinians. Over the last ten months it is believed that the Israeli government has killed at least 37,000 Palestinians, though there is at least one estimate that Israel has actually killed 186,000 Palestinian men, women and children. Recently Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech to the U.S. Congress in which he lied repeatedly. The blackmailed, bribed, shabbos goy and dual-citizen politicians erupted from their seats and clapped like trained seals at the end of just about every sentence that this mass-murderer spoke. It was a theater of the grotesque.
11) The U.S. Presidential Race. In the summer of 2024, the shuffling, demented, incoherent, criminal puppet president Joe Biden has all but disappeared from view and has dropped out of the presidential race, leaving his cackling, incompetent, widely-hated vice president Kamala Harris to campaign as the Democratic candidate. So, at this point in the presidential race, Americans have a “choice” between a blithering idiot who slept her way to the top, and the controlled opposition, Israel-loving zogbot, clot shot-pushing Donald Trump. I am sure that the people who are running the world from the shadows are laughing at us right now.
Some much-needed comic relief:
By the way, have you noticed that during this presidential race, neither the candidates nor the Media are talking about the COVID-19 pandemic, the COVID-19 government tyranny, or the “vaccine” mandates? It is as though all these things never happened. The entire population is being gaslighted.
So these are just a few of the recent events that show how completely corrupt and fake our system is. Here is a big picture view of the world that we seem to be living in:
The governments are fake. The people running the governments are criminals living off of our labor and are doing so under the pretense of being our protectors and benefactors. In reality they are parasites. They get away with taking 40% of our income because they have convinced us that we are free and that we are all in this together. It’s a lie. At this point its clear that they are actually working to maim and kill us.
The Left versus Right political divide is fake. This red/blue paradigm gives us the illusion of choice, of freedom, and is used to separate and distract us, but both parties are wings of the same bird. Both parties work for the same paymasters. As an example of this, after the blatant 2020 election steal, both Republican and Democratic politicians pretended that nothing unusual happened, and made no major changes to secure the voting system to prevent future elections from being stolen (NOTE: It is doubtful that we have actually had legitimate elections anytime recently). Similarly, neither party has seriously opposed the ongoing invasion of the United States through the southern border, even though shutting down the border is a top priority of U.S. citizens. Financially struggling Americans did not want to send 150 billion of their tax dollars to Ukraine and Israel, but our politicians did it anyway because….screw you, prole. It’s clear that neither party actually works for the American people but are just the dancing puppets of the parasites and psychopaths that run the world.
FUN FACT: The word Government actually means mind control. It is etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It splits into two words:1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”.
Our elections are fake. Elections also give us the illusion that we are free, but they are rigged for the benefit of our controllers, and in any case candidates on both sides of the political divide work for the same cabal. The best way to enslave people is to convince them that they are free, and our phony elections are part of this con game.
The Media are fake. It has become clear to anyone paying a modicum of attention that the Mainstream Media lie to us constantly and ignore and suppress any inconvenient truths that threaten the Matrix, such as the fact the the 2020 election was stolen and the COVID “vaccines” are maiming and killing millions. These companies are the propaganda arm of The Powers That Be and have been for a long time. In 1880 John Swinton, former Chief of Staff of The New York Times, was asked to give a toast to the “free press” at the New York Press Club and he stated:
“There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.”
“Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.”
“The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men.”
“We are intellectual prostitutes.”
Consider this comment from Edward Bernays, who is called the father of public relations and propaganda:
Below is a video showing a gaggle of MSM spokesbots attacking independent media with a prepared script, warning viewers that these dastardly alternative news sources are “extremely dangerous to our democracy.” In truth, independent media are extremely dangerous to the folks running the control matrix we are stuck in.
The Medical System is fake. The last five years of medical tyranny with the zombie-like compliance of so many doctors and nurses to the COVID-19 agenda show that it is just another part of the control grid. As I mentioned before, COVID-19 “vaccines” are still being administered despite the mountain of evidence that they are maiming and killing millions of people. The governments, the Media, the pharmaceutical companies, the “health” NGOs, etc. are all silent about this carnage because all of them colluded to inflict it on humanity. These organizations are not what they appear to be. They are all part of the criminal mafia that is running the planet.
Related: How Rockefeller Created the Business of Western Medicine
I could also talk about the education system, Hollywood, Social Media companies, the food industry, engineered wars, and say more about false flag events, but I think you get the point: we are living on a giant tax farm run by psychopaths.
Knowing that this system is corrupt and fake, it is easier to make sense of the absurdities that are thrown in our face every day. For example, if-like my brother-I was still laboring under the delusion that Trump was a America First, one-man wrecking crew who seriously threatened the power of the globalists, I would be scratching my head wondering why up until only recently he was still crowing about his fabulous, fantastic, beautiful COVID “vaccine” Warp Speed program that was such an important part of the globalists’ scamdemic. Since I now understand that he is just an actor playing his part for the Controllers, his promotion of the gene therapy injections and his silence about their dangers make perfect sense. I don’t waste time and energy trying to rationalize his behavior because I can see through the illusion that Trump is our savior.
I look forward to the day when the mass of humanity sees through the illusions of this control system. I think this is inevitable and I believe that when the majority of the people understand that the system is fake and corrupt to its core and that the psychopaths running this human farm are culling us, they will stop complying with the system, will starve it and overthrow it. We’ll see.
The Most Dangerous Superstition
Political Ponerology
Our Greatest Earthly Enemy
The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
The Jones Plantation
Interview with Jason Christoff: On Mind Control, Poisoning, Human Farming, Solar Panels, Word Magic, Egyptians and much more.
The Apocalypse of the Yajnavalkya NOTE: I really don’t know what to think or say about the first 215 pages of this book, but starting on page 216 the author focuses on the nature of the people running the world today and their methods of control, and what he describes makes a lot of sense.
The Controlled Demolition Of The American Empire
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
The Rape of the Mind
100 free redpill movies!
10 Conspiracy Fact Videos
The Liberator
Truthstream Media
Best Fake Events Papers
Here is the Evidence
Totality of Evidence
Being Red-Pilled
It certainly is a Jewish matrix. Makes me sick.
Why doesn't she just open her eyes all the way, and tell us who the fuck she thinks THEY are?
So I will help you out, THEY, of course, are the Babylonian, Talmudic, luciferian, jews!!! THEY WANT ALL NON-jews(goy), pogromed and exterminated! Don't be afraid, Ya just gotsta name these Evil little unhuman critters, my dear!