A Discussion with Navy Veteran Phil Tourney about the USS Liberty Attack
“For by deception thou shalt do war”
This is an interesting interview with Navy veteran Phil Tourney, who was working on the USS Liberty when it was attacked by Israel on June 8th, 1967. This Israeli/U.S. government false flag attack on the USS Liberty has been all but memory-holed by the Media and the government. The U.S government did not even bother to recognize the 50th anniversary of the event. As Tourney explains, military officials quickly worked to cover up the true nature of this attack by threatening the Sailors if they spoke out about it, by splitting up the crew members and sending them to the four corners of the earth, and by feeding the public the lie that the attack was a case of mistaken identity. Tourney says that an investigation of the attack-an investigation that should have lasted at least a year-was finished in just one week with the conclusion that the attack was all one big mistake. Case closed!-nothing to see here folks, move along.
Lots of related topics are discussed in this interview, including the JFK assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, President Johnson’s loyalty to Israel rather than America, and the Israelis’ control of current U.S. politicians. The video includes a clip of lying, treasonous Israeli asset Ben Shapiro regurgitating the Hasbara “mistaken-identity” narrative and implying that only “antisemites” claim that the Israeli attack on the U.S. Navy ship was intentional.
The cover-up surrounding the USS Liberty attack fits a pattern of cover-ups and silence about jewish wrongdoing. I do not recall ever learning about this jewish attack on the American military in school or hearing about it from the Media. Similarly, I was never educated about the jewish origin of Communism in any classroom and was not informed about this troubling fact by the newspapers or by news programs or TV documentaries. Until only recently I did not know that the Bolsheviks who genocided tens of millions of Gentiles in the last century were almost all jewish. That should be part of every school’s curriculum. But it is not.
And look at how they lie about this fact and try to dismiss it:
Pathetic. The truth is “antisemitic.” It always is.
Of course we were never told about the jewish/Israeli involvement in 9/11 by the jewish-controlled Media or the jewish-controlled government either. They lied about it and convinced most of the public that Muslims did it. And Americans and their Western allies ended up in the Middle East destroying Israel’s enemies because of this lie.
All of this information about the jewish hatred of and violence against non-jews is kept under wraps and lied about because it is easier for the jews to wage war on a people who don’t know that they are under attack or don’t know who the real enemy is.
Mossad Motto: “For by deception thou shalt do war.”
Jewish False Flag Attacks:
1) Add Al-Aqsa Storm to the Long List of Khazarian False Flag Attacks
2) Jewish/Israeli/Zionist Terrorism: History They Don’t Teach
3) An Abridged History of Israel’s False Flag Operations against the U.S.A.
4) Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism
5) An Historical Look At Israeli False Flag Operations
6) 10 Jewish false flags operations that shaped our world
7) Terrorism 101 – How the Jews Do It – A Brief History of False Flags
8) The entire history of Zionist false flag attacks against the USA
9) Israel and parts of the U.S. Government did 9/11
10) ISIS is a creation of Mossad and the C.I.A.
List taken from here.
The October 7th Attack was an Israeli False Flag Attack:
1) The October 7 Hamas Attack Was an Inside Job
2) The October 7th Attacks on Israel Were Allowed to Happen. Here’s Why
3) The Bloodletting of Gaza
4) What Really Happened on 7th October?
5) VIDEO: What really happened on October 7?
6) Proof the IDF Was Given Orders to Stand Down on Oct 7
7) Was the October 7 Attack on Israel a False Flag?
8) Did the Israeli Government Allow the October 7 Attack to Happen?
9) False Flag: Documents Expose Israeli Conspiracy to Facilitate Hamas 7 Oct Attack
10) A “False Flag” Operation to Justify The Israel-U.S. Genocide of the Palestinians
11) Israeli commander says he deliberately tried to kill captured Israelis
12) Israel admits apache helicopters fired on their own civilians
13) Another Israeli soldier admits to implementing the ‘Hannibal Directive’
14) Hannibal Directive: As Oct. 7 plot unfolds, it’s clear Zionists killed their own
15) October 7 Testimonies Reveal Israel's Military Killed Many of Its Own Citizens
16) Here’s why Netanyahu staged the invasion by MOSSAD-controlled Hamas
17) Netanyahu has been managing TWO genocides
List taken from here.
jews Created Communism
The Peculiar Morality of Jewdom
The Holocaust, at the Heart of the Gaza Genocide
The October 7, 2023 "Hamas" Attack was an Israeli False Flag Attack
Former Green Beret Talks About His Experiences in Israel. September 7th, 2024.
Documentary: Occupied
The State of Israel as "Cartoonishly Evil"?
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The Real History of WWII?
The jewish Supremacist Way of War
The jewish Supremacists' War on the White Population
Is this a jewish Supremacist War on the World?
The jewish War on the Gentiles
Terrorism: A jewish Tradition
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page I
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page II
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page III
Jeff Berwick's commentary about jews
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Super Trump the Zionist Vows to Crush "Antisemitism"
A Rebuttal To Media Praises On Trump
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Some Commentary from Hervé Ryssen, author of "The Jewish Mafia"
The Red Terror, the Holodomor, and the "Globalists"
Israel and elements of the U.S. government did 9/11
jewish Supremacists Speak
jewish Supremacist Quotes
Short videos about jewish Power
Kim Dotcom and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Ending Antisemitism
I bet these topics are never ever discussed in Israeli schools and media.
The oldest trick of infamy is to create two lies & have people repeatedly argue about which lie is true. Imagine if it were 3 lies (e.g. Islam/Christianity/Judasim). Now that’s a huge Gordian knot & force multiplier of astronomical per-portions problem. He who has the gold makes the rules. Conquers don’t ask for permission. Win a no win scenario by rewriting the rules.