“For by deception thou shalt do war.” Mossad’s motto
“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq… [these events] swung American public opinion in our favor.” – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2008
The COVID-19 plandemic finally woke me up the fact that we live in a corrupt system run by criminals. I should have been woken up by 9/11, but I bought into the official narrative for 9/11 hook, line and sinker. I even thought that the Iraq WMD story was legitimate and I defended it for years. I have finally woken up from the lies about 9/11 and Iraqi WMDs and I see that the world is a matrix of lies.
Based on research I have done in the last couple of years, I have come to the conclusion that we are living on a giant tax farm run by psychopaths and I believe that these psychopaths are waging a war on us. Who exactly are these psychopaths waging this war on us? It appears that they are Jewish supremacists whose goal is to create a totalitarian one-world government. The documentary below provides some insights into what compels these people to do what they are doing:
The Architect (2023 documentary)
The 9/11 attack was done as part of this drive to create a one-world government. The information I have collected below shows that Israel did the 9/11 attack with the cooperation of the Bush administration and the U.S. Deep State, all just different tentacles of the same evil cabal that runs the world. The 9/11 false flag attack was just one battle in this ongoing war on humanity.
Note that 9/11 wasn’t Israel’s first false flag attack on another country, nor its first false flag attack on the United States. Israel has a long history of creating false flag attacks to achieve geopolitical goals. In 1967 Israel launched a brutal assault on the USS Liberty using unmarked planes and three torpedo boats. Apparently the goal of the attack was to trick America into fighting on Israel’s side in the Six Day War. Israel failed in this mission but it did manage to kill 34 American Sailors and injure 171. Israel had better luck with its September 11, 2001 false flag attack on America and succeeded in tricking Americans into waging a devastating war on Israel’s enemies in the Middle East. Mission accomplished!
This video somehow seems relevant:
Below is a collection of resources that demonstrate very convincingly that Israel colluded with the U.S. government to carry out the 9/11 attack.
NOTE: Obviously some of the information out there that is critical of the official 9/11 narrative is disinformation designed to confuse and mislead people. I have tried to be discerning in selecting the links below, but caveat emptor.
1) This short video details the absolute absurdity of the official 9/11 cover story.
2) Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed The World by Christopher Bollyn (BOOK)
3) "9-11/ Israel did it" (wikispooks)
4) Missing Links
Two-hour documentary on Israel’s role in 9/11.
5) Israel did 9/11 (Unz Review)
6) The Physical Evidence Says Israel Did 911
7) American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations: The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?
A lengthy Ron Unz article detailing a chilling history of Israeli political assassinations and false flag attacks, including 9/11. Highly recommended.
8) 9/11 Was an Israeli Job: How America was neoconned into World War IV
9) Resurrecting Israel Did 911. All The Proof In The World
10) Israel and 9/11
11) Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11--Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College, on audio:
12) Israel's 9/11 False-Flag
EXCERPT: “There is ample evidence of Jewish terrorists' central role in masterminding the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (henceforth, ‘9/11’). We shall start by presenting Exhibit 1, an FBI report on the so-called ‘dancing Israelis’, whom the FBI dubbed the ‘High-Fivers’. The report ‘KURZBERG, SIVAN ET AL’ is available from the FBI on CD, and the six files were uploaded to Scribd in 2011. Since Scribd stopped allowing downloads for those without a paid account, the files were uploaded to an open public account. They may be viewed or downloaded from the links at this page.”
13) Millette study fails to refute crucial findings by Harrit et al
”Accelerant is on the chips, not in them.”
14) The "Dancing Israelis" FBI Report - Debunked
”100% proof that the ‘Dancing Israelis’ (known to the FBI as the ‘High Fivers’) knew in advance that the Twin Towers were going to be destroyed”
15) The Liberty Hour-with Dr. Alan Sabrosky
DESCRIPTION: One of the brightest minds on the planet, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, comes on board along with co-host Phil Tourney to discuss Dr. Sabroskyâs most recent article âThe Dark Face Of Jewish Nationalismâ and the bombshell admission that Sabrosky is informing high-level military officers that Israel carried out the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.
16) Treason, Betrayal and Deceit: The Road to 9/11 and Beyond
18) Israel was prime force behind 9/11 attacks: American scholar
19) The Five Dancing Israelis (Mossad):
20) Christopher Bollyn | The War on Terror | The Plot to Rule the Middle East:
21) The Five Dancing Israelis & 9/11
22) Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax
23) The Key Zionist Control Points of 9/11
24) International Zionism Did 911–23 facts
25) False Flags: Template for Terror
Extensive evidence for Israel’s involvement in false flag attacks, including 9/11
26) What Does the 9-11 Cover-up Tell Us About Who Runs the U.S.?
27) Christopher Bollyn: Solving 9-11, the Deception That Changed The World:
28) Larry Silverstein and Planning for 9/11
29) Zion and the 9/11 Events (lots of information)
30) Operation 9/11: Articles & Interviews
32) 9/11 Predictive Programming
33) September 10th, 2011: U.S. Army Officers Say: ‘Mossad May Blame Arabs’
Related video located here.
36) An Abridged History of Israel’s False Flag Operations against the U.S.A.
38) 9/11 was an Inside and Outside Job: Remembering the Israel 9/11 Role
EXCERPT: “Who had control of the military and NORAD to force it to stand down while 4 passenger planes went to their designated targets? Who knew the intricacies of US commercial flights to get around the FAA traffic control? Who had the power if needed to operate planes by remote control? Who had control of the courts in the United States to make sure that no wrongful death claims went to trial? Who had control of disposal so all the steel girders … were shipped to China before they could be chemically analyzed? Who had the power to control the NYPD and the NYFD? Who had the power to allow dozens of suspects to escape to foreign countries, especially Israeli suspects? Who had the technology to bring down steel-girded buildings … ? Who had the advanced computer knowledge to coordinate the attacks? Who had the state-of-the-art knowledge about explosives and detonators? Who had control of the press and media to curtail investigations? Who is most familiar with and has political control over the city of New York …? Who has a history of unprovoked attacks or even false flag operations, some of which have been directed at the United States? Who has a network of spies operating in the United States that can facilitate the attacks? Who has personnel in almost ever sector of the American Federal Government to create a massive coverup? … Who benefits? … Israel had the motive, the power, the money, the influence, the technology, the terrorist history, and most of all, was the only one who benefited from 9/11.”
Highly suspicious “art project” by “Israeli art students” at the WTC in the months prior to the September 11th false flag attack. These Israelis did their “project” in the exact same area of WTC1 that a plane supposedly hit on 9/11. What are the chances?
There are detailed articles about this aspect of the conspiracy located here and here.
These “booms” sound like explosions and it appears that the building is being taken down in a controlled demolition. What do you think?
40) The New Pearl Harbor
David Ray Griffin takes apart the official 9/11 narrative in a very detailed way, but he stays away from discussing Israel’s involvement.
41) USS Liberty – Tragic Blunder or Mass Murder?
Another Israeli false flag attack on the United States.
42) Evidence that a plane did not hit the second WTC tower. If this is true, then maybe a plane didn’t hit the first building either? It is important to note that on 9/11 Israeli security companies were in charge of the WTC as well as the airports that the weaponized planes supposedly took off from.
43) When they say that Israel did 9/11, they really mean it
44) 9/11 and Israel, Ep. 4, "From the Jordan River to the Middle East. That's all ours. It was promised to us."
Several videos.
45) Israel Did 9/11 (Truth Blitzkrieg)
ADDENDUM: I have no way of verifying if this is real-it could be fake. However, I am fairly certain that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon and this object does resemble the object shown hitting the building in an official video that was released of the Pentagon “attack”. Feel free to read the “fact checks” on this video here. My feeling now is that whenever a claim is “fact-checked” and said to be false, it is probably true.
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine: “I can prove that it was NOT an airplane” that Hit the Pentagon
There is a lot that is confusing about the world right now, but Israel’s involvement in 9/11 and the Jewish supremacist (communist) aspect of the war on humanity are pretty easy to see. And just as the official narrative about 9/11 is fake, so too is the narrative about WWII—and that is also tied into Jewish supremacism:
So much about what we have been told is wrong. I feel as though I am just peering into the entrance of the cave and the truth about our world goes much deeper and is much darker than I fear.
Part 2
The towers did not hit the ground – if they did they would have broken the bathtub which surrounded them and flooded all of Manhattan. They turned to dust – “Dustification”.
I had written parts of the comment below on another substack discussing Wood’s work.
Wood's book should be read cover to cover she lays out all the evidence in simple and illustrative form- "Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic".. When people realized that something else was involved - they focused on Bld 7 and thermite, nukes, and bombs for controlled demolition (these were mechanisms which people felt more comfortable with)- the cabalist easily sacrifice something that draws attention away from the more sinister explanation. They even encouraged pointing out events and people who benefitted like short selling, motives of building owners, transactions, investigations destroyed in Bld 7, - these are fodder and distractions. I am not saying these folks were not involved – they most certainly were and had insider information and are yet to be brought to justice. Wonder why the DOJ has not acted? Are they afraid what might be exposed if they did? What I am saying is these are distractions sacrificed in order to conceal what really happened on that day.
They want you to believe in the accidental theory of history and dismiss Dark Winter and all of the war games and planning scenarios and predictive programing that went on prior to 9/11. They want you to ignore that on 9/10/01 Sec. of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, disclosed that his dept. was unable to account for 2.3 Trillion in unsupported adjustments. That problem disappeared along with the WTCs and the budget dept. of the Pentagon on 911. On a typical day upward of 70,000 folks inhabited the WTCs - so it is a miracle that relatively few lives were lost - or did some sort of warning occur? I don’t have the answers, nor am I claiming that I do. But typically when the perpetrators are asked to investigate something – you can bet the truth will never come out, espc. when those same perpetrators control the flow of information.
9/11 like so many previous events (WACO (also an Israel connection), Oklahoma City ... ) and the many staged and false flag events since always find something/someone to blame, and the press which has been funded and in bed with the conspirators will shoot down any alternative theory. 9/11 was a transfer of wealth, justification for invasions, and an excuse to steal our inalienable rights - the results were the conveyance of our rights to the government without our consent – they did not get all of them so other disasters and enemies were needed to secure the rest. This was no different than the Reichstag Fire which the Nazi leaders used to invoke emergency legislation abolishing the number of constitutional protections and to pave the way for Nazi dictatorship. Except this time it is not national or expansion of national borders – it is global (something that has been planned for over 100 years). Some people buy into the fear, especially when actions to lessen that fear are taken immediately after an event and folks don’t have the opportunity to reflect on what has happened. Fear is an incredible motivating power -especially if that thing which you are told to be afraid of cannot be seen (viruses, CO2) or is something you have no control of (terrorist).
So why is the acceptance of Dustification so important? The only ones with access to this technology at the time was the US military and their partners in 5 eyes and the Mossad, and they will do anything to protect it from the public they will spare no expense to cover up the technology. The many folks that participate in their actions – fear what exposure will do to their reputation – if whistleblowers try to expose the lies they will be destroyed mentally and often physically. Unfortunately it is easy to buy silence, just look at the paid doctors, medical staff, scientist, media and influencers who refuse to speak up even after losing loved ones or having family friends or themselves injured by the COVID medical countermeasures.
Why is it imperative that the truth of 9/11 get out? For many reasons – but one of the most important is to return back to the people the rights taken from us based on false premises. About 6 weeks after 9/11 (on 10/26/2001) The USA Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56) was enacted. The timing was very important – the shock and the demand for retribution (based on the official narrative) was at a peak. This 173 page law – was probably drafted well before 9/11 and was waiting for the perfect planning to implement it. We should look at the authors and supporters of this Act. The stated basis of it was “to protect innocent Americans from the deadly plans of terrorists dedicated to destroying American and our way of life”. Such a lofty goal, for an Act that basically created the surveillance state and has subsequently been built on and expanded to usurp practically all of our protections guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The purpose of the Constitution was to enslave the government and not the people. So if the basis of this Patriot Act was built on fraud and deception – shouldn’t the Act be repealed and every decree and rule that stemmed from its poison be removed from the books? Yes 9/11/01 was an act of terrorism – but it was the government and military industrial complex that were/are the terrorist – the same group that had their powers, reach and/or funding greatly expanded after their successful Acts. Powers not delegated to the Federal government were reserved to the States, or to the people (Amend. X). Neither the Federal or State governments can covet the Rights specifically reserved to the people (the freedoms noted in the Constitution) nor certain inalienable Rights (among which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness) which are endowed to each person by his Creator. These rights are retained by the people (Amend. IX). Such Rights cannot be divested except by the consent of the individual who possesses those rights. Neither the federal/state/local governing body can usurp those rights nor can they grant them or restrictions thereon to a third party (such as a medical doctor or Alphabet agency). On a somewhat lesser scale we might consider how other historical planned/staged events led to laws (many of which are still in effect today) which successfully enslaved us. Create the problem – dictate the reaction- then offer/mandate the solution. Even most of the right-leaning new outlets always refer to the terrorist attack on the US - I think this is because if they entertained the idea that it was something other than that and espc. if it was something that only that our government was capable of then the whole “Never Forget” falls apart. We had the largest enrollment in the military save WWII because folks believed the propaganda, we destroyed countries based on this propaganda and thousands of organizations raise money based on this propaganda. The truth really does hurt and I would bet that much of the PTSD we see in the military is among folks that have learned the truth but can not speak it. Practically everybody sat in that camp for a while. But I truly believe that we can never stop the global cabal until we wake up and see 9/11 for what it was – then we can dismantle the laws that enslave us and begin to prosecute the real enemies of the state. The only good thing about COVID is it made people question other things and begin the painful journey to realizing our beloved country has slowly been hijacked.
Part 1
Thank you - This has been a painful journey for many of us - no one likes to find out they have been lied to. I think the "staircase of disbelief" only goes one way - you can stay on one step or proceed to the next - but I don't think you can go back down. So let us choose to not live by lies but try to find the truth and assist others to do likewise. Generations have been lied to and many have fought and died for our country believing they were "protecting America". You seldom hear 9/11 without “terrorist attack” preceding it. Thousands of groups have raise money around the lie (and probably a large part is money laundering), memorials have been built and movies and books made. - so the lies live on.
The video above was very good. I take it you read Alison Weir's book "Against our better judgment". Yes, most Jews at the time of the Balfour Declaration were not Zionist. At the same time the Zionist were working on their negotiations, International Bankers were sending Lenin and his group of exiles over to Russia to take over the government. Russia had always refused setting up a central bank and had halted an earlier version of a NWO - so no love loss. But Russia was fighting with the Allies - and the Czar had stepped down and a republic had already been created - so the new instability created by Lenin threatened the Allies efforts -another reason why UK wanted the US in. The Zionist made the lives miserable for Jews living in many countries through propaganda and false flags - creating or simulating hatred against Jews to get them to move to Palestine. It dawned on me that some of those old anti- Jewish caricatures which were held up as anti-Semitism along with the mysterious appearance of the protocols of the elders of Zion which created anti-Semitism in Russia were probably planted by the Zionist. At that time the papers in the US were all owned by Jewish or Zionist so would not have been inclined to print such cartoons unless they served a purpose. The Protocols were actually created by Adam Weishaft (founder of the Illumaniti) and an agent of Rothschilds. They no doubt are real – we are seeing them play out. Churchill said WWII would never have occurred if US did not get involved in WWI. The Rothschilds which claim to be the creator of Israel - funded both sides of both wars. Their god is Satan. The Jewish population of Germany in 1933 was about 500,000 - so you can see that numbers were exaggerated for the Holocaust – (6 million Jews was a magical number) but consider who owns 95% of publishing houses and media. [50 million people died in WW2 - I had 7 relatives that served in WWII – 2 which did not come back and I take care of my Father (95) who enlisted at 16 and was in Japan]. The biggest anti-Semites are the Zionist.
Zionism infiltrated the Christian movement with the Scofield Bible and most if not all of the major evangelical leaders were either blackmailed and/or funded by Zionist. Whitney Webb has written some great articles on this in addition to her 2 vol “One Nation Under Blackmail”.
Yes 9/11 was an inside job - but it was NOT done by the methods advocated by the truth movements. I won't elaborate on why that is the case but would suggest you check out Dr. Judy Wood's book "Where Did the Towers Go: Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11" She did the most detailed research and filed suit over the 9/11 report. She was censored and still is. I believe the Truth movement was put into motion in response to her open discussions and in an attempt to shut her down. – Also very good video Dr. Judy Wood - Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference
Once you read through the 500p book where she walks you through everything you will understand that the only one who had the technology to turn 2 -105 story buildings and every other bld with a WTC prefix to dust was the US military. We did not understand it because we were unaware that such forces existed. They do and have for over 50 years.
No doubt they were working with Israel - for the goal was set the groundwork for an invasion of the middle east - not for US but for Israel. Remember how Bush I got us into Iraq war on behalf of Kuwait (How False Testimony and a Massive U.S. Propaganda Machine Bolstered George H.W. Bush’s War on Iraq - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkRylMGLPMU
) - There is not enough rope in the world for all those involved in all of these treasonous acts.