In this video Max Igan interviews Matt Guertin, who is apparently a business owner and inventor. Guertin claims that many October 7th “Hamas” attack videos were created by AI. I think that the evidence that he provides in support of this claim is compelling. Of course it is obvious that the October 7th attack was a false flag attack, so it would not be terribly surprising if the “attack” videos were done using AI.
Mossad motto: "By way of deception, thou shalt do war"
Towards the end of this interview, Guertin says that AI is being used in many ways to rewrite history, and describes being targeted by the system. Some of what he says seems a little crazy, but we clearly live in crazy times. Take a look and see what you think.
This video was copied from here.
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FAKE Oct 7th Hamas attack videos -Generated using a GAN Ai Model
Short Video about the October 7th "Hamas" Attack and Israel's Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians
The Holocaust Hoax Meme Page
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We Live in a Fake System