I used to believe the Holocaust story--before I actually took the time to investigate it for myself. When I did, I discovered that there is no hard evidence for it--it is, I think, entirely based on testimonies, and in many countries you cannot legally question these testimonies. How convenient!
The story has obviously been used to garner sympathy for jews and to maintain the idea that jews are the world's eternal, blameless victims. In this way it is used to shield jews from responsibility and blame for their crimes. Exposing the Holocaust hoax would go a long way to undermining the jewish supremacist quest for world domination, IMHO. -
Springtime for Schlomo
My Holocaust problems; a primer for beginners
This is one man’s journey from “Holocaust” believer to “Holocaust denier.” He asks the questions any intelligent investigator or student would ask. Share and enjoy the feeling of freedom and liberation! (And get yourself a copy of the definitive work on the topic, The Holocaust Encyclope…
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