Jewish supremacists confidently, loudly proclaim that jews are God’s Chosen People, that God gave jews possession of the world and granted them dominion over all of humanity. If this is true, then one would imagine that jews have been gifted with divine moral knowledge and possess a great deal of precious wisdom to share with the rest of us—the lesser humans. So let’s listen to what they have to say, shall we?
1) A smiling rabbi advocates for the slaughter of Palestinian women and children:
2) A grinning rabbi gleefully promotes massacring babies, citing jewish religious texts:
3) Yet another jewish supremacist, one of “God’s Chosen People,” makes the case for mass-murdering Gentile babies:
4) A jewish supremacist expresses his seething, psychopathic hatred for, apparently, all of the rest of humanity. This deep well of hatred seems to be common among jewish supremacists and helps explain where the jewish Bolsheviks found the emotional strength to shoot, starve and torture to death tens of millions of innocent non-jews around 100 years ago:
5) Netanyahu: jews took over mostly barren land to establish Israel.
Laughing, grinning Israeli veteran: We drove the Arabs from their established villages, raping and murdering them as we did so:
6) After WWII several hundred thousand jews left Europe, traveled to he Middle East, raped and killed the people who had lived in Palestine for centuries and stole their homes and their land. The Palestinians never went to Europe to kill the jews. Here are some elderly jews remembering and laughing about how they did it.
7) Various jewish supremacists dehumanize the Palestinians in order to justify mass-murdering them after the October 7th “terrorist” attack. This baying for blood is especially grotesque in light of the fact that the October 7th attack was obviously yet another Israeli false flag attack:
8) A jewish supremacist rants about mass-slaughtering the enemies of Israel:
9) These jewish supremacists excitedly, arrogantly describe their supremacy:
10) A jewish supremacist warns his coreligionists that Christians and Muslims must never unite against the jews. Of course this fear explains why jews have been creating enmity between Christians and Muslims by doing such things as orchestrating the 9/11 false flag attack, using that to launch the Global War on Terror, and facilitating the Muslim invasions of majority Christian countries:
11) A jewish supremacist gives the game away:
30 seconds
12) Jewish supremacist and bloviating jackass Bill Kristol insults Americans as he encourages them to welcome the foreign invasion of their country:
29 seconds
13) Various jewish supremacists eagerly anticipate the day when they will each get hundreds or thousands of Gentiles slaves, which their holy books promise them:
14) According to this jewish supremacist, in the future the jews will will take the goys as their slaves. I can hardly wait, can you?:
26 seconds
15) Another jewish supremacist says that Jews have a right to makes slaves of Gentiles:
25 seconds
16) Jews are special people and are not governed by the same rules of the rest of humanity. Got it, Goy?:
59 seconds
17) A jewish supremacist says that Gentiles hate jews because jews are “God’s Chosen People.” I would suggest that jews are disliked because they use this idea to prey on, subjugate and massacre non-jews. Maybe the jewish god is Lucifer, as Harold Rosenthal claimed…shortly before he was murdered.
18) I am assuming this translation is accurate. In any case, this sentiment is commonly expressed by “God’s Chosen People.”:
25 seconds
19) Various jewish supremacists predict the end of America and Europe, according to a “divine formula.”:
20) Part of this “divine formula” to end Europe and America is through the jewish-led Muslim invasions of Europe and America:
12 seconds
21) This same guy gives a little more color to this divine plan to end America and Europe, a plan to benefit the jews. Apparently the Western/Christian world richly deserves this fate because of what some Christians did to some jews centuries ago. “God’s Chosen People” sure can hold a grudge!:
32 seconds
22) Is this “divine formula” still not clear, Goy? Perhaps these jewish supremacists can fill in the gaps for you:
23) What are the “End Times” going to be like? Allow this jewish supremacist to describe them for you:
24) Jewish Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer is doing his part to destroy America for The Tribe:
27 seconds
25) Self-described Zionist Joe Biden, with a smirking, traitorous Department of Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas (who is of course jewish) sitting beside him, cheers on the ongoing destruction of traditional America. All part of the “divine formula” for jewish supremacy. Hooray!:
50 seconds
26) Yet more evidence that jewish supremacists promote, organize and oversee “mass immigration” invasions with the goal of expanding jewish Power—at the expense of the Gentiles. Of course:
27) Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi joyfully brags about jewish power and, of course, jewish money:
28) A jewish supremacist crows about the jewish COVID-19 genocide jabs, probably unaware of what they really are. These injections are part of a quiet war on humanity and are estimated to have maimed and killed tens of millions of people:
53 seconds
29) A jewish supremacist calls for strict punishment for “antisemitism,” otherwise known as “noticing”:
26 seconds
30) A jewish supremacist tells people to “hurt” “antisemites” in order to end “antisemitism,” which I’m guessing would only increase “antisemitism.” I have a much better, more effective solution to stopping “antisemitism”:
31) A jewish supremacist says that Christians must serve and worship jews. Oy vey!:
32) Jewish supremacists scream at and threaten a Christian in Israel. What is wrong with these people?:
52 seconds
33) Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi spreading the love:
34) Rabbi Eliyahu Kin is hot and eager for “revenge” against the Goyim:
A lot of what these jewish supremacists say in these videos could be dismissed and ignored if they, as a group, didn’t hold so much power over the planet, if they were not responsible for so much suffering and death in the world, and if they didn’t have such dark and evil plans for the rest of humanity. But the jewish supremacists’ power, crimes and plans are real. That is why it is so important to hear what they think about Gentiles and to listen to them explain what they are doing to us, what they would like to do to us and what they plan to do to us.
I hope you have found this post enlightening. If you think that what these folks say is important for other people to hear, then please share this post with others.
Jewish Supremacist Quotes
The jewish Supremacist Way of War
The jewish War on the Gentiles
The jewish Supremacists' War on the White Population
Is this a Jewish Supremacist War on the World?
The jewish Supremacist War on the World Meme Page
The jewish Supremacist War on the World Meme Page II
Short videos about jewish Power
The Red Terror, the Holodomor, and the "Globalists"
The Holocaust
Book Review: The Synagogue of Satan
Israel and elements of the U.S. government did 9/11
The October 7, 2023 "Hamas" Attack was an Israeli False Flag Attack
Jewish Supremacists Speak
Jewish Supremacist Quotes
Ending Antisemitism
Great compilation, already on my atrophied LinkedIn account. Great number of the cunts still clinging there are C-Suite. They worked with me for decades, and can't dismiss my intellect or acumen within my tech sector. No one will like or comment; however, the analytics show they are reading and clicking. Hail Victory. Fuck the eternally evil jew. \o
This one's a keeper. Thanks, Binky! 😘🥰
That said, couple of articles from for you:
1. "Oddities of the Jewish Religion" -
2. "A Crash Course On the True Causes of Antisemitism" -