The following post was copied from the wonderful, thought-provoking Stranger in a Jewish World blog. The information in this post mirrors a lot of what I have discovered from my research. The author weaves together many different aspects of the so-called “Jewish Question” and shows that the ultimate goal of jewish supremacists is a slave planet for the Goyim. Oy vey! It seems that they are getting closer to their goal every day.
I have this crazy theory that if at least 10% of the world’s Gentiles understood what jewish supremacists have planned for them, these jewish psychopaths would be unable to achieve their goal of world conquest. It’s clear that one of their greatest fears is having their criminal history and their sick, malevolent conspiracy discovered. So they lie brazenly and use their control over the Media and the politicians to block and censor information about their evil schemes for the hated Goyim.
“By deception thou shalt do war.”-Mossad motto
This is precisely why we have to educate everyone about the grave threat that jewish supremacists pose to humanity. I dream of the day when Gentiles collectively wake up, see what kind of deranged monsters these people are and join together to defeat them.
NOTE: I replaced one of the original posts’ happy merchant memes with a Bobby Fischer meme and have added some links to the post.
The Jewish Master Plan
What is the Jewish Master Plan?
Put simply the Jewish Master Plan (JMP) is a plan created by the leadership of the Jewish race for Jews to control planet Earth. It is not a new plan. This plan was formulated thousands of years ago and has been carried on from one generation of Jewish leadership to the next since its inception. The Jewish Master plan is a set of long term goals and agendas that the Jewish race has already attained, is currently attaining now and plans to attain in the future. It is adjusted and tweaked year by year by the Jewish leadership according to any new circumstances that arise. All of the Jewish leadership and the major Jews know about this plan and are involved in its implementation. This is not to say that all Jews know about it. Only the Jewish leadership needs to know about it and the ones who can be trusted never to disclose it outside of their trusted inner circle.
Here are some earlier posts I have made on this Blog about the Jewish Master Plan:
Baruch Levy Disclosed the Jewish Master Plan
A Word about the Jewish Conspiracy to Rule the World
Another Disclosure of the Jewish Master Plan from the mouth of a Jew
The Ultimate World Order as pictured in "The Jewish Utopia"
And here are some third-party links about the Jewish Master Plan:
But the good news is that I am in a position now to create a much better post describing the Jewish Master Plan as I see it. I see much more now than I did earlier and so I am able (with God's help) to document what the Jews have planned for the future of the world for all non Jews who want to know it. In this post I will document everything that God has shown me. God is still showing me many things about the Jewish Master Plan and so I really need to document these things in one place for non Jews to reference. I will do the best I can to describe what the Jews have planned in multiple areas. I will pin this post to my important posts section so people can easily find it.
Jews Out themselves and their Plans
You may be wondering how I, a non-Jew, know what the Jewish Master Plan is. I know it from hearing what various Jews have said. The following links provide some evidence of what Jews have said about their plan to control the entire world. I did not invent this. This is from the Jews themselves.
Correspondence between Karl Marx and Baruch Levy
Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich 1952 speech in Budapest Hungary
Secrecy an important part of the JMP
A very important part of the Jewish Master Plan is Secrecy. Jews do not want non-Jews to know about this long-term plan to control the world. They want to keep this plan secret from the world until such a time when Jews have so much control that they can reveal their control without anyone being able to do anything to stop it. That is what I refer to as the Jewish checkmate. If the Jews ever get to the point that they call checkmate on the world, watch out because Humanity will be fucked.
Now I am going to distinguish between those parts of the Jewish Master Plan which have already been obtained by the Jews, those which are currently being obtained by the Jews and those which have not been attainted yet.
Lying and Deceiving
As Hitler and many other people have noted and said throughout History, Jews are the people of the Lie. This Race prides itself in telling Lies in order to control others and to give themselves an unfair advantage in the world. In this Blog I have wrote about some of their lies but that is just the beginning of a discussion of all the Jewish lies that have been propagated in the world.
Lying and Deceiving are the Foundation of the Jewish Master Plan
One of the best ways to deceive someone is through Religion. There is no doubt in my mind that Christianity is being used by Jews as a deception tool. Jewish Supremacy and Israeli Supremacy are core tenets of Christianity. It is one big brainwashing tool for the Goyim. Although I was raised in a Christian background and have long believed in it, I have had to completely separate myself from it so I can view it objectively. It is 100% being used as a deception tool to get non Jews to favor Jews and Israel and to turn a blind eye to the atrocities that Israel commits against the Palestinian people for example.
Christianity is part of the Jewish Master Plan
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth?
Abolishment of Monarchy
The Jewish Master Plan is to Abolish Monarchy or if not abolished then to render the Monarchy politically powerless as the British Monarchy is today. The reason for Jews wanting to abolish Monarchy is because in a monarchy controlled by a non-Jew, Jews have no control or power over the country. But in a "Democracy" Jews can infiltrate and subvert the Democracy to control it in secret. One example of this is the French Revolution, which was funded and instigated by the Jews. Another example of this is the overthrow of the Czarist Russian government in 1917. There are other examples besides these where Jews have used their money and influence to overthrow monarchies in various countries. Some anti-Jewish monarchs have been assassinated by Jews.
Control of Money
Many other people have talked about the Jew owned banking system such as the Federal Reserve Bank so I do not need to say much about this here. There is a lot of information about Jewish control of the money systems on the internet for anyone to find.
Control of the Media
Jews infiltrate, buy out, own and control the Media. Media includes Television, radio, print (Newspapers, Magazines, books, etc.) and also the Internet. What is the purpose for Jews controlling the media? Information control. Those who control the media control the perception of Truth. Jews control the media to control what most people see as the truth. They also control the media for censorship purposes. Jews censor the truth on the media that they own. All those videos removed by Jewtube and all the deleted comments are an example of that. But the main thing that Jews censor on the media that they control is Truth about themselves. Jews hide themselves and their true nature from an unsuspecting public. This is part of the secrecy that I mentioned earlier.
The Jewish Control Over the Entertainment Industries
Control of Hollywood / Movies
Jews have owned Hollywood from the beginning and used it as a tool to transform American society.
Hollywood is part of the Jewish Master Plan
Control of Music Industry
Jews own and control the music industry to transform society. As one example of this, the sixties British Invasion was a Jewish tool to transform American society by the Jewish Tavistock Institute.
Control of Law Enforcement
It is the Jewish Master Plan to control Law Enforcement in every country in which Jews are. Law enforcement includes police, courts, and district attorneys. All levels of Law enforcement are controlled, including at the national level, the state level and the local level. There are various reasons for this, but mainly it is to prevent honest law enforcement of Jew controlled activities, such as organized crime. Infiltration and subversion is the method that Jews use to control any law enforcement organization. Freemasonry is frequently involved in this infiltration and subversion of law enforcement. Key leadership positions within the law enforcement organization are controlled by Jew-friendly people, who are often either openly or secretly Freemasons. For example, in police departments it is often the Chief of Police who is a tool for the Jews to control the entire police department. Other key positions to be infiltrated are District Attorney and Judges. This is the reason why most law enforcement in the US is corrupt.
Communist Infiltration of America
Don't let the word "Communist" confuse you. Communism is just another one of the myriad of False Fronts that Jews hide behind. Communism is Jewish. But Jewish communists infiltrated the U.S.A. in the 1950's and 1960's and they have been here ever since helping to run the shit show that is the JewSA.
Communist Infiltration of America
Control of the Government or State
Jews infiltrate and control entire Governments, such as the U.S. Government. Of all the types of Governments in the world, Democratic forms of Government are the easiest for Jews to infiltrate and subvert. Think about a healthy cell in a human body that is attacked by a malignant virus. The virus purposely attacks the cell in such a way that it takes over the entire cell, diverting it from its original purpose and function and basically hijacking the cell to be a slave to the virus. The cell then begins creating copies of the virus to spread to other cells. The cell has been turned into a zombie for the virus. The exact same concept applies to the Jewish infiltration of a Government like the U.S. Government. In this way the Government serves the Jews who control it and completely stops serving the people who the Government is supposed to take care of. This is what has happened to the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is now totally corrupt and Jew owned. It is fit only for Revolution.
Creation of a New World Order
It is the Jewish Master Plan that a world Republic, AKA a New World Order be established in which Jews everywhere will exercise the privilege of citizenship. The term New World Order is actually very old. It was used by the Jew Baruch Levy in the 19th century. In fact the NWO is already very well established. In the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm the Jewish state is in Israel, but in the Real World the Jewish state is world-wide. Wherever Jews live, the Jewish state is there. Another term for the NWO is the State of All-Judaan. The leadership of the NWO is the Jewish Snake that rules the world in secret today.
In this NWO the Jews furnish the leaders of all the nations without opposition. All the major world leaders are puppets to Jews including Biden, Trump, Obama, Putin, and every other major world leader. This goal has already been accomplished. Jews rule the entire world through these puppet leaders that they control. Any world leader that they don't control they get rid of, such as Bashar Assad.
Keeping the Goyim Blind
It is the Jewish Master Plan to keep the Goyim Blind (and stupid. Let's not forget stupid) that the NWO (or Jewish Snake) exists. The plan is to keep the Goyim completely clueless about Jewish control over the world until such a time when Jewish control is so strong that nothing can resist it. Only then will the clueless Goyim (those that are left alive that is) will be told the truth and given a choice: Bow down in submission to your Jewish masters or die. The majority will choose slavery so that they can continue to live.
Control of Pornography
It is the Jewish Master Plan to use pornography to corrupt, pervert and weaken the moral fiber of non-Jews to subvert and destroy gentile culture.
Overthrow of the Assad Government in Syria
The Jewish Master Plan is to overthrow the Assad Government in Syria. The Jews have long hated Assad and wanted to get rid of him. Sadly, it appears this goal has been recently accomplished.
Destruction of Moral Values
The Jewish Master Plan is to destroy the moral values of Gentile nations and replace them with immorality and sexual perversion. It is to transform immorality into morality. This part of the Jewish Master Plan is already very well progressed in the United States and Europe but the Jews are constantly working to destroy all moral values to turn Gentile nations into Jewish Sodom and Gomorrahs.
Rewriting History
It is the Jewish Master Plan to rewrite history, so that the history the people believe is Jewish disinformation. This concerns a wide variety of topics but especially concerns World War 2, Adolf Hitler and "the Holocaust".
Rewriting History is part of the Jewish Master Plan
Abolition of Borders
It is the Jewish Master Plan that there be no borders between nations as there are now. In other words, no controls on immigration whatsoever. By this, any country can be flooded with immigrants to destroy its cultural integrity. This goal is being pursued very aggressively in Europe and it has been pursued aggressively in the U.S., whose open border policy has meant nearly unchecked illegal immigration into the USA. Now Trump, who is a Jewish puppet claims he is against illegal immigration and is going to deport millions of illegal immigrants out of the USA during his second term. My view of Trump here is that he is a false populist, false patriot who appears to be against the Jewish agendas but who is really a tool to the Jews. He may make a good pretense of not being a Jewish puppet but I say he will out himself for all to see during his second term.
Destroying the White Race
Jews have long hated the white race and attacked it in various ways throughout their entire history. Although its been completely memory-holed, the term "Loxism" describes Jewish hatred for the white race.
As a result of their deep-seated hatred for the white race (you should check out the Talmud), the Jewish Master Plan is to eliminate the White Race world-wide by a variety of means.
One of the means of destroying the white race that Jews are heavily involved in is importing large numbers of other races into White European nations to completely destroy the culture of the white race in those nations.
Destroying the White Race is part of the Jewish Master Plan
Creation of Greater Israel in Middle East
The Jewish Master Plan is to create Greater Israel in the Middle East that occupies much of current Syria and takes a part of other current nations. The Jews have no respect at all for these non Jewish Nations except to assimilate them into the nefarious Jewish plans for the world.
Starting World War 3
I don't know what is happening right now with the U.S. giving the green light for Ukraine to fire U.S. armaments deep into Russian territory but it looks like the Jews are trying to start World War 3 before Donald Trump takes office. Maybe anticipating that Trump is going to try to make peace with Russia in Ukraine, the evil Deep State Jews are trying to provoke Russia to make a nuclear strike in Ukraine, which would no doubt trigger the U.S. to strike Russia with nuclear weapons. The U.S. is already threatening to use nukes against Russia. The Jews are itching for this war, which they will use to their advantage as Jews have used every war to their advantage. The question is, will they be able to get away with it?
Killing/Exporting Palestinians
The Jewish Master Plan is to kill as many Palestinians as they can get away with in Gaza and the West Bank, deport the rest, Annex Gaza and the West Bank so the land becomes part of Israel and to settle Israeli citizens on the land once occupied by Palestinians. The end Goal is for there to be no Palestinians at all in Palestine and that all of Palestine is Israel and occupied by Jews. This is the real purpose of the October 7 PSYOP.
Creation of New Israel in Ukraine
The Jewish Master Plan is that a "new Israel" be created on the territory of the current country of Ukraine. The Russian - Ukraine wars (ongoing) are all about depopulation of the native Ukranian population who are not wanted in "new Israel". Many are being killed off in the war. Those who are not killed off will be forced to move from the territory of "New Israel" to go to the North of it. Jews have planned for the first settlers from the current Israel to arrive in "new Israel" late in this decade around 2029. The Ukranian government, the Russian government, the U.S. government, the U.K. government and the governments of western Europe are all in on this plan. Behind the scenes, Jews control both the Russian government and the western governments as controlled opposition to each other. At the highest levels, these governments are all ran by Jews and serve long-term Jewish interests in secret. All of this is kept from the people but only the Jews know what they are doing.
The Jewish Master Plan is for this New Israel or Heavenly Jerusalem as it is also known to the capital of the entire world under Jewish control.
The Jewish Master Plan for the Russia-Ukraine War
The Jewish Master Plan for New Israel in Ukraine/Russia
New Jerusalem Council of Benefactors
Implementing the Talmud
The Jewish Master Plan is to implement the Talmud and make it a reality for the entire world to live by.
Implementing the Talmud is part of the Jewish Master Plan
Before I go on I want to state clearly that this plan does not have to become reality but it will unless non-Jews wake up and do something to stop it. This is what Jews have planned for the world but non-Jews can rise up and stop it once enough of them become awake to what is going on. I am doing my part to help bring on that awakening.
Replacing Iran's Islamic Government
The Jewish Master Plan is to replace Iran's current Islamic government by any means with a puppet government that is friendly to Israel, the U.S. and Jews in General.
A mass reduction of non-Jews
The Jewish Master Plan is that there be a massive reduction in the number of non-Jews living in the world that Jews consider their own. This reduction will be brought about by multiple methods. Some of the methods I have identified are:
1. Wars engineered by Jews between non-Jewish nations. This is happening now in the Russia - Ukraine war and Syria but there other wars planned by the Jews in the middle east and Asia. If you look at the Deagle forecasts for 2025 (next year) you can see how much they predict those countries will decrease in population with the U.K. getting hit the hardest. We can only speculate how such a drastic reduction in population would be accomplished in such a short period of time but nuclear war seems a likely method. Notice that Russia is not on this list, whatever that may mean.
2. Purposely releasing known diseases among non-Jewish populations to kill them.
3. Purposely creating bio-weapons in Jewish labs that are lethal to non-Jews but not to Jews and releasing them in non-Jewish populations.
4. Forced vaccinations to deliver Jewish bio-weapons to non Jews. This is what the Plandemic was about. These vaccinations are not to help the people but to kill them, permanently damage them, make them infertile, etc. There will be future Plandemics if the Jews get their way.
5. Spreading various poisons to non Jews in food, in the air (e.g. chem trails), in water, and in many other ways.
Jewish Checkmate over Humanity
Today the leadership of the NWO (ie the Jewish Snake) rules the world in secret but it is the Jewish Plan that the Jewish Snake will rip off the mask and expose its control to all of remaining humanity. At this time much of humanity will have been killed off but those who remain will discover that Jews have iron fist control over the world and there is nothing they can do about it. I refer to this as Jewish checkmate over humanity and if it ever comes then humanity is fucked. But this event of exposing their control publicly is part of the Jewish Master Plan which precedes the Tyrannical One World Government (world police state) described in the next section.
Tyrannical One World Government
It is the Jewish Master Plan for the Jewish Control of the World to be revealed to all of surviving humanity at a time when Jewish Control is so strong that nothing can stop it. The NWO that rules in secrecy now plans to end that secrecy. It will pull off the mask and reveal its ugly face to all. This is what I refer to as the Jewish Checkmate. This will lead to the Tyrannical One World Government. This One World Government will be a tyrannical dictatorship very much like the Bolshevik Government that took control of Russia in 1917. What happened to Russia in 1917 is what the Jews want to happen on a world wide basis.
The Destruction of Religion
The Jewish Master Plan is to destroy Christianity and all other Religion. Currently Jews are exploiting Christianity for their own purposes so non Jews look favorably on Jews and Israel but once they no longer have a need to do that, the Jews plan to completely outlaw Christianity as was done in the USSR after the Bolshevik Revolution. The Jews are anti Religion because Religion interferes with (((their))) control over the people. The long term goal is no Religion at all.
Different Laws for non-Jews
The Jewish Master Plan is that there be one set of Laws for Jews and a different set of Laws for non-Jews. Non-Jews will be greatly restricted on what they are free to do in a Jewish world, including not being allowed to own property (see next section).
Property owned by Jews only
The Jewish Master Plan is that all property and wealth all over the world will belong to Jews. Non-Jews will not be allowed to own property. This will be accomplished in a variety ways, including by government decree by Jewish rulers that non-Jews own no property. Ownership of property and land will be reserved for Jews only. The deeds that non-Jews have stating they own their property will become null and void.
jews Created Communism
The Peculiar Morality of Jewdom
The Holocaust, at the Heart of the Gaza Genocide
The October 7, 2023 "Hamas" Attack was an Israeli False Flag Attack
Former Green Beret Talks About His Experiences in Israel. September 7th, 2024.
Documentary: Occupied
The State of Israel as "Cartoonishly Evil"?
Why are Israelis and Zionists so psychotic?
The Real History of WWII?
The jewish Supremacist Way of War
The jewish Supremacists' War on the White Population
Is this a jewish Supremacist War on the World?
The jewish War on the Gentiles
Terrorism: A jewish Tradition
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page I
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page II
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page III
Jeff Berwick's commentary about jews
Donald Trump is Controlled Opposition
Super Trump the Zionist Vows to Crush "Antisemitism"
A Rebuttal To Media Praises On Trump
DEATHVAX™ SWAMP RISING: Trump Appoints Pro-Vax & Anti-Free Speech "Experts"
Some Commentary from Hervé Ryssen, author of "The Jewish Mafia"
The Red Terror, the Holodomor, and the "Globalists"
Israel and elements of the U.S. government did 9/11
A Discussion with Navy Veteran Phil Tourney about the USS Liberty Attack
jewish Supremacists Speak
jewish Supremacist Quotes
Short videos about jewish Power
Kim Dotcom and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Ending Antisemitism
Frmr Jewish terrorist & 🇮🇱 PM Menachem Begin "Our race is the Master Race, our destiny is to rule over inferior races"
Rabbi Rabinovich - 1952 "our race will take its rightful place in the world, every Jew a king, every Gentile a slave"
"Eliezer Kashtiel, head of Bnei David academy in Eli, Israel ... "Stupid Violent Gentiles Want To Be Our Slaves ..Hitler ideology was correct"
Rabbi Weisberg "Trump is Israel's non-Jewish Messiah, sent by God himself to clear the land of gentiles & rebuild the Jews' holy temple"
Roman Catholicism is indeed a Jewish religion for the Goyim. The Jesuits/
Jewsuits have always controlled Roman Catholicism.
Protestantism has been mainly controlled too thanks to the infiltration of Jesuits into our seminary schools, and the introduction of the Schofield Bible. Teaching Goy everywhere to support Zionism or be cursed by God.
The truth about the Jews is simple. They are hybridized nephilim as mentioned in Genesis 6.
The cone heads, red hair, double rows of teeth, and six fingers and toes used to give them away, but over the years they have blended into looking more like the rest of us, except for maybe those 👃.
I realize this is a hard thing to process, but it’s all in the Bible, and written within the Dead Sea scrolls, and many other ancient writings and traditions. The Annunaki are the same thing as The Watchers, the fallen angels mentioned in Genesis 6…yet people will disregard the Bible, yet believe every word of what the discovery channel tells them in regards to aliens from outer space.
The world makes sense when viewed from a biblical perspective.