I bet these topics are never ever discussed in Israeli schools and media.

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Of course not, but the Israeli kids are constantly traumatized by teachings about the Holohoax.

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The oldest trick of infamy is to create two lies & have people repeatedly argue about which lie is true. Imagine if it were 3 lies (e.g. Islam/Christianity/Judasim). Now that’s a huge Gordian knot & force multiplier of astronomical per-portions problem. He who has the gold makes the rules. Conquers don’t ask for permission. Win a no win scenario by rewriting the rules.

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The Abraham religions are the perfect lie.

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All three are stories based on some truths with Science - Philosophy - Twistory, Gematria & Bible even had Astrology in it.

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Israel is evil beyond comprehension and has been from Its inception. Israel was behind the JFK Assassination over Dimona. Most Americans have no idea what Dimona means because it's been memory holed but Dimona is the real reason why JFK was killed in cold blood. But the real shocker is who they got for the assassin. Unfortunately one cannot be told who the assassin was and accept it. You must see it for yourself. Https://strangerinajewishworld.blogspot.com

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