Dan Bilzerian Talks about Israel, Israel's Genocide of the Palestinians and jewish Power
Comments from an August 2024 interview
A few days ago I posted a November 12th Piers Morgan interview of Dan Bilzerian. Below is a 25-minute excerpt from an August 16, 2024 interview that Bilzerian had with a man named Patrick Bet David, an entrepreneur and YouTube interviewer/commentator. This excerpt is a segment of the interview in which Bilzerian talks about jewish power and he focuses specifically on Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinians and the jewish control of American politics and Media. Bilzerian’s feelings about Israel and supremacist jews are shared by quite a lot of people but not many of them have the platform that Bilzerian has due to his celebrity. I am actually a little surprised that YouTube has allowed these interviews to stay up. Here is what a contributor to the Unz Review wrote about the August 16th interview:
EXCERPT: Everyone who knows anything already knows about the Jews. They might not be as up on the issue as I am, but they know. Now they’re going to start saying it.
This is exactly what I said when the Jews started the massacre in Gaza: they can’t do that and keep the lid on the “antisemitism” hoax. No one can defend them and they can’t hardly defend themselves. They can kill kids. But they can’t explain why they control the whole Western world, and why they are using that control to run the world into the ground. They are dependent on silencing criticism.
If criticism is allowed, the Jews lose, and we are now seeing the criticism.
We’ve entered the endgame.
Maybe. If so, the “endgame” could last a long time.
Related: They Will Lose
Here is the video:
You can watch the full hour-and-a-half interview below:
DESCRIPTION: “Patrick interviews Dan Bilzerian, a professional poker player and entrepreneur known for his lavish lifestyle and huge social media following. They discuss Dan's recent decision to step back from the spotlight to a ‘happier’ life. The conversation covers the impact of constant partying, the struggles with addiction, and his thoughts on relationships, politics, and America.”
- Intro 02:27
- Going Monogamous vs Polygamy 17:03
- Having An Extreme Life and Growing Up 30:49
- Having Kids and Greatest High 43:09
- On Israel as an Ally and the Current Conflict 55:26
- America First, Jewish Power, and Donald Trump 1:05:53
- Could Armenians Band Together 1:15:51
- Lobbying and Civil War 1:28:17
- Running for Office, Dating Advice
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They Will Lose
Thanks for posting this. Bilzerian chewed this American hew up one side and down the other then spit him out. This video exactly underscore just how lost are the vast majority of American jews in the gaslighting and fog of their pro-israel upbringings and propaganda. The moderator marched out all the lies believed by the majority of American jews and Bilzerian made him look silly.
American Jews, you are not god's chosen, you are not superior to others, the rest of the world isn't trying to kill you if you act with peace and democracy, and you do not need israel to protect you. So stop with your complacency and bullshit and get behind those of us calling for an end to that apartheid and genocidal country.
Binky, you are doing a stellar job curating these feeds. For those pressed for time, but still interested in getting informed these kinds of extracted snippets are a great help.