Great compilation, already on my atrophied LinkedIn account. Great number of the cunts still clinging there are C-Suite. They worked with me for decades, and can't dismiss my intellect or acumen within my tech sector. No one will like or comment; however, the analytics show they are reading and clicking. Hail Victory. Fuck the eternally evil jew. \o

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Thank you for sharing this with them. I hope that everyone wakes up to this issue as soon as possible. I can dream, can't I?

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We will ultimately prevail, nature could not possibly choose the jew over us. But, it will be a battle Brother. \o Let’s catalyze it, long overdue.

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This one's a keeper. Thanks, Binky! 😘🥰

That said, couple of articles from Unz.com for you:

1. "Oddities of the Jewish Religion" - https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of-the-jewish-religion/

2. "A Crash Course On the True Causes of Antisemitism" - https://www.unz.com/tsaker/a-crash-course-on-the-true-causes-of-anti-semitism/

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Thank you for the links to the Unz.com articles, Captain Roy. I will add them as links in my Antisemitism page.

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These people are without doubt some of the most disgusting execrable people that ever existed. Wonderful job compiling all this. Thank you.

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You're welcome. I only woke up to the Jewish issue in the last year or two. So far, it seems to be the unifying theory that explains all the insanity in the world right now. But I know that I am still only seeing a small part of the picture.

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Even if it's not the unifying principle, what they have done in their own little niche is demonic and a crime against humanity and the human spirit.

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You are only spreading hate which demonstrates you do not know God. Hate creates wars. All Jewish people are not bad. All Muslims are not cruel. All blacks are not bad nor are whites. Stop this. Look for the good in all people. It is there if you look. Don’t you want God to see the good in you rather than the bad mistakes you make. Focus on good things about all people and stop the Evil….This type of thing can cause hatred and evil in people. I’m so sick of hate, violence and evil…. I’m praying for you now that you will really understand what I am sayin…….. 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you for your comment. I understand your sentiment.

>>All Jewish people are not bad.

I have not written that ALL Jews are bad. That would be an irrational. I have taken pains to differentiate between supremacist Jews and kind, compassionate, loving Jews--like my relatives--who do not share their coreligionists' hatred for and desire to enslave and kill non-Jews. The Jewish Bolsheviks who conquered Russia in 1917 ended up shooting, starving and torturing to death an estimated 40 million+ Christians. It appears that the same sort of supremacist Jews control much of the world today through finance, Media and politics. I don't want these supremacist Jews to acquire so much power that they can shoot, starve and torture to death tens of millions of Gentiles--like they did 100 years ago. So I am doing what I can to warn people about them.

If you can find something I have written about SUPREMACIST Jews which is false, please point it out to me so that I can correct it and improve this substack.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi quotes this figure, and the other Noahide Laws also have death penalties for contravening them, but ONLY for Gentiles, and Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi gleefully states in one video, that ultimately, of all the Gentiles in the entire world, there will be, quote; "No survivors".

See, the Jewish religion does not stop to think there might be 'some good Gentiles' and the so-called 'good Jews' do not appear in the slightest concerned or to be making even the slightest physical attempt whatsoever at all to stop what they misleadingly term these 'supremaist Jews' from doing as if they are actually really different from themselves.

The entire Jewish religion of all Jews is racially supremacist as evidenced clearly in the Torah in Deuteronomy 20:16, and the 'good Jews' in reality simply make noises about 'supremacist Jews' as an intended political smokescreen but really gang up with them and follow up behind the Chabad Lubavitcher Bolshevik troopers from the rear in readiness to take up their own promised allotted positions in the world to come that is intended for all Jews alone and to be made totally Gentile free, that is what all the WEF nonsense about 'reducing the world population by 7.5 billion' to 'save the world' by the Israeli Jewish Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab who also had a Jewish mother is really all about, it is the draconian NWO Noahide Law program in disguise, and is the political machinery to accomplish much of the intended killing by all kinds of less obvious means.

Some of Rabbi Schneerson’s rarely reported teachings:

“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”

“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”

“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”

“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”

“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created

as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”

“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”

“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”

Most people don’t know about this aspect of Schneerson’s teaching because, according to Shahak and Mezvinsky, such teachings are intentionally minimized, mistranslated, or hidden entirely.

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Thank you for that information. I understand your point that a Jew who is not a supremacist Jew is not really definitionally a Jew, because to follow the teachings of Jewish scripture, you have to see yourself as part of a chosen group superior to and lording over everyone else on the planet. If you are someone who picks and chooses what to follow from the Jewish religion, you might as well be a Gentile.

My impression is that there is a core group of Jews--genuine supremacist Jews, Satanic Jews--who use the mass of the Jewish people as a cloak of protection, and the mass of the Jewish people are not really aware of this core group of monsters. That is just my theory for now. I am trying to make sense of things since waking up to the JQ. I am trying to understand how a regular Jewish person can ignore or be blind to all of the evil that is linked to Judaism: Financial enslavement, multiple genocides, false flag wars, the 75 year war on the Palestinian people, etc.

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No, I am definitely saying that all Jews are essentially the same as the so-called extremist Jews, not that some are not really Jews. I am saying that what is misleadingly being termed as extremist Judaism is in fact essentially basic and 'normal' Judaism.

Take the words of Deuteronomy 20:16 for example from the Torah, the book that the alleged 'good Jews' use, even though the numbers of Jews using only the Torah is actually extremely miniscule, only a few thousand in the whole world within very tiny cults.

Deuteronomy 20:16 KJV:

But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:

Surely such a nice sweet little girl with such a winning smile sucking her lollipop can steal anyone's heart and simply carry on being a member of such a mercilessly psychopathic and criminally insane terrorist mafia quite unquestionably?

It is this very same verse that rabbis are using to justify the intended imposition of the genocidally mass-murderous Noahide Laws over the entire world today. World domination is expressly instructed in the Jewish scriptures, this verse is not intended purely to apply to any limited time period, geographical area or limited number of people, it is intended to be applicable to the entire world.

The sweet little girl saying 'ordinary' Jews are SO full of love is trying to deceive you and everyone else, she is relying on the idea that surely, nobody would want to upset the feelings of a such a nice sweet little girl like her. She is thinking you would look such a nasty sod then in front of the whole world if you were to upset her by contradicting her, haha. They often try this same type of ploy with me, saying stuff like '"I'm not trying to kill you am I?" (very clever that one).

But always they carry on asserting the 'rights' of themselves and other Jews to be Jews and to do exactly what the Jews are doing, but when crimes and terrorism are mentioned most Jews consistently deny Jews are actually engaged in these things.

Publicly, many Jews very dishonestly slyly profess not to follow all of the Jewish teachings in their own scriptures, this is purely a measure adopted to deceive their intended victim Gentiles.

The verses I have quoted show clearly that Jews are instructed to lie regarding what is in their scriptures, it follows very clearly that Jews will also lie whenever they feel it necessary about what parts of the Jewish religion they actually believe in.

If we forget the name 'Jew' for a moment and consider the actions of this group, they can very much be likened to the megalomaniac criminal terrorist SPECTRE group in the James Bond novels, or the real-life MS 13 international occult-based criminal terrorist mafia gang.

Surely, if any member of MS 13 were to say to you that she is just a sweet little girl sucking a lollipop with her pigtails turned up, smiling at you, saying that she is praying for you, you would be very well advised to wonder exactly how she is 'praying for you', and while she may tell you she is only a member of MS 13 which she herself says she knows is just an innocent social club, because they have such nice burritos at the extremely pleasant social gatherings which are filled with love every Saturday at their local meeting house, I would think twice about accepting all that guff if I were you.

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Intend to agree. I know many Jews who are opposed to the existence of Israel and certainly opposed to its genocide. Some are practicing Jews, some even rabbis, some not practicing jews. It is a divided group like any human group. Until WWII the vast majority of Jews in America opposed creating a state of Israel which illustrates my point.

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But the Torah states that of all the Gentiles in the world, there are to be "no survivors" as quoted by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, and he further quotes the Torah as stating that even all memory of the Gentiles is to totally erased from the memory of the Jews after all the Gentiles are dead.

And you don't suspect any knowledge of this by your 'good' Jew friends then?

The notion of a supposedly non-practicing Jew that still calls themselves a Jew is totally ridiculous.

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Jews clearly call themselves Jews because they claim to be followers of the Jewish religion, and if anyone says they know such and such a Jew but that they do not follow the Jewish religion but identify with Jewish 'culture' and Israel and so on and choose to call themselves Jewish, but make out to dumb goyim that they are not connected with any of what is in these scriptures, I would say that is a simple attempt at deception. If a Jew genuinely stops following the Jewish 'religion' that is really a non-spiritual front for a form of political megalomaniac weaponry aimed at world domination and the total physical enslavement and ultimate extermination of all non-Jews control, then he will obviously also stop calling himself a Jew and genuinely have nothing at all in common in any way with any of this constantly reincarnating invading soul group any longer.

A Jew very obviously follows the Jewish religion, here it is in the verses below, and there are other sources far more revealing and nasty than even this, this is just a very basic one. I cannot find any reason here to call any followers of that 'religion' kind, loving and compassionate.

Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts

From Acharya S


To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.

Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha

We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!

Prayer said on the eve of Passover (Pranajtis: Christianus in Talmudae Judeorum, quotations from: Synagoga Judaica)

Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...

Zohar, Vayshlah 177b

That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348

Kill the Goyim by any means possible.

Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Everyone who sheds the blood of the impious [non-Jews] is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God.

Yalkut 245c

Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth

Tob shebbe goyyim harog - Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.

Soferim 15, Rule 10

All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.

Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha

Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.

Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L

A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.

Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348

Do not save Goyim in danger of death.

Show no mercy to the Goyim.

Hilkkoth Akum X1

See also 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch


The late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson was the Chief Rabbi of the Chabad Lubavicher movement which is behind the genocidally mass-murderous Noahide Laws that are intended to authorize the political machinery needed to physically execute literally billions of Gentiles in the creation of the intended Jewish-run NWO to be controlled from Jerusalem, some 6 BILLION Gentiles are intended to be executed just for being alleged idolaters, or followers of Gentile religions.

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Great compilation of videos here, definitely one to refer to for a list of good video clips of rabbis at their usual game.

Not sure if you have seen this video yet, but it shows that these demon rabbis really do know what the COVID jab actually is, and they are most definitely openly celebrating the successful military deployment of this self-replicating nanotech ethnobomb bioweapon against all the Gentile peoples, in the video below they are frenzidly dancing and chanting CORONA! CORONA! CORONA!

This was something the Israeli military bioweapons research department (considered to be the biggest or second biggest bioweapons research department in the entire world - for such a tiny country, it is highly obvious what these murderous bastards are really intent on) spent many years developing in reality, though ridiculous claims were deliberately created to hide this terrible truth which falsely stated that supercomputer programs invented the Pfizer and Moderna COVID jab versions in just 1.5 hours and 2.5 hours.

An Israeli military intelligence whistleblower came forward and revealed that he knows that the Israeli government tested the COVID jabs out as WEAPONS actually on Palestinian prisoners and African Negros, so Pfizer never really tested the jab out on Jewish Israeli citizens as is usually claimed by WEF/sayanim shills and their dupes.

The experimentation detailed in the vast amount of paperwork revealed so far by Pfizer under court order, which of course will only be a fraction of what they really have and contain only a fraction of what they really did, obviously really took years to perform.

It has been known for years that the Israelis have been working on genetically selective ethnobomb bioweaponry, the COVID jabs and WHO mRNA jabs are that weapon, and GM synthetic mRNA crop plants developed initially by the Jewish Monsanto company are part of that military program too.

The scientific studies detailed are very obviously not the result of hurried and shabby work but are actually of the most complex and exacting scientific standard clearly resulting from very lengthy studies, which from the results seem clearly designed purely to create bioweapons that will produce as many disease conditions in the intended Gentile recipients of the poison Jew juice jabs as possible, with nearly 1,300 surely intentional disease conditions listed that are highly ridiculously being attempted to be passed off as mere 'side-effects' in the 500,000 pages released by Pfizer so far.

The number of people experimented on must have been truly vast, and the nature of this experimentation must have required very many large batches of experimentees over a number of years until they got the weapons just right for what they wanted them to accomplish.

And rather than the work being done by incompetent bumbling scientists as is claimed, in reality, to ensure that this bioweapon could never blow back in any way on the Jewish gene pool and sterilize or damage the Jewish people themselves, of course only the very highest precision and consideration was really used at all times by very obviously top scientific experts to make sure that the Jews themselves would never actually be harmed by their own weapon, which they themselves of course never really received in Israel, with only a placebo at most being given out in all cases to Jews there where jabs actually were ever actually administered, perhaps to convince even the average Jews themselves for security and propaganda purposes that they were actually getting a COVID jab so that everything would look really real to the rest of the world, with even the average Jew believing it, as this was a weapon purely to attack the Gentiles with, and the weapon was the real COVID jab given to Gentiles.

It was never the case that a real COVID jab such as was given to Gentiles was ever needed to protect any Jew from any real virus, as there was no COVID 19 virus and the real COVID jab used only on the Gentiles themselves contained weaponized self-replicating nanotechnology activated and directed by 5G (which Israel itself does not use, despite having invented 5G for Gentile nations to use), and these jabs themselves were the actual cause of the COVID, so obviously no Jew in Israel would ever actually be given a real one of these weapon jabs even though they were designed not to hurt Jews anyway, and no 5G transmitters were in Israel that would be needed to activate the weapons nanotechnology in the jabs anyway, the Israeli Jews are not daft enough to cause even the slightest real risk to their own Jewish population.

Some Jewish vaxxx history deleted on rense.com updated


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Thank you for the information.

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I’m too wondering that the god of the Jewish supremacists is the devil, the god of evil and the god of mass murder and the god of slavers. When did this god first instruct his followers to mass murder and enslave? It was after the god of Jacob/Israel made Jacob’s family into a numerous and great nation and led them out of Egypt in a demonstration of great power, murdering a host of Egyptian people. And directly afterwards? This god, giving instruction through Moses, ordered this great nation of Israel to exterminate the Amalekites and the Midianites (in the latter case with the exception of 32,000 virgin girls, of whom 32 are reserved for Jehovah aka YHVH). Is this a god worth revering and honoring and serving and worshiping? Isn’t this god the god of the Jews?

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Can you explain why did Isreal jab all it's people? I still wonder about that…..why kill your own?

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Yeah, that is a good question. I have read that the Israeli government was very enthusiastic about jabbing Israeli citizens and that lots of Israelis were injured/killed by the jabs. Is this true? I don't know. I am not sure what to think about this issue--I will have to look into it.

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I think they initially thought the shots would work and they could use such to then brag about how the Israel saved the world for bonus points. The ones in charged agreed to use Israel as the test for Pfizer - that data was then selectively used by the US CDC. I think this is the case since when I looked for uptake among Palestinians - I found some interesting articles that claimed that Israel was depriving Palestinians of the miracle shots. There were some in the scientific lit. and these also.

https://www.doctorswithoutborders.ca/israel-and-palestine-the-despair-of-vaccination-inequalities/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/01/denying-covid19-vaccines-to-palestinians-exposes-israels-institutionalized-discrimination/

I believe I read a while back that Israel has used fertility suppressing vaccines on Palestinians in the past.

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True. Couldn't believe it myself. That is what made me 7nderstand that there is zionism…and something called antisemitism. Not at all the same. When zev zelenko called out the rabbis begging them n9t to jab the children…that was a Jewish person. When netanyahu insisted and put passes in place for his population..that was evil zionism.

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Do not think for a moment that just because some Israeli Jews printed that story that any of it is true, anymore than the story of the deaths of 6 million Jews in some holocaust was ever really true either.

According to one West German Finance Minister back around 1974, well over 4 million (he gave the exact figure at the time to the last digit, around 4.25 or 4.75 million Jews) were then claiming compensation from the West German government for allegedly having been held in 'extermination camps' under the Germans, yet even all the nations who eventually had become German-occupied in WWII never contained anywhere near that number of Jews in the first place, plus 700,000 Jews were never deported from occupied France, just around 11,000 active armed Communist partisans were deported from France, and 2.25 million European Jews left Europe to live the war out in Russia at the very outset of hostilities, plus 150,000 mischlinge (mixed-race) Jews served in the German armed services, plus many Jews were released from the camps at the end of the war, and many Jewish children had been transported under the kinder transport schemes to the UK etc.

Only around 270,000 or so inmates of the POW/work camps where inmates and even those unable to work received wages commensurate with outside rates (later revised by the IRC to just over 280,000) died in the camps, and as 5.5 million in the camps were Russian POW's, most of those dead in that 280,000 were actually Russian POW's, so the most likely figure of Jews who died of typhus, dysentery, starvation mainly in the last 2 months of the war due to Allied bombing destroying supply routes to the camps would really have been around 50,000 maximum, if not just around 35,000, who would have been Jews that the powerful Jews were totally meaning to sacrifice in order to get their story to demand a state of Israel with, but even those dead were not enough, when you read of John Sack's account in An Eye For An Eye on how 200,000 Germans, only one half of a percent of whom were ever in the German military in any way, were taken into the Auschwitz camp complex at the end of WWII by armed Jewish partisans and Polish accomplices, with 60,000 to 80,000 of these Germans starved, beaten and tortured to death in the most horrific ways possible, including even babies.

John Sack: An Eye For An Eye


In the first part of this book this Jewish journalist and investigative reporter writes how he had to write at that time, reporting on the '6 million' story as if it had really happened, though he would surely have come to know of its actually fictitious nature in the course of his investigations I feel, but in the latter part of this book he truthfully tells of how the Jewish partisans and their Polish accomplices took 200,000 Germans prisoner, mainly civilians, and killed 60,000 to 80,000 of them (surely in order to create suitable war propaganda of dead people in the camps to be posed as murdered Jews), and undoubtedly I think when we read of the horror fiction director Alfred Hitchock and the American fiction film director Billy Wilder being sent to Germany after WWII, both of whom who were not documentarists, supposedly to do 'documentary' work on the camps, we can understand that many of the photos we see of 'Jews' in the camps are not of the same photo quality or origin as other stock, not having really been taken by Allied military 'liberators' of the camps themselves, and have been deliberately antiqued and made to falsely represent Jewish inmates when in fact the inmates portrayed in such terrible circumstances were in fact Germans themselves in many cases. If this sounds a little far-fetched, consider that testimony exists from German soldiers of German POW's being deliberately starved to death or dying form dysentery in sealed railway cars, and their stripped naked filthy dead severely emaciated bodies then dumped in the camps as 'Jewish' victims. Jewish war propaganda is a very filthy business. AR Butz shows a huge photo in his hugely informative book 'The Hoax of The 20th Century' of a massive long heap of dead skeletal figures, no more than skin on bone basically, this being no exaggeration when you see it, being actually of German civilians who died of starvation in all the chaos, but Jews used that same photo to falsely represent Jewish holocaust victims.

On my site elsewhere, I show photo 'evidence' of inmates supposedly being liberated from Auschwitz, but this photo evidence is then admitted to be fake by a witness from the time who states how the photo evidence was really made up as no photos were taken at the time of the actual liberation, so they later got actors to recreate the scene some 6 months later.

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I am horrified by what the allies did the Germans after WWII. I only learned about this history recently. Thank you for providing more details about this.

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My god man, you've written a top-notch history book that should be required reading in every high school in the West.

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Every single Soul is from God/Creator. Religion is used to separate.

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I agree. I have read that religions were set up to keep people divided. I am not sure that that was actually some sort of plan, but that is the way it has worked out. I wish people would stop hating each other because of their religious beliefs, which are pretty much an accident of birth.

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Jul 24
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I totally agree Pat! I was born and raised a Catholic-12 years Catholic school!

I don’t want man made religion. I just want GOD, my Creator!

My “church” is Nature, quiet, birds, water, trees…you get the point-lol.

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Old Russian saying;

“When Satan farts, Jews speak!”

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Hey prick! Why don’t you get yourself ticket and go to Gaza and fight the Jews you hate so much.

Chicken shit ??? Don’t line anyone who will shoot back at you??

Your Palestinian animal buddies ain’t dancing in the streets now are they???

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The October 7th attack was an Israeli false flag attack designed to create a pretext for the Israelis to massacre Palestinians and drive them out of their land.


In the past year the Israelis have been bombing schools, hospitals and refugee camps and have killed by some estimates well over 100,000 Palestinian civilians.

This is not a justifiable war of defense but is an endless slaughter of innocent men, women and children by very dangerous and sick people.

My latest post gives some insight into the nature of the jews committing this genocide:


By the way, here are some Israelis who who were dancing in the street during the Israeli 9/11 false flag attack on the United States:


Here is more information about Israel's involvement in 9/11, which appears to have been done to convince Americans to destroy Israel's enemies in the Middle East:


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You are a sick mother fucker.

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Please explain why I am a sick MF, using facts, reason and logic. Thank you.

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So... the Germans failed?!

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Well, the failed to stop Communism.

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Any 'ism that starts with C is the same PoS.

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These men are high on their own supply! 🤪

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Just curious...Is Claus Schwab a Jew? Is Bill Gates? Just curious.

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Schwab, Gates, Fauci are all just willing pawns of The Tribe.

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Could be. Seems like there are MILLIONS of them. AKA "Christian Zionists" . After all the "tribe" is chosen. By birth. It's total bullshit insanity. The whole concept of being born a "Jew" is idiotic. I can understand being born white, or black, or Asian or Hispanic, but born into a belief system that is sick? The problem I run into is that I knew many Jews in my previous life as a plumber in South Florida that in no way shape or form fill the "supremacist" view. Most were secular. Many were out right atheists. I refuse to label everyone in a group with the same label. If one female Jew is lesbian, that doesn't mean every female Jew is lesbian? BTW...I find 19 organizations world wide run by JEWS that are ANIT Zionist. So what does that make them except SMART?

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I came out a "Jew's" vagina, so technically . . .

Now, it's hard for me to believe I was ever proud of having that Eastern European blood in my veins. It disgusts me now.

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IT’S BULLSHIT! No ONE can be BORN a “Jew”. That is such an idiotic idea that even an idiot would see it as idiotic. What reality IS and what they CLAIM are two different things.

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A different perspective: Jews practice fully conscious controlled astral projection, I have spoken in person with many Jews over several decades who have openly told me how they consciously leave their bodies at night when in bed and then travel anywhere they wish (many yogis and shamans and sufis can also sometimes do this), this is not 'dreaming', this is in this dimension and in other dimensions they can enter while in that disembodied state. But the Jews use this very same constantly maintained and highly developed occult skill in an actually military fashion at the time of leaving their earthly bodies at the end of each incarnation to consciously reincarnate (Jews call reincarnation gilgul) in another Jewish or crypto-Jewish body elsewhere always within the Jewish soul collective.

Having said that, most of the Jewish soul group today are deeply disguised operating as Jews undercover as members of the Christian and Muslim faiths and several other faiths, due to rabbinical instructions over the centuries from different rabbis to tell the Jews excluded from cities and nations 1,031 times so far in recorded histoiry to get back into Gentile nations by pretending to be Christians for example (though Jews have infiltrated other faiths, especially Islam as well under the express instruction of Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi), and then while posing as Christians for example to 'work to do evil, to shorten the lives of the Gentiles', by taking up positions among Gentiles as doctors, Christian clerics, apothecaries, and positions where they can 'meddle in affairs of state'.

Rabbis had first instructed Jewish doctors to enter Christian lands to surreptitiously kill every tenth Christian patient, but they were discovered doing this and expelled, then rabbis told the Jews to go back in posing as Christians to do just the same again still as military operatives, to kill The Second Rome, Amalek.

Even today, rabbis say 580 million whites in Europe must all be killed, I post videos of rabbis saying that on my site, and that any other remaining whites in the US, Australia, New Zealand etc. must also be killed.

And Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has said that even under just one of the Noahide Laws against what Jews call idolatry, that 6 BILLION Gentiles will be executed, and that ultimately, of all the Gentiles in the entire world, there will be, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi very gleefully proclaims in one video I have posted on my site, "No survivors". No wonder the Jews like Putin are banning antisemitism so frantically and banning holocaust denial in more and more countries under Jewish control these days, most Gentile people will not know what hit them as a result. Trump too said in one video-recorded speech I have posted on my site that he will make antisemitism be punishable in the US by 'one penalty alone, the ultimate penalty, the death penalty' (just as the Bukharian Jew Stalin passed exactly the same law in Soviet Russia), receiving massive applause and hysterical cheering from the audience who were either Jewish or suicidal, or maybe clinically insane, simply deaf or totally retarded.

The Jewish DNA itself does not make someone a Jew, it is the eternal soul within that body, just as an automobile without a driver sat in it will not drive itelf and is not itself conscious, it requires a living soul as a 'driver' to make it operate. Consciousness as a living soul precedes and survives the physical body.

Occult power is the major part of Jewish power besides money power, it is how they guarantee that no Gentile soul enters their power dynasties, so that all Jewish wealth and power remains solely within the hands of Jewish souls alone over thousands of years life after life during this military operation intended to take this entire planet and kill all others on it to do so.

The Torah states that a Jewish soul is a Jewish soul forever, and that a Gentile soul is a Gentile soul forever (there never have really been any genuine 'conversions' of Gentiles to Jews, the Torah explicity fiorbids any conversion of Gentile to Jew), and so-called 'name-stealer' 'fake Jews' are merely a convenient scapegoat that the Jews always use in the form of the so-called Khazarian Mafia, all of whom actually are all real Jews as proven irrefutably by Dr Karl Skorecki and several professors at Jerusalem University even, and among themselves, the Jews infiltrating in Gentile lands agree for a number of their community to accept this small burden of being 'outed' as 'fake Jew' Khazarian Mafia by other Jews and their dupes, so that Judaism and Jews in general can get what is somehow claimed to be a 'clean pass' in political circles in those nations, but in Israel itself, no Jew calls any other Jew a fake Jew. All Jews are real Jews. "Even the best of Gentiles should be killed", says their 'scripture'.

How obscenely odd and perverse it is that any Jews at all are even allowed to set foot in any Gentile land even for the briefest time for any stated purpose at all, let alone have citizenship or receive any money or military aid from any Gentile nation like the US or UK, but both these nations have been hijacked and controlled by the always parasitic Jews for very many years of course.

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I have no idea what to say about this except it sounds like the script to a pretty interesting SCI FI series. Where do you come up with this “stuff” from? If THEY can do what you claim, why can’t WE?

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Purchased pawn, surely?

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Jul 21
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Why are all the kind, compassionate, morally good Jews not denouncing all of the evil of their supremacist coreligionists? Are they not aware of this evil? As I document on this substack, Jews created communism and have put the world in debt slavery. So many of the world's problems seem to trace back to Jewish plots and conspiracies--like 9/11, the transgender grooming of children, the war on Whites, etc.

I have Jewish relatives and they seem unaware of all this stuff. Are the good Jews unaware of all of this evil from the bad Jews?

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Jul 24
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Are the kind, compassionate, loving Jews unaware of the crimes of supremacist Jews that are responsible for so much of the Gentile antipathy towards Jews and Judaism?

I have Jewish relatives and they seem to be completely unaware of such things as the hateful Talmud teachings that dehumanize Gentiles, the Jewish nature of Communism, and the history of the war between Jews and Gentiles that goes back centuries. You are certainly aware of all this. Can you understand why all of these things might cause Gentiles to have a little bit of animosity towards (supremacist) Jews and Judaism?

I am not a big fan of religion. While every religion has some good teachings, I feel that religions cause too much bigotry and hatred between people. I sometimes suspect that religions were set up specifically to divide people--for the benefit of the rulers. And the idea that there is a kind, loving, all powerful, all knowing god who would choose one group of people out of the entire human race and make everyone else servants or slaves of this chosen people, sets up an endless conflict between people. A "god" that would do something like this would be either stupid or malevolent.

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just information:


FYIW joos got framed with communism created by the Brits who paid secular Marx who had abandoned his fambly's judaism anyway--he was not raised "in the faith"--Re WHY the chews dumbly went along with communism an' took up its banners--that's cuz so many were SO angry at Russians cuz after livin' in the ghettos for 100 years as second class citizens (not fun) -- the Czar introduced the Pale of Settlement which was the straw that broke the camel's back-- The Pale started due to a plot, a lie, told to the czar, that joos wanted to assassinate him--it was untrue but due to not knowin' jack all 'bout joos he didn't investigate, nope he had cossacks destroy their homes, rape their women, burn their pogroms -- So ya might wonder why some left the old country (my entire fambly left 'tween 1870 & 1910) an' some that stayed wanted ta "git back" at Russia an' were foolishly led ta believe in communism? (as payback) That's why--rape, burnin', murder an' 100 years of bein' treated like dirt... Communism was wrong... many non-joos became commies too--Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger--good folks! They ALL thought it was a solution... in context it's less ugly an' knowin' that joos foolishly "believed" in the con (just like covid con) just says they were dumb dupes... some surely evil, the rest useless idiots... Watch the viddeyo..

As fer most ordinary joos, they are like yer relatives--they know nothin' of these insane rabbis, do not wanna destroy America, an' we/nearly all were taught the 10 commandments an' "thou shall not kill" an' don't hate christians... most joos in da MSM have no clue what bull-oney their networks are promotin'--they sit at their desks, crunch numbers, interview staff, go home exhausted an' try ta be decent parents--that's the truth--they know of no cabal, swamp, or the evil--sure some are evil... sites like yers seem ta wanna promote that idea even if you say wull the few I know aren't evil... no, truth is--a few unhinged rabbis are not the majority. There are other leaders (not jooish) who also preach horrible stuff--one guy HERE (preacher) in the US wants ta throw homos off roofs...

I (like most joos--yup like MOST) had never heard of this Psalm (notta law like torah, It's a fukin' POEM so ta say all joos believe this as law an' ta skeer poor christians that THIS is what joos with ta do to non-joos-- as the haters do is bullshart--it's neither torah nor talmud--psalms are songs. Anyone here sung a nasty song that's not ta be taken literally? One rabbi takes it literally--a nutbar. Most do not--it's a revenge poem. Talmud fwiw is not law either--talmud is a gigunda book of discussed legalities...debates! many contradict each other--folks put out idears, many violate the Big 10 so are "only in theory"--it's like an encyclopaedia an' contains mostly borin' discussions, opinions, a few (very few) horrific but ONLY as debate--folks don't git this--joos don't go on rapin' babies... really--but don't believe me, it's incovenient to "da cause")

As fer this upsettin' Psalm, most joos are HORRIFIED hearin' 'bout it fer the first time--this is not TAUGHT to "most joos" (sing-along with the bouncin' ball?) let alone ta take it literally --my educated guess fer those that DO know 'bout it (again, not most are even aware).

Me? saw it first on yer website cuz sum'buddy linked to it--that's whut landed me chez toi--so I looked it up an' found that it's yup, it's an angry poem after all this stuff was done ta da joos--an' this one unhinged rabbi is wrong an' represents nobuddy (an' perhaps even his own congregation ain't on board with doin' that ta babies... most would not take it literally)

Scholarly joos an' rabbis are SO angst-ridden over these few horrific lines they held a conference on it--just found it--lotta hand wringin' in fact:


They even wonder if/how to show it to teens studyin' jooish religion.

Truth is, folks hate us an' look fer ANY excuse ta blame us fer all the troubles of the world. I've seen more'n a few websites tellin' the same stories an' leavin' the joos out as there are enuf jesuits an' satanists (no joos don't believe in satan 'cept mebbe in hollyweird)--to tell ALL the stories of evil in the world without a single joo bein' guilty. IMHO sure some baddies that were joos (in name only godferbid) WERE involved but it's not as if the were in the majority. Some with 2 brain cells left know that even the jooish baddies at the top (not as many as folks like ta believe an' yup, some are truly rotten) are not even runnin' the show!-- they are bagmen (money men) & mouthpieces fer the Black Nobs--the Vattycan... not even Rothschilds if trooth be told--at the top, no joos, not allowed.

Right here in AmeriKa folks are callin' fer a "final solution" to the jooish problem as "good folks" are bein' steered inta blamin' da joos fer their every ill.

I know many of y'all won't mind if we are all deported or "worse" but most of us are raised to love all people as our brothers an' sisters, are not worshippin Satan or Moloch or whatever demon, an' I daresay even the ardent zionists I know (for whom zionism just means wantin' a home in Israel--no more no less)--are decent folks. oooh, that'll go down bad here, I know I know. This is too inconvenient I know--I just dropped a turd in yer punchbowl... sorry. I just pushback a mite if I land in the doodoo...

I ain't the ADL (now THAT's a rotten organ-i-zay-shun) Y'all kin go on hatin' who ya like an' carvin' out leeeetle boxes for the few good chews as bein' "exceptions ta the rule"- but the truth is the baddies (do not all faiths have baddies?) mortify MOST of us. An' MOST of us (joos, however secular or religious) have no CLUE 'bout these real baddies.

Last thought--when a bad joo (eg. Weinstein) duz somthing gawdawful--ALL choos are blamed--see we told ya! but when, say, a bad black man (eg Cosby) duz the same, only HE is blamed. When a bad white dude duz something evil, he's a lone nut--a joo? An example of how "they" are... When a good joo duz good (Zelenko, Jane Ruby, Rima Laibow, Mark Crispin Miller) an' speaks out ta help folks, THEY are "exceptions ta the rule" to vs "good examples" (or some say gatekeepers, oy, they are not)... many others too, I'll spare ya a list.

All I can say is it's easy to point out the baddies an' make them "prime examples" of a hated race when most joos--sorry--are ordinary schmoes, not rich, they work, they hate nobuddy (soitenly not christians, their neighbors) an' just hope they kin pay the bills an' that their kids won't get attacked at college by the (imaginary) haters... dats sum truth... take it as ya will... every dog deserves it's day... guess I'm the bowser barkin' up the wrong tree Mister Binky--have a nice day (really)

ps fwiw most choos are not told chosen means superior--let alone they'll conquer the world--chosen ta most of us (how I wuz taught) means simply "designated" to foller the Big 10 best they can to set an example--like a test group--not made up of folks that were better--just part of God's grand experiment to git folks ta behave better--test subjects so ta speak--many righteous joos do just that --the rotten ones don't (God is purdy forgivin' if the mistakes are not gawd awful--not so forgivin' only when folks "do" idol worship an' stuff...which means satanism an' all the "molarchy" is verboten--a sin... turibble, a violation of the big ten) most on the outside only hear the extreme screeds by these few unhinged rabbis an' not the ordinary (borin') trooth.. (fwiw among joos this rabbi schmuley is REVILED--joos CRINGE an' wanna disown him...I think he's an OP to discredit ordinary joos fwiw..yuk)

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