In October 2019, government agencies, NGOs, academic institutions and corporations held a training exercise for a future coronavirus pandemic in order to game out how they would coordinate their response to such an event. The training exercise was named “Event 201”. This is how it is described:
”Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic.”
Here is video of the training exercise.
As you may recall, shortly after Event 201, a “real” coronavirus pandemic broke out. What are the odds? How lucky were we that these Event 201 participants-these heroes!-were trained and ready to respond to just such an event? It’s a miracle, I’m telling you!
This is the official timeline of the plandemic:
”The first human cases of COVID-19 were identified in Wuhan, People's Republic of China, on or about 16 November 2019.[2] The first human case in America was on 21 January 2020. The World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020.”
From this point on we were off to the races as the agencies and institutions that participated in Event 201 ramped up a COVID-19 scare-mongering campaign that ran 24/7, for months. The MSM bombarded us with terrifying stories of COVID patients suffocating in crowded ICUs and bodies piling up so high in New York City hospitals that refrigerated tractor trailers had to be repurposed to handle the overload of corpses. There was the widely publicized John Hopkins COVID-19 web site that provided dramatic real-time tracking of soaring COVID-19 “cases” and “deaths”. If you remember, John Hopkins hosted Event 201. We all saw the viral video of the Chinese man emerging from a subway and collapsing face-first onto the sidewalk, supposedly because of COVID-19. It is important to note that this reaction to COVID-19 was never recorded happening again, anywhere. Not that this mattered.
Citizens sheltered in their homes and binged on Netflix and fear porn. Cities became ghost towns. When people ventured into public spaces, masking and “social distancing” (a very Orwellian term) were strictly enforced.
This fear offensive lasted for months and months. And it was all a scam. It was all PHEIC. The COVID-19 scamdemic was planned out years in advance. It was designed to push the “New World Order”.
Related: The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010—Blueprint for 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic
According to CDC statistics, the COVID-19 coronavirus is no more dangerous than the common flu, with a 99.4% recovery rate for people from age 50-64, a 99.95% recovery rate for those between 18 and 49, and a 99.98% recovery rate for those under 17. The CDC had this information early in 2020. At this point, I no longer believe that there actually was a novel coronavirus. It seems that COVID-19 was just rebranded seasonal flu.
What is the other evidence that this was a plandemic?
We know that the PCR tests were useless and were just props. See here.
We know that alternative treatments for COVID-19 (whatever it was, if it was anything)-like HCQ and Ivermectin-were all but banned, to clear a path for the Emergency Use Authorization of the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”. This EUA designation-still in use-protects governments and pharmaceutical companies from liability for C-19 “vaccine” injuries and deaths. How convenient.
We know that people who were labeled as COVID-19 positive by the bogus PCR tests were murdered in the hospitals with the Fauci COVID-19 treatment protocol, which prescribed sedation, intubation-with the ventilators cranked to maximum pressure, and Remdesivir injections. The ventilators blew out lungs and the Remdesivir shut down kidneys, leading to patients’ lungs filling with water, leading to patients drowning in their hospital beds.
And then these patients’ deaths were listed as COVID-19 deaths.
Deaths from gunshots, car accident and cancer were also labeled as COVID-19 deaths. Gotta crank up that COVID-19 death count! And consider this: When the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” were introduced in late 2020/early 2021, our trusted authorities made it a rule that no one was considered vaccinated until two weeks after their second injection. This meant that anyone who died from the experimental ”vaccines” weeks after their first and second shots could be listed as having died from COVID-19. This enabled our trusted authorities to hide “vaccine” deaths while they simultaneously boosted “COVID-19” deaths. Brilliant!
We know that the hospitals were being given huge financial payoffs from the government for “treating” “COVID” patients, who were labeled COVID-positive by the bogus PCR tests:
More information here.
More COVID-19 “cases” and more COVID-19 “deaths” helped boost the fear that was being pumped out 24/7 by the Media and the governments. It is important to note that Media companies derive approximately 75% of their television ad revenue from pharmaceutical companies. I wonder if this influences their reporting about scary viruses, or about vaccine injuries and deaths? We can only speculate.
We saw that doctors, nurses, scientists and activists who spoke out against the COVID-19 lies were censored, de-platformed, doxxed and maybe lost their jobs and medical licenses. There was a giant PSYOP and propaganda war to enforce compliance with government dictates. Did Congress debate the issue of coercively injecting (no jab, no job) the working population with an experimental mRNA drug? Did the Media? Was there any concern for bodily integrity? No. It was clear that no public debate was to be allowed and every voice that challenged the official narrative was to be shut down. We had entered a horrifying, tyrannical dystopia. Shut up and obey!
Fake virus, fake PCR test, fake C-19 cases, fake C-19 deaths, fake news—these were all used to create a climate of fear and hysteria and stop rational thought. The main goal of the relentless fear campaign from 2020 through 2022 was to terrify citizens to the point where they begged for the mRNA bioweapons labeled as COVID-19 “vaccines”. Now, of course, the disability and excess death rates in all of the most heavily "vaccinated" countries are skyrocketing while the Media, the governments and the pharma companies are silent. Why are they silent? Because they are the perpetrators of this bio-war on humanity.
The COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” are silent weapons in a quiet war on humanity.
Below is a collection of memes which help explain the plandemic/”vaccine” genocide campaign in this unrestricted, full spectrum, worldwide war. If any of these memes are factually incorrect, please let me know.
Here is a links page from this substack that provides related information.
Open picture in separate tab to see details
This is so crazy that it could well be a sick joke.