DISCLAIMER: These questions are based on my current understanding of the COVID-19 plandemic and the mRNA “vaccines.” These views are subject to change.
Related information from this substack is located here and here.
1) Has the German government admitted that the COVID-19 pandemic was a fraud?
2) In October 2019, government agencies, NGOs, academic institutions and corporations held a training exercise for a future coronavirus pandemic in order to game out how they would coordinate their response to such an event. The training exercise was named “Event 201”. This is how it is described:
”Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic”.
Here is video of the training exercise.
Do you think it was just a wacky coincidence that a “real” pandemic broke out only a few short months after this training exercise for the exact same scenario?
2) Please explain in precise detail how the mRNA injections that are called COVID-19 "vaccines" actually work. Is it true that the mRNA in the injection enters your cells and forces your cells to produce spike proteins? See here, here, here, here, here, and here.
3) If this indeed is how the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” actually work, then why was this strange, novel, genetic process never really explained to the public, and why was the use of it never debated in the Media or by Congress?
4) If the public was not told that these jabs are a kind of gene therapy, is it fair to say that those who were “vaccinated” could not and did not give informed consent to the shots?
5) Where can we find studies on the long term health effects of these experimental mRNA injections? Do they even exist? Could they even exist, since we are told that these mRNA drugs were developed, tested and approved in less than a year?
6) Is it true that there are over a thousand peer-revieved scientific studies detailing a large roster of adverse health effects and deadly illnesses caused by these mRNA “vaccines”?
7) Is it true that Pfizer knew about many of these adverse health effects and deadly illness caused by its COVID-19 “vaccine” yet tried to hide this information for 75 years?
Dr. Peter McCullough:
“Pfizer recorded 1223 deaths with their product within 90 days of release. People were calling Pfizer in desperation, watching their family members die after taking the vaccine.”
8) What do you make of this Notice of Liability which was recently sent to important members of the W.H.O.?
EXCERPT: The long-term material risks of these ‘vaccines’ are unknown. The LNP-modRNA platform fulfils EU, UK, South African, Australian, and US legal definitions for being properly deemed a genetically modified organism (GMO), and a gene therapy, where material risks are identified over a period up to 15 years and perhaps into offspring. People were not advised as required by law that the so-called ‘vaccines’ are, in fact, GMOs.
Pfizer used one process to manufacture the products that they submitted for approval but a different process to manufacture the product supplied for injection into the world’s people. The latter product was manufactured using E.coli bacteria and plasmid DNA which has resulted in excessive synthetic DNA contamination confirmed as able to integrate with the human genome. Moderna’s use of plasmid DNA in manufacture has also led to excessive synthetic DNA contamination.
Pfizer products includes a SV40 virus-derived enhancer gene sequence. This gene sequence is known to facilitate the transport of the synthetic DNA into cell nuclei, posing a real risk of chromosomal integration. This threatens permanent genetic modification of inoculated people without their knowledge or consent and can only be harmful.
The contents of these genetic injections do not stay in the arm muscle.
Spike proteins are produced for a prolonged and unknown period of time, possibly indefinitely.
These spike proteins trigger extensive microvascular blood clotting as well as large vessel blood clots.
Spike proteins are deposited in many tissues and organs including the heart, brain, testis, ovaries, liver and spleen, causing tissue degeneration and disease.
The large quantity of spike proteins may overwhelm the immune system, causing immune system dysfunction and worsening risk of all infections and cancers.
The spike protein is toxic in itself, but this foreign antigen also marks the victims’ own tissues as non-self, triggering autoimmune disease within these tissues.
The antibodies generated are non-neutralizing and worsen Covid disease; this is “antibody dependent enhancement” of infection.
Undeclared plasmid DNA in these products carries further dangers; especially in the case of Pfizer and the concealed SV40 enhancer and promotor sequences. This includes the disruption of tumour suppressor genes, and adds to the list of mechanisms by which these products increase cancer risk.
The artificial modRNA in these products is hyper-persistent due to the substitution of N1-methylpsudouridine in place of uracil. This prolongs the production of the toxic spike proteins, but also causes ribosome frame shifting, such that a variety of unpredictable proteins and polypeptides are also generated. These pose serious risk for triggering a large spectrum of autoimmune diseases.
Additionally the pegylated lipid nanoparticles, which deliver the genetic payload into the victims’ cells, are toxic in and of themselves.
5. Violation of informed consent
Based on your authority as the designated WHO Director General, the majority of people around the world trusted your words when you stated that Covid-19 GMOs and gene therapies were “safe and effective”. This claim cannot be substantiated and is further disproved by Covid-19 vaccine contracts. As such, the right to free and informed consent was violated for every human being who was injected with the experimental Covid-19 GMO gene therapy called ‘vaccines’.
9) Based on the previous information I have provided, do you believe that this medical worker’s descriptions of the suffering caused by these experimental injections are legitimate and accurate?:
Related: openvaers.com death reports from COVID-19 “vaccines.”
10) Is it a fact that the CDC quietly changed the definition of vaccines in 2021 in order to label these strange COVID-19 mRNA drugs as vaccines?
11) Did Barack Hussein Obama really say, with a chuckle, that they have “clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide”?
12) Is it correct that it typically takes up to 15 years to develop and safety-test a vaccine before it is approved for use? If that is true, then how were these COVID-19 “vaccines” developed, safety-tested, approved for use and then billions of doses produced in less than a year?
13) Why were these injections mandated by the Biden administration when:
a) Federal health officials said in January 2021 that they do not stop COVID-19 (at this point, I think COVID-19 was just the flu, renamed)
b) The CDC said that the “COVID-19” was no more dangerous than the flu?
c) We had no long term safety studies on the health effects of these “vaccines”?
d) The White House knew in April 2021 that the jabs caused clots and mycarditis?
14) As mentioned above, the Biden administration was aware as early as April 2021 that the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” were causing blood clots and serious heart damage, and yet the administration scrambled to cover-up this information prior to enacting its COVID-19 “vaccine” mandates. Are you able to provide an innocent explanation of why the Biden administration did this?
15) Why are the Media, government and pharmaceutical companies silent about the vaccine death information contained in this chart? Why are we not having a very public discussion about this information now, as the government pushes the ninth COVID-19 mRNA “booster” and excess deaths are skyrocketing in the most heavily “vaccinated” countries?
16) Why were pregnant women told to get these experimental mRNA injections and why were mothers encouraged by the government to pump these experimental genetic concoctions into their six-month-old babies, who probably had zero risk from COVID-19 (which probably never actually existed)? Pregnant women are told to stay away from cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust, tuna-fish and soft cheese, yet they were assured by the government that these experimental drugs-drugs that we have no long term safety studies for, drugs that are actually gene therapies-were fine and dandy to inject into their bodies. How does that make any kind of sense to you?
17) Is it true that the people who are found at the top of the COVID-19 “vaccination” campaign, such as Bill Gates, are depopulation enthusiasts? See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
18) How is it ethical and just for the government to require injections of an experimental mRNA “vaccine” for employment while it exempts pharmaceutical companies and itself from any liability for injuries and deaths caused by these strange gene therapies? Please explain.
19) Why were American workers mandated to get these injections while White House staff, Congress, the USPS and Pfizer employees were exempted from the COVID-19 “vaccines”?
20) Is it true that the news organizations, government agencies, doctors and NGOs involved in the COVID-19 “vaccination” campaign have had a huge financial interest in promoting these harmful and deadly mRNA injections?
21) Why would Dr. Anthony Fauci and his National Institute of Health push and financially incentivize a COVID-19 treatment protocol that is harmful and deadly? The protocol involves sedation, intubation and ventilation, and the administration of the drug Remdesivir, which shuts down the kidneys, which then leads to pulmonary edema and death. See here, here, here, here and here.
Remdesivir Increases Your Risk of Death. Dr. Paul Marik Speaks on the Deadly NIH Protocols
EXCERPT: Why would a medication with a 53% mortality rate be used on a disease with a 98% survival rate? Because in the United States, these treatments come with high monetary incentives. Hospital invoices for outpatient COVID-19 care average $3,200. Inpatient care drive invoices to an average of $111,000. If a hospital can intubate, sedate, and I.V. drip a patient the cost will explode to an average of $450,000. But the ultimate incentive comes from the Federal government: Medicare will give an additional 20% bonus on top of the whole hospital bill if Remdesivir is used, regardless of outcome, so a “keep & kill” protocol results in an additional $90,000 and a total of $540,000 per patient per hospital.
Undoubtedly the patients who died from the Remdesivir death protocol were listed as having died from COVID-19. Hmmmm…..
22) Why were American citizens mandated to be injected with these strange, mysterious mRNA drugs at the very same time that millions of unvetted, UNVACCINATED illegal aliens were allowed to flood into the United States, and were transported and deposited around the country by the government, at taxpayer expense? Is it unreasonable to suspect that this is part of a scheme to replace the native population?
23) Why is it that since the draconian “vaccine” mandates were rescinded, people are still being encouraged to get injected with these mRNA mystery drugs, even though, according to the data, they do not stop “COVID-19” and are known to be dangerous and deadly?
24) Throughout the COVID-19 “vaccination” campaign, we were repeatedly assured by our trusted authorities that the mRNA “vaccines” were “safe and effective.” Where are the studies showing that these experimental injections are actually “safe and effective"? What does this phrase even mean? The evidence overwhelmingly shows that the injections are dangerous and deadly.
25) Are any vaccines actually safe?
26) Is it true that the FDA’s approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 “vaccine” in August 2021— which was the basis of the U.S. government’s COVID-19 “vaccine” mandate for the military—was a trick and a lie, because there never actually was an FDA-approved COVID-19 "vaccine" available the United States? See here, here and here. If this is true, do you find it at all troubling?
27) Why did the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) entirely redact its “long-term study” on myocarditis after COVID-19 injections that the agency was required to release in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request? In other words, what the agency ended up releasing was a file consisting of nothing but 148 totally blank pages. How do you explain this?
28) During the height of the COVID-19 “pandemic” hysteria, many countries required citizens to present “vaccine” passports to enter public spaces such as grocery stores and restaurants, and these “vaccine” passports were necessary for airline flights. The authorities actually threatened medical personnel with jail time for questioning government COVID-19 claims, imposed fines on those who wouldn’t toe the line, took away the jobs of dissenters, and revoked the medical licenses of many of those criticizing the gene therapy injections. Australian government authorities apparently built quarantine camps for the un-jabbed and shot “vaccine” mandate protestors with rubber bullets. How do you explain all of this absurd tyranny in light of the fact that it was known by our governments in 2020 that COVID-19 is no more dangerous than the flu, with a 99.8% recovery rate? Maybe it was the common flu.
Related: Latest Data Shows No Excess Deaths From All Causes Globally in 2020
Related: New York Times and CDC now reluctantly admit that covid deaths were over-counted, pandemic was over-hyped
29) If COVID-19 was so horrifically deadly and was filling the hospitals with bazillions of contagious, wheezing, dying patients, how do you explain the silly hospital dance videos that flooded TikTok? Where did the doctors and nurses find the time and energy to make these often creepy music videos, which appear to have been shot in empty hospitals? Is it possible that that there was more to these videos than most people understand?
Dancing nurses. Where have we seen that before? COVID foretold
Nurses Dance In Cringeworthy TikTok Video At A Time When Hospitals Are Supposedly “Overrun” Due To COVID
Nurses Slammed For Recreating ‘Coffin Dance’ Meme On TikTok With ‘Dead Body’ Marked COVID-19 (VIDEO)
How the "dancing nurse" meme fueled disgust and dissent
The disconnect between seeing "the dancing nurses" and hearing "the hospitals are overflowing" was part of the the humiliation-based psychological control protocol... Please understand that EVERYTHING presented to you had a purpose in exhausting you and getting you to submit your will to their control.
More dancing nurses & empty hospitals. Do you see how this fits into the "Humiliation Protocol" as described in previous video?
And this seems relevant…The 2012 London Olympics Ceremony – another ceremony full of predictive programming for Covid-19:
“Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by the leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”
30) At this point I don’t believe that there ever was a novel “COVID-19” coronavirus, but why were any and all off-the-shelf drugs that were said to be safe and effective in treating COVID—drugs such as HCQ and Ivermectin—blocked and banned from use from 2020 up until only recently? Was it because allowing their use would have stopped the Emergency Use Authorization of the mRNA clot shots and thus would have derailed the global depopulation scheme and financial windfall that the “vaccine”-pushers were engineering?
31) During the 1976 Swine Flu epidemic, the government injected 46 million Americans with its Swine Flu vaccine. 4000 citizens subsequently filed claims against the government for injuries and deaths caused by the vaccine. At least 25 deaths were attributed to the vaccine. This was a huge scandal and because of these injuries and deaths, the vaccine was immediately pulled from use. Fast forward to the 2021-2024 COVID-19 “vaccination” program: By July of 2021, the CDC's VAERS reporting system showed that over 9,000 people had died from the COVID-19 vaccines and several hundred thousand had been injured. Despite this massive injury and death toll, the government was silent about it, the pharmaceutical companies said nothing about it, the Media were not screaming about this carnage 24/7, AND THE VACCINES WERE NOT IMMEDIATELY PULLED FROM USE.
And they are all still silent, three years on. And they are all still pushing the genocide jabs.
So, if you can, please explain this situation to me in a way that does not presume a government, Media and pharmaceutical company conspiracy, or any malfeasance, and which makes some kind of sense to a rational, reasonable, semi-intelligent person.
NOTE: If you look at the OpenVAERS website now, the COVID "vaccine" death reports number over 37,000 and the injury/adverse effect reports top 1.6 million. One study completed for the HHS concluded that VAERS captures as little as 1%-10% of the actual deaths and injuries from vaccines. Do the math.
32) Why does it appear as if the U.S. Department of Defense is waging war on us with the mRNA injections?
33) After everything that I have presented to you so far, do you think there is any validity to the following statement by Sasha Latypova, a former pharmaceutical industry executive and entrepreneur?:
”Overall characterization of what is going on: the federal and most of the state governments are gone and captured. Whatever is running the federal gov agencies (e.g. HHS) really intends to kill you, or at least substantially injure you, damage your reproductive capacity and repossess your assets in the process. The aim is to reduce the population and terrorize the survivors enough to establish a totalitarian control over much of the world’s territory. Nobody is coming to save you, your survival and that of your children is in your hands only. Do not comply.”
Related: Recent interview with Sasha Latypova.
34) Why have young and otherwise healthy people been dropping dead all over the world from blood clots and heart attacks and turbo cancer since the introduction of these mysterious mRNA injections?
35) Why have the excess mortality rates in all of the most heavily "vaccinated" countries skyrocketed since 2021?
36) As noted above, the Media, the federal government, and the pharma companies are still silent about the massive number of deaths and injuries directly linked to the mRNA injections, and are silent about the soaring excess mortality rates. How do you explain this?
37) Were you aware that 10 Florida County Republican parties have declared that the COVID-19 injections are biological and technological weapons? Did you know that the Florida Department of Health has called for the COVID-19 “vaccine” injections to be stopped, and that a petition has been filed in Florida to ban the COVID-19 “vaccines”?
38) Do you think it is at all possible that we have been subjected to a giant psychological operation and that we have been brainwashed?
39) Is there anything else that I can show you or explain to you to help you see that the official COVID-19 narrative is false?
Bonus questions below. Several are similar to the questions above:
Dr Tess Lawrie@lawrie_dr
WCH Health & Science Lead Christof Plothe DO asked 36 questions at the recent #Geneva press conference on Human Rights and COVID-19:
1- Why were we not told that the Covid 19 virus was patented by Moderna in 2018?
2- Why did Moderna produce 100,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses in 2019 before the pandemic started?
3- Why, against all scientific evidence, were lockdowns and masks used?
4- Why were we not told that the ‘vaccine’ does not remain in the arm, but accumulates all over the body?
5- Why was PCR testing recommended when it is not designed for diagnostic purposes?
6- Why were the definitions of ‘vaccine’, and ‘herd immunity’ changed prior to the Covid-19 outbreak?
7- Why was a pandemic declared when the case fatality rate was akin to ’flu?
8- Why were tests on genotoxicity, teratogenicity, and carcinogenicity not carried out, and yet we were told the ‘vaccine’ was safe?
9- Why was there no proper follow-up of all people injected when using a new gene therapy product?
10- Why were doctors and the public not reminded regularly about the need to report adverse reactions to these new and experimental genetic ‘vaccines’?
11- Why was a ‘vaccine’ recommended during an ongoing pandemic, which is contraindicated in vaccinology?
12- Why was a ‘vaccine’ recommended for those who had superior natural immunity?
13- Why was a novel gene therapy launched after three months, instead of the required ten years?
14- Why were we not told that, in the Pfizer trial, more people died in the vaccinated group than in the control group?
15- Why were we told that Covid injections were ‘safe and effective’ when the evidence did not substantiate this?
16- Why were – and are – opposing voices from science and practicing medicine discredited, punished, and jailed?
17- Why were doctors, for the first time in history, discouraged from treating a disease, and told to wait for a vaccine?
18- Why was early treatment discouraged, whilst we know it is the most important tool to address any infectious disease?
19- Why were effective and very safe medicines like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin discredited and even prohibited?
20- Why did the producers of the novel gene therapies not want their data to be published for 75 years?
21- Why were Covid injections, masks and lockdowns recommended for children when it was known that they were not severely affected and did not spread Covid?
22- Why were the Covid injections recommended in pregnancy, when over 80% of babies were lost in trials when women were vaccinated in the first trimester?
23- Why was emergency approval guaranteed when over 2,000 people died within the first three months after vaccination roll-out?
24- Why is there no scientific outcry after over 3,500 papers have been published demonstrating side effects of the Covid-19 injections?
25- Why are conflicts of interest tolerated among medical authorities, with the FDA, EMA, and WHO being 80-90% funded by industry?
26- Why was there no adequate education of doctors, patients, and the public, and thus no possibility of informed consent?
27- Why and how were the media captured so that they pushed only one agenda worldwide?
28- Why were and are effective treatment protocols, which have existed since 2020, banned and declared illegal?
29- Why are we not told about the unnecessary deaths that were attributed to Covid but actually caused by iatrogenic measures (e.g. Midazolam, ventilation) carried out in early 2020?
30- Why was the fundamental role of Vitamin D status, diet, and the microbiome not communicated, when these measures could have prevented almost 100% of Covid deaths?
31- Why was and is a certain medical procedure forced upon people against their will, whilst the Nuremberg Declaration clearly opposes this?
32- Why is gain of function research, like that relating to Covid-19, not banned worldwide?
33- Why is an mRNA product still being used, when we know that mRNA is being incorporated into the human genome, and resulting in the production of other, unknown, proteins?
34- Why has the failed mRNA concept not been stopped, when we know it increases the likelihood of the recipient getting Covid-19, thus demonstrating negative efficacy?
35-Why do these products continue to be recommended, when at least 17 million people are believed to have died due to the injections?
36-Why is there no investigation into excess deaths, and increases in rates of cancer and heart problems, etc., which started in 2021, not in 2020?
What do we do when the so-called health authorities get it wrong and cause immeasurable harm?
Related Information
Father of 7-Year-Old with Myocarditis Records Pharmacist Admit Parents Are Not Warned of this COVID Vaccine Side Effect: “We might scare the parents, and they don’t get their child vaccinated”
Totality of Evidence (COVID-19 plandemic aggregator site)
Letter of Non-Consent to Mandatory or Coerced COVID-19 Vaccines
The Worldwide Corona Crisis Global Coup d’État Against Humanity (book)
Coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) news and resources (great aggregator site)
Humanity Projects (excess mortality numbers)
The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth? (NIH article)
COVID-19: The Biodefense Mafia
Summary of Everything and Quick Links, Updated
EXCERPT: Overall characterization of what is going on: the federal and most of the state governments are gone and captured. Whatever is running the federal gov agencies (e.g. HHS) really intends to kill you, or at least substantially injure you, damage your reproductive capacity and repossess your assets in the process. The aim is to reduce the population and terrorize the survivors enough to establish a totalitarian control over much of the world’s territory. Nobody is coming to save you, your survival and that of your children is in your hands only. Do not comply.
Over 1000 Scientific Studies Prove That the C-19 Jabs Are Dangerous and Deadly
Data from Around World Proving the C-19 “Vaccines” are Dangerous and Deadly
Over 1000 Peer Reviewed Articles Which Show That C-19 "Vaccines" are harmful