As a Jew myself, it was an incredibly large pill to swallow, but I found the courage to examine this subject…
As I’m sure you know, most Jews are not religious; our actual religion has two components: Holocaust and Israel.
We have a long tradition of being persecuted, hence, the Victimology aspect.
But how much of our “history” is objectively accurate?
Whether it be the 2020 election, 9-11, the JFK assassination or the Plandemic,
truth seekers have used their investigative skills to penetrate through the disinformation/propaganda to obtain the actual facts.
In accepting that the “News is fake” or
“history is written by the victors” and objecting to “the science is settled,” we have asserted our intellectual independence.
Nobody wants to be called an ignorant sheep.
If you challenge “Climate Change”, you are labeled a “denier” or a “conspiracy theorist” to marginalize your argument.
Similarly, if you question the “Holocaust,”
you are also labeled a “denier.”
Should all topics be subjected to our scrutiny, or should some be taboo?
This is the argument, but it almost always falls on deaf ears.
Not only Jews, but most people are unwilling to seriously reexamine their worldview. The intellectual effort along with the
inevitable discomfort of dissenting views are huge roadblocks.
IMO, there must either be some kind of cataclysmic event or a burning desire for truth that will open someone’s mind.
Remember Yuri Bezmenov?
“…As I mentioned before exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic of the situation of demoralization.”
Yes I have read that most jews are not actually religious and do not believe in an afterlife. I am not religious but I think that some people need the fear of punishment in an afterlife to restrain their behavior.
I agree with you that it is very hard to wake people up. It is too hard for many or maybe most people to believe that the government is a criminal mafia and that we are the government's tax slaves. And that the COVID pandemic was a PSYOP and that the COVID "vaccines" are dangerous and deadly. And so on and so forth.
Nice one. Thank you. I'm Jew too in the blood on the mother's mother's mother's side but she died from diphtheria in 1909 when my grandma was 2 and we haven't been religious since then. You made many good points but one that stands out is how there is no amount of information that can educate a LOT of folks nowadays. THE truth is out the window now and it's all his truth or her truth which can be "validly" refuted by someone else's so called truth. Critical thinking is at an all time low and people can't tell ass from elbow. But they still think they know everything! You can't tell them anything. It's orwellian on steroids. When I play those 4 bar chords and sing Old Town Road the kids today all go nuts they know all the lyrics and the chorus CAINT NOBODY TELL ME NUTHIN, YA CANT TELL ME NOTHING... all engineered by the jbankers Gestapo CIA, I think William Colby left a disinformation quote about it... But hopefully we can all move forward to the gallows for the .00001% or survive the big earthquake. I'm thinking they'll give us a false flag armaggeddeon when this current pope dies because they'll have the plausible deniability of God as per st malachy. Good luck blessed be
I believe you would find the same thinking in many Christian Zionist. The concept of the rapture is less than 200 years and many believe was created by or under Jewish influence - much like Calvinism and so many other Christian sects.
Throughout the Torah you see their Tribal God, Yahweh, directing them to maintain their separateness and identity from all others, not to intermarry unless it is to control the opposing tribe or is to the benefit of the Tribe- to hold to their customs and basically destroy and enslave all other tribes, and that they are to rule all others. That is, the members of the Tribe are the collective with the goal to preserve the Tribe. The Tribe will outlast its members - and the members' function is to serve the tribe and to punish those that depart from the directives or hurts the reputation of the Tribe (e.g., Jewish individuals that protest the genocide are typically more targeted "self-hating Jew" then non-Jews). A tribe will also sacrifice its members for the safety and goals of the Tribe (e.g., Hannibal directive). If the the very existence of the Tribe is threatened they will employ whatever means possible to preserve it no matter how many are killed in the process (e.g., Samsun Option). While many individual Jews believe they are chosen, according to their books it is the Tribe that is "chosen", the collective and not the individual. The Zionist use the Torah and Talmud as an operation manuals to achieve total control.
I have not found much in the Torah that addresses the afterlife, so I wonder if Jews believe that there is anything beyond the earthly realm or if it is just "from dust to dust". Most religions believe there is an individual accounting of ones earthy life - a judgment and that humans have the ability to make choices and are morally responsible for their actions (free will). The individual does not matter in collectivist society (much like "public health" v. individual health). IMHO, that may be a big part of the problem. A person who does not believe in "life after death" would be less likely to curtail their behavior and more likely to do whatever it takes to garner wealth and power in the earthly realm and to support the goals of the Tribe. It is interesting that in the Torah - one of the rewards for following Yahweh is an increased lifespan, this would not seem necessary if after death one moved into a heavenly or spiritual realm.
They cheat, lie, steal, murder as instructed in their Talmud. Once a Jew always a Jew. Why did king Edward l expel them from England? Because of usury (Jewsury), because of unacceptable behaviour such as child sacrifice, because they clipped gold from the edges of coins thus devaluing them, thus the advent of the knurled edge to coins. They financed William of Normandy to invade Britain in order to get their hands on British gold and silver. Later they financed Oliver Cromwell to oust the monarchy and let them black into Britain. Everyone has their price, so in order to safeguard their position they established Freemasonry to procelytize Christian men into becoming Jews, involving them in anti-social activities in order gain a hold on them. The Masonic god is El-El-O-Eh-Israel; God-God-Of-All-Israel, also Jahweh, Jabulon and Jupiter/Jove. The Royal Arch chapters are lined with the banners of the 12 tribes of Israel, they practice fraud, treason, perjury etc. The Lodge of Tehran was moved to San Francisco when the Shah was deposed, the Lodge; the Lodge Light of Arabia was moved from Aden to Croydon, England after British were kicked out. Argentina expelled Freemasonry after the Falklands war. For more detailed information please read:-
It’s a complicate Gordian knot to unravel & most people don’t. However b/c of the protracted length & totality of what’s at stake I see more people researching & at least attempting to formulate some sense of knowledge or at its worst an informed opinion. Bri-tish Masonic Zionism is the Root source. Israhell was an ideation & emanation of the Bri-tish linked OSS to its new branded CIA. Mossad (thou shall do war by way of deception) was always a CIA appendage organ to the bigger apparatus system. Vatican/City of London/Basel, Switzerland where the three Obelisks are located. Phallis worship (“G” for Generative) Nimrodism/Osirius/sun Worship/Mithra/Mitra et. alia are all synonymous & part of the secret club codex. Judaism is sectarian & therein lies probably the biggest hurdle to overcome regarding cognitive bias/dissonance & Kruger-Dunning effect. We live in an age of information & are swimming is a sea of dis/mis information with that miasma. We’re dealing with a Dark Triad of Narrcissistic personality disorder crabs in a bucket - vine climbers & psychopath conquers/rulers in Ivory towers. Conquers/Tyrants never ask for permission. Psychopath's know that to win a no-win situation you change the rules. Extreme leadership training calls this tactic a Kobayashi Maru. Only the Madman is absolutely sure. Full Spectrum Domination of the human spirit & soul is the objective & agenda. As Sun Tzu aptly said better know your enemy if your going to do battle with him. Twistory is written by the victors & has no guilt or conscious morality. Better to understand the mindset & prepare yourself accordingly.
thanks for sharing. You stayed on point throughout, and by sharing the entire thread it helps to study the patterns they are conditioned to respond to any questioning or criticism; ad hominem attack, deflect, dissemble, distract, threaten, brazenly lie, whine about victimhood, etc
VERBOTEN! "It can't happen here." haha once again you're crushing it Binky. He's just proving as usual every single time the old maxim "it's all of them." You said something I've been thinking about for about 35 years, having a big debate like a conference symposium but even bigger, and I have a feeling that through Substack this could be very easily done by someone or an extremely small group with the shared vision. Undoubtedly a bigger group would be infiltrated and come to think of it we better do it right away before they organize it for us to control it better... Hahaha yeah they used to put the greatest minds in Christendom together to contemplate St Malachy's prophecy but today it's just crickets chirping, even though we are right on the brink. Whatever happens, you're a hero for compiling this info so well. Certainly one of their main tactics is to try to make antisemitism look ignerint. You have blown that argument out of the water. I always spell that word wrong on purpose so the Jews can feel superior for a split second until they have to eat shit again.
The lack of public debate about important issues shows how corrupt this system is. In a normal, healthy, free society we would have had large-scale, open, public debates about the lockdowns, the mRNA "vaccines" and the mandates. But instead those with any level of clout who tried to question any of these things were vilified, had their platforms taken away, were fined and maybe lost their jobs. And now, three to four years later, the harms of the genetic "vaccines" and the tyranny of the COVID scamdemic are STILL not being discussed in the Media or by the politicians. It is surreal.
On the good side, I've been yelling about this Jew World Order for more than a few decades, and it's like since Whitney Webb exposed the Mega Group fuckers behind epschtein, a lot more folks that aren't total freaks like me have been talking about it. Thank God there's ALWAYS been normal people who talked about it unabashedly, but it was just a tiny fraction of 1%. Experts like Eustace Mullins and so many others have been laying it all out forever. But you got seriously attacked for your views. And now since Gaza the floodgates are open so it's probably a good time to try to push it a lot further forward before they trusted to take the initiative back in the other direction. I don't know. It's such a nightmare who wants to deal with it? Nobody. But then you get to that point of awareness where you realize it's not like something that's going to affect your children's future, it's absolutely ruining everything good, RIGHT NOW. it's like a fucking emergency... Yeah talking about it is a nice first step at least, mebbe
It's like arguing with jellyfish, Binky, as I have discovered for myself over recent months.
I think it's worth differentiating between "Jewish Power", and the common or garden Jewish people who support that power no matter what. Sadly, you will likely still find yourself arguing with jellyfish though.
There are some self aware Jewish people, but they are few and far between, and generally stop identifying as such after a time of digging into the JQ. (Eg, I've never once encountered Ron Unz as identifying as Jewish. He refers to having Jewish ancestry, but no more than that.)
Keep up the good work Binky. And all the best for 2025. xxx
You are beyond any hope of reason. Any person with any common sense will see through your repetitive twisted lies.
It seems you believe in some immortal Jewish cult that obviously is a fantasy in your head.
Let me give you very simple logic.
Jews have won more Nobel Prices than any other group of people.
The Jews were discriminated against in the Soviet Union. They had quotas for how many Jews could attend the most prestigious universities of Moscow and Leningrad. This is an indisputable fact.
If “the Jews” had planned the Bolshevik revolution as you claim, why would they discriminate against themselves?
>>Jews have won more Nobel Prices than any other group of people.
>>The Jews were discriminated against in the Soviet Union. They had quotas for how many Jews could attend the most prestigious universities of Moscow and Leningrad. This is an indisputable fact.
When were these quotas put into place and by whom, and how does this "fact" erase all of this evidence that jews instigated the takeover of Russia in 1917, dominated all the ruling positions, and then waged a war on Christians and Muslims in Russia, torturing and killing millions of them?
>>Does not make much sense, does it?
Give me more details about who put these quotas in place, when they did it and why they did it.
Can you explain why immediately after the "bolsheviks" took over Russia, they made antisemitism a crime?:
EXCERPT: As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet government issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia. The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment.[17] Soviet officials apparently regarded such measures as indispensable. Based on careful observation during a lengthy stay in Russia, American-Jewish scholar Frank Golder reported in 1925 that “because so many of the Soviet leaders are Jews anti-Semitism is gaining [in Russia], particularly in the army [and] among the old and new intelligentsia who are being crowded for positions by the sons of Israel.”[18]
Here, again, is overwhelming evidence that jews invented and inflicted communism on countries throughout the world:
“Jews have won more Nobel Prices than any other group of people.
The Jews were discriminated against in the Soviet Union. They had quotas for how many Jews could attend the most prestigious universities of Moscow and Leningrad. This is an indisputable fact.
If “the Jews” had planned the Bolshevik revolution as you claim, why would they discriminate against themselves?”
Proof of this I have among friends of mine through my Jewish, Russian wife who was born and studied in Leningrad.
Because of the communist implemented quotas limiting the number of Jews allowed to study at Universities in Leningrad, two of her close friends had to study at the University of Tartu as well as Riga despite having top academic credentials far higher than required by non-Jewish students.
This indisputable fact proves that the communist regime of the USSR discriminated strongly against Jews.
(Hardly something you would expect of a regime you claim to have been controlled by “the Jews”)
I suggest you get some fresh air so that your brain can start functioning again when free some hours from your online echo-chambers…
I see that jewish supremacists are waging a war on humanity, so I am trying to warn other people about this. If the jewish supremacists win this war, it will mean the death and enslavement of everyone else. Therefore it is an important topic.
>>Lenin was not Jewish and probably had some Tatar blood from his grandfathers side.
Is that the entirety of your rebuttal to the easily demonstrable fact that jews created communism?
Here is just some of the evidence that jews are behind communism:
>>No more comments except that you make absolutely twisted arguments where your intentions direct your arguments, not reality.
Could you explain your claim in more detail? How are my arguments twisted and why do you think they are not supported by reality? What is wrong with the evidence I present? Thanks.
What you wrote and the links you included are grotesque denials and distortions of the undeniable horrors committed against Jews during history. Just take a look at the two statues bordering the entrance to Notre Dame in Paris in addition to Auschwitz and other extermination camps and look at the documentation.
Read again what Adam K wrote:
“The anti-Semite is his own worst enemy, much much worse than the fiction of some Jewish plan to keep him down. Ironically, anti-semitism is created by the anti-Semite to explain why he cannot succeed while others in life can, yet it is the delusion he created that traps him like a rat in a cage while the rest of the world lives freely around him.”
Do you believe that jews, as a group, have ever done anything wrong or evil? What do you think about their taking over of Russia in 1917 and then genociding of tens of millions of Gentiles? Do you agree with me that this was done by jews and was wrong and evil? How about the jewish custom of abducting and torturing to death young Christian children, which is very well attested to? How about their historical involvement in slave trade? Or their role in starting the world wars? How about their many false flag attacks, including 9/11? What do you think about their full spectrum war on the Palestinians, which they justified with their October 7th false flag attack? Is their ANYTHING which jews have done as a group that you think is wrong and evil?
As a Jew myself, it was an incredibly large pill to swallow, but I found the courage to examine this subject…
As I’m sure you know, most Jews are not religious; our actual religion has two components: Holocaust and Israel.
We have a long tradition of being persecuted, hence, the Victimology aspect.
But how much of our “history” is objectively accurate?
Whether it be the 2020 election, 9-11, the JFK assassination or the Plandemic,
truth seekers have used their investigative skills to penetrate through the disinformation/propaganda to obtain the actual facts.
In accepting that the “News is fake” or
“history is written by the victors” and objecting to “the science is settled,” we have asserted our intellectual independence.
Nobody wants to be called an ignorant sheep.
If you challenge “Climate Change”, you are labeled a “denier” or a “conspiracy theorist” to marginalize your argument.
Similarly, if you question the “Holocaust,”
you are also labeled a “denier.”
Should all topics be subjected to our scrutiny, or should some be taboo?
This is the argument, but it almost always falls on deaf ears.
Not only Jews, but most people are unwilling to seriously reexamine their worldview. The intellectual effort along with the
inevitable discomfort of dissenting views are huge roadblocks.
IMO, there must either be some kind of cataclysmic event or a burning desire for truth that will open someone’s mind.
Remember Yuri Bezmenov?
“…As I mentioned before exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic of the situation of demoralization.”
Yes I have read that most jews are not actually religious and do not believe in an afterlife. I am not religious but I think that some people need the fear of punishment in an afterlife to restrain their behavior.
I agree with you that it is very hard to wake people up. It is too hard for many or maybe most people to believe that the government is a criminal mafia and that we are the government's tax slaves. And that the COVID pandemic was a PSYOP and that the COVID "vaccines" are dangerous and deadly. And so on and so forth.
Nice one. Thank you. I'm Jew too in the blood on the mother's mother's mother's side but she died from diphtheria in 1909 when my grandma was 2 and we haven't been religious since then. You made many good points but one that stands out is how there is no amount of information that can educate a LOT of folks nowadays. THE truth is out the window now and it's all his truth or her truth which can be "validly" refuted by someone else's so called truth. Critical thinking is at an all time low and people can't tell ass from elbow. But they still think they know everything! You can't tell them anything. It's orwellian on steroids. When I play those 4 bar chords and sing Old Town Road the kids today all go nuts they know all the lyrics and the chorus CAINT NOBODY TELL ME NUTHIN, YA CANT TELL ME NOTHING... all engineered by the jbankers Gestapo CIA, I think William Colby left a disinformation quote about it... But hopefully we can all move forward to the gallows for the .00001% or survive the big earthquake. I'm thinking they'll give us a false flag armaggeddeon when this current pope dies because they'll have the plausible deniability of God as per st malachy. Good luck blessed be
I believe you would find the same thinking in many Christian Zionist. The concept of the rapture is less than 200 years and many believe was created by or under Jewish influence - much like Calvinism and so many other Christian sects.
Throughout the Torah you see their Tribal God, Yahweh, directing them to maintain their separateness and identity from all others, not to intermarry unless it is to control the opposing tribe or is to the benefit of the Tribe- to hold to their customs and basically destroy and enslave all other tribes, and that they are to rule all others. That is, the members of the Tribe are the collective with the goal to preserve the Tribe. The Tribe will outlast its members - and the members' function is to serve the tribe and to punish those that depart from the directives or hurts the reputation of the Tribe (e.g., Jewish individuals that protest the genocide are typically more targeted "self-hating Jew" then non-Jews). A tribe will also sacrifice its members for the safety and goals of the Tribe (e.g., Hannibal directive). If the the very existence of the Tribe is threatened they will employ whatever means possible to preserve it no matter how many are killed in the process (e.g., Samsun Option). While many individual Jews believe they are chosen, according to their books it is the Tribe that is "chosen", the collective and not the individual. The Zionist use the Torah and Talmud as an operation manuals to achieve total control.
I have not found much in the Torah that addresses the afterlife, so I wonder if Jews believe that there is anything beyond the earthly realm or if it is just "from dust to dust". Most religions believe there is an individual accounting of ones earthy life - a judgment and that humans have the ability to make choices and are morally responsible for their actions (free will). The individual does not matter in collectivist society (much like "public health" v. individual health). IMHO, that may be a big part of the problem. A person who does not believe in "life after death" would be less likely to curtail their behavior and more likely to do whatever it takes to garner wealth and power in the earthly realm and to support the goals of the Tribe. It is interesting that in the Torah - one of the rewards for following Yahweh is an increased lifespan, this would not seem necessary if after death one moved into a heavenly or spiritual realm.
They cheat, lie, steal, murder as instructed in their Talmud. Once a Jew always a Jew. Why did king Edward l expel them from England? Because of usury (Jewsury), because of unacceptable behaviour such as child sacrifice, because they clipped gold from the edges of coins thus devaluing them, thus the advent of the knurled edge to coins. They financed William of Normandy to invade Britain in order to get their hands on British gold and silver. Later they financed Oliver Cromwell to oust the monarchy and let them black into Britain. Everyone has their price, so in order to safeguard their position they established Freemasonry to procelytize Christian men into becoming Jews, involving them in anti-social activities in order gain a hold on them. The Masonic god is El-El-O-Eh-Israel; God-God-Of-All-Israel, also Jahweh, Jabulon and Jupiter/Jove. The Royal Arch chapters are lined with the banners of the 12 tribes of Israel, they practice fraud, treason, perjury etc. The Lodge of Tehran was moved to San Francisco when the Shah was deposed, the Lodge; the Lodge Light of Arabia was moved from Aden to Croydon, England after British were kicked out. Argentina expelled Freemasonry after the Falklands war. For more detailed information please read:-
It’s a complicate Gordian knot to unravel & most people don’t. However b/c of the protracted length & totality of what’s at stake I see more people researching & at least attempting to formulate some sense of knowledge or at its worst an informed opinion. Bri-tish Masonic Zionism is the Root source. Israhell was an ideation & emanation of the Bri-tish linked OSS to its new branded CIA. Mossad (thou shall do war by way of deception) was always a CIA appendage organ to the bigger apparatus system. Vatican/City of London/Basel, Switzerland where the three Obelisks are located. Phallis worship (“G” for Generative) Nimrodism/Osirius/sun Worship/Mithra/Mitra et. alia are all synonymous & part of the secret club codex. Judaism is sectarian & therein lies probably the biggest hurdle to overcome regarding cognitive bias/dissonance & Kruger-Dunning effect. We live in an age of information & are swimming is a sea of dis/mis information with that miasma. We’re dealing with a Dark Triad of Narrcissistic personality disorder crabs in a bucket - vine climbers & psychopath conquers/rulers in Ivory towers. Conquers/Tyrants never ask for permission. Psychopath's know that to win a no-win situation you change the rules. Extreme leadership training calls this tactic a Kobayashi Maru. Only the Madman is absolutely sure. Full Spectrum Domination of the human spirit & soul is the objective & agenda. As Sun Tzu aptly said better know your enemy if your going to do battle with him. Twistory is written by the victors & has no guilt or conscious morality. Better to understand the mindset & prepare yourself accordingly.
Hey Adam,
Just getting the rabbis to stop sucking baby penises is a decent start at stopping antisemitism.
thanks for sharing. You stayed on point throughout, and by sharing the entire thread it helps to study the patterns they are conditioned to respond to any questioning or criticism; ad hominem attack, deflect, dissemble, distract, threaten, brazenly lie, whine about victimhood, etc
This man is simply indoctrinated at best and at worst continues the lie and deny trope.
VERBOTEN! "It can't happen here." haha once again you're crushing it Binky. He's just proving as usual every single time the old maxim "it's all of them." You said something I've been thinking about for about 35 years, having a big debate like a conference symposium but even bigger, and I have a feeling that through Substack this could be very easily done by someone or an extremely small group with the shared vision. Undoubtedly a bigger group would be infiltrated and come to think of it we better do it right away before they organize it for us to control it better... Hahaha yeah they used to put the greatest minds in Christendom together to contemplate St Malachy's prophecy but today it's just crickets chirping, even though we are right on the brink. Whatever happens, you're a hero for compiling this info so well. Certainly one of their main tactics is to try to make antisemitism look ignerint. You have blown that argument out of the water. I always spell that word wrong on purpose so the Jews can feel superior for a split second until they have to eat shit again.
The lack of public debate about important issues shows how corrupt this system is. In a normal, healthy, free society we would have had large-scale, open, public debates about the lockdowns, the mRNA "vaccines" and the mandates. But instead those with any level of clout who tried to question any of these things were vilified, had their platforms taken away, were fined and maybe lost their jobs. And now, three to four years later, the harms of the genetic "vaccines" and the tyranny of the COVID scamdemic are STILL not being discussed in the Media or by the politicians. It is surreal.
On the good side, I've been yelling about this Jew World Order for more than a few decades, and it's like since Whitney Webb exposed the Mega Group fuckers behind epschtein, a lot more folks that aren't total freaks like me have been talking about it. Thank God there's ALWAYS been normal people who talked about it unabashedly, but it was just a tiny fraction of 1%. Experts like Eustace Mullins and so many others have been laying it all out forever. But you got seriously attacked for your views. And now since Gaza the floodgates are open so it's probably a good time to try to push it a lot further forward before they trusted to take the initiative back in the other direction. I don't know. It's such a nightmare who wants to deal with it? Nobody. But then you get to that point of awareness where you realize it's not like something that's going to affect your children's future, it's absolutely ruining everything good, RIGHT NOW. it's like a fucking emergency... Yeah talking about it is a nice first step at least, mebbe
It's like arguing with jellyfish, Binky, as I have discovered for myself over recent months.
I think it's worth differentiating between "Jewish Power", and the common or garden Jewish people who support that power no matter what. Sadly, you will likely still find yourself arguing with jellyfish though.
There are some self aware Jewish people, but they are few and far between, and generally stop identifying as such after a time of digging into the JQ. (Eg, I've never once encountered Ron Unz as identifying as Jewish. He refers to having Jewish ancestry, but no more than that.)
Keep up the good work Binky. And all the best for 2025. xxx
Adam K has in my opinion made far better arguments than you.
I suggest for you to study the definitions of genocide, including the original one by Raphael Lemkin.
After this, genocide should appear substantially less in your writings if you managed to grasp the meaning…..
What do you think is Adam K.'s best argument?
You are beyond any hope of reason. Any person with any common sense will see through your repetitive twisted lies.
It seems you believe in some immortal Jewish cult that obviously is a fantasy in your head.
Let me give you very simple logic.
Jews have won more Nobel Prices than any other group of people.
The Jews were discriminated against in the Soviet Union. They had quotas for how many Jews could attend the most prestigious universities of Moscow and Leningrad. This is an indisputable fact.
If “the Jews” had planned the Bolshevik revolution as you claim, why would they discriminate against themselves?
Does not make much sense, does it?
Stop from me.
>>You are beyond any hope of reason. Any person with any common sense will see through your repetitive twisted lies.
This is an example of a glittering generality and an ad hominem insult, which are fallacious forms of argument. What, specifically, are my lies?
>>It seems you believe in some immortal Jewish cult that obviously is a fantasy in your head.
I have seen evidence going back thousands of years which implicates jews in a large number of crimes and atrocities.
Here is some of that evidence:
Eternal Strangers - Critical Views of Jews and Judaism through the Ages (2020) by Thomas Dalton
The jewish War on the Gentiles
The jewish Supremacist War on Humanity Meme Page III
>>Jews have won more Nobel Prices than any other group of people.
>>The Jews were discriminated against in the Soviet Union. They had quotas for how many Jews could attend the most prestigious universities of Moscow and Leningrad. This is an indisputable fact.
When were these quotas put into place and by whom, and how does this "fact" erase all of this evidence that jews instigated the takeover of Russia in 1917, dominated all the ruling positions, and then waged a war on Christians and Muslims in Russia, torturing and killing millions of them?
>>Does not make much sense, does it?
Give me more details about who put these quotas in place, when they did it and why they did it.
Can you explain why immediately after the "bolsheviks" took over Russia, they made antisemitism a crime?:
EXCERPT: As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet government issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia. The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment.[17] Soviet officials apparently regarded such measures as indispensable. Based on careful observation during a lengthy stay in Russia, American-Jewish scholar Frank Golder reported in 1925 that “because so many of the Soviet leaders are Jews anti-Semitism is gaining [in Russia], particularly in the army [and] among the old and new intelligentsia who are being crowded for positions by the sons of Israel.”[18]
Here, again, is overwhelming evidence that jews invented and inflicted communism on countries throughout the world:
I repeat:
“Jews have won more Nobel Prices than any other group of people.
The Jews were discriminated against in the Soviet Union. They had quotas for how many Jews could attend the most prestigious universities of Moscow and Leningrad. This is an indisputable fact.
If “the Jews” had planned the Bolshevik revolution as you claim, why would they discriminate against themselves?”
Proof of this I have among friends of mine through my Jewish, Russian wife who was born and studied in Leningrad.
Because of the communist implemented quotas limiting the number of Jews allowed to study at Universities in Leningrad, two of her close friends had to study at the University of Tartu as well as Riga despite having top academic credentials far higher than required by non-Jewish students.
This indisputable fact proves that the communist regime of the USSR discriminated strongly against Jews.
(Hardly something you would expect of a regime you claim to have been controlled by “the Jews”)
I suggest you get some fresh air so that your brain can start functioning again when free some hours from your online echo-chambers…
You seem obsessed….
Lenin was not Jewish and probably had some Tatar blood from his grandfathers side.
No more comments except that you make absolutely twisted arguments where your intentions direct your arguments, not reality.
>>You seem obsessed
I see that jewish supremacists are waging a war on humanity, so I am trying to warn other people about this. If the jewish supremacists win this war, it will mean the death and enslavement of everyone else. Therefore it is an important topic.
>>Lenin was not Jewish and probably had some Tatar blood from his grandfathers side.
Is that the entirety of your rebuttal to the easily demonstrable fact that jews created communism?
Here is just some of the evidence that jews are behind communism:
>>No more comments except that you make absolutely twisted arguments where your intentions direct your arguments, not reality.
Could you explain your claim in more detail? How are my arguments twisted and why do you think they are not supported by reality? What is wrong with the evidence I present? Thanks.
I have to ask: Are you jewish?
What you wrote and the links you included are grotesque denials and distortions of the undeniable horrors committed against Jews during history. Just take a look at the two statues bordering the entrance to Notre Dame in Paris in addition to Auschwitz and other extermination camps and look at the documentation.
Read again what Adam K wrote:
“The anti-Semite is his own worst enemy, much much worse than the fiction of some Jewish plan to keep him down. Ironically, anti-semitism is created by the anti-Semite to explain why he cannot succeed while others in life can, yet it is the delusion he created that traps him like a rat in a cage while the rest of the world lives freely around him.”
This is in my opinion very spot on!
So you think that that is Adam K's best argument?
Do you believe that jews, as a group, have ever done anything wrong or evil? What do you think about their taking over of Russia in 1917 and then genociding of tens of millions of Gentiles? Do you agree with me that this was done by jews and was wrong and evil? How about the jewish custom of abducting and torturing to death young Christian children, which is very well attested to? How about their historical involvement in slave trade? Or their role in starting the world wars? How about their many false flag attacks, including 9/11? What do you think about their full spectrum war on the Palestinians, which they justified with their October 7th false flag attack? Is their ANYTHING which jews have done as a group that you think is wrong and evil?
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