Excellent and balanced fact presentation Blinky LA... May I suggest this groups site. Some gems here too. https://www.wintersonnenwende.com

If I may I will utilise when I get to WW2. Thanks

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Thank you for the link. Looks good--I will add it to this post.

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Have you seen Europa- The Final Battle?

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Yes. It was one of the documentaries that woke me up.

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Most people have never heard of the Allies Rhine Meadows death camps established “after” the German surrender in 1945 or the Bromberg massacre where 58,000 Germans were murdered in September 1939 by Polish communists and Adolph invaded to prevent further slaughter of his people.

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I didn't know about any of this until only the last two years or so. We have clearly been lied to about the causes of WWII. This article provides a different estimate for the number of Germans killed specifically in the Bromberg Massacre:


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Thanks for posting these great resources…

Ron Unz and Germar Rudolf are awesome!

You’re probably aware, but let me add 3 more…




P Buchanan

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thank you so much. you are crushing it continually

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I prefer the Word Zionist, most are not True Jews . All the Leaders during WW2 for great assets for the Bankers , weather Jew/Zionist or Gentile .

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It all started with a question....I have been an avid comment reader since they were created...the "opinions"page in the papers being my next favorite to the comics page......I kept seeing all these "antisemetic"(lol)comments on the comment boards quite often......this has been 6 or 7 years ago or so......my curiosity got the better of me......once you start seeing it,you can't UN-see it.....it is the REAL DARKNESS that rules this world and people's hearts and minds if given space......that trying to get people to see,that do not wish to see,....is a behavioral MOUNTAIN to try to scale.....but those of us weak in faith are the most vulnerable for they deny EITHER could be true...no good nor bad,no heaven nor hell,....no Satan,no Savior.....could not be more wrong!!!

The Christians meekness is the Jews opportunity!!......a vacuum WILL be filled!

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Just another antisemitic world conspiracy day at Substack!

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Is there any information on this page which you believe is false? If you do believe something is false, could you explain why you believe it is false? Thanks!

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In the whole, all of it. Also in the whole, history shows it’s a waste of time to engage the fruitcakes in fruitcakey endeavors. Put your prejudices aside and try making something constructive out of your life and not get continue to drag yourself into the gutter of false knowledge.

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Could you please provide at least one example with supporting evidence? There certainly could be false information in these links, but I can't accept this claim without any evidence.

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Being dismissive of something you disagree with is the fastest way to ignorance!...ad-hominems are for those that have nothing else to say!

Prejudice is BORN of ignorance!....


Be Blessed

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18th century Frankfurt Judengasse and the French Revolution was it's western genesis.

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