"Alan Dershowitz, who, in 1976, successfully defended Jewish porn actor Herbert Streicher and 16 co-defendants who had been charged with violating America's obscenity laws for their roles in the pornographic film Deep Throat .on the grounds that censorship of pornography is a violation of the First Amendment. ironic, given that ➡️pornography is banned in Israel because 'it causes great harm to children"
source Unzreview
Jews love to hide behind false fronts. Communism is one of those fronts. Satanism is another. I talk about this on my Blog under the topic of Methods of the Jewish Snake. The Jewish Snake is my label for the bad guys which are not all Jewish but the Jews run it. See my Blog which is all about red pilling people about the Jewish Problem. Https://strangerinajewishworld.blogspot.com
I wouldn't doubt that he converted, and I did see that reference he made to being taught by a rabbi. He is sickeningly pro-Israel and pro-judaism. My big fear is that he will be used to get the US into a war with Iran.
Related article about the jewish control of the US government:
"The Talmud strictly forbids a Jew to charge interest on a loan made to another Jew, but it is a religious duty to charge as much interest as possible on a loan made to a non-Jew"
I agree. It is interesting that jewish bankers financially supported the Bolshevik Revolution, people like Felix Warburg and Jacob Schiff. The conflict set up between Communism and Capitalism provided a reason for huge expenditures for defense, funding the Military Industrial Complex. In addtion to the Cold War defense spending, wars that were supposedly to stop the spread of Communism were very profitable for the bankers. When the Soviet Union dissolved, the new boogieman was terrorism, justifying large defense expenditures and the “Global War on Terror” and legislation like the Patriot Act, which is being used against US citizens. I don’t know why it has taken me so long to see how fake all this has been. Anyway, here is an interesting article about the machinations of the global bankster mafia over the years which addresses some of these issues: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/12/09/the-killing-joke-chapter-7-of-25/
El-El-O-Eh-Israel; God-God-Of-All-Israel, named in Freemasonry as their god in Genesis chapter 33. Chapter 34 is claimed to be an example of “Right Conduct”, as in Gaza. This is why Britain and America support Israel. The Jews claim that the word Britain comes from the Hebrew ‘Brith’ meaning ‘People’ and ‘Ish’ meaning ‘Faith’. “No longer will you call me Bali but ‘Ishi’.” Hosea 2:16 “From the rivers (Euphrates, Tigris) to the sea”, greater Israel takes in Iraq, so we assisted in that. Ghadafi had to go because he was building a pan African currency opposing the dollar. The holocaust was one of the biggest false flag demonstrations to divert the criticism that the Jews were Bolsheviks that massacred 50 million White Russians in 1918, the war that was generated by the Jews as a smoke screen for the Russian revolution. There are documents that were written by Jews foretelling of the 2 World Wars designed to eliminate the white races in Europe; kill the best of white men in 1914-18 then 21 years later have another war to kill the children of the survivors of the first. King Edward l expelled the Jews from Britain for clipping gold and silver from the coinage, sacrificing children and sexual perversions. For 400+ years the country enjoyed zero inflation until Oliver Cromwell took the Jewish ‘shilling’ to finance the English civil war to oust the monarchy, we have been in debt ever since. There is such a thing as anti-Goyism, but no one dare mention it. Read the Talmud and read this:- “Masters of Truth, Fathers of Lies” :- https://www.dropbox.com/s/46ivz0y7p8rlzl3/MASTERS%20OF%20TRUTH%20FATHERS%20OF%20LIES.pdf?dl=0
Good research & truth. All religions were created to control the masses living in the geographical regions from the very first Phallis worship Totemic Icons carved out of stone known so far in Karahan - Gobekli Tepe, Turkey. All religions were frist based on Astronomy & animal forms. That is immutable & inalienable truth. From that truth above cultures & rituals were born & developed from man’s own state of consciousness & belief system in that region. Mankind cannot evolve until the above truth is revealed as truth & taught at all levels. Otherwise the ruling hierarchy keeps cycling their conquering domain & dominion over mankind cycle after cycle. The notion that any religious belief system is greater than all other’s is truly heretical & absurd. BeLIEf is the death of intelligence. The greatest trick of infamy is to invent two (religions & political polemics) lies & have people argue over which lie is true.
"Alan Dershowitz, who, in 1976, successfully defended Jewish porn actor Herbert Streicher and 16 co-defendants who had been charged with violating America's obscenity laws for their roles in the pornographic film Deep Throat .on the grounds that censorship of pornography is a violation of the First Amendment. ironic, given that ➡️pornography is banned in Israel because 'it causes great harm to children" source Unzreview https://www.unz.com/article/oppression-by-orgasm/
Jews love to hide behind false fronts. Communism is one of those fronts. Satanism is another. I talk about this on my Blog under the topic of Methods of the Jewish Snake. The Jewish Snake is my label for the bad guys which are not all Jewish but the Jews run it. See my Blog which is all about red pilling people about the Jewish Problem. Https://strangerinajewishworld.blogspot.com
Rabbi Weisberg "Trump is Israel's non-Jewish Messiah, sent by God himself to clear the land of gentiles & rebuild the Jews' holy temple"
I think he quietly converted in 2017. Also, in his art of the deal book he mentions lessons being taught by a rabbi as well.
I wouldn't doubt that he converted, and I did see that reference he made to being taught by a rabbi. He is sickeningly pro-Israel and pro-judaism. My big fear is that he will be used to get the US into a war with Iran.
Related article about the jewish control of the US government:
Jewish History Jewish Religion
By Professor Israel Shahak
"The Talmud strictly forbids a Jew to charge interest on a loan made to another Jew, but it is a religious duty to charge as much interest as possible on a loan made to a non-Jew"
"Armed resistance by an occupied people is legal under international law"
Bro, could you PLEASE, loosen your death grip on the word Communism? The Jews are clearly quite content with the current system of liberal capitalism.
I agree. It is interesting that jewish bankers financially supported the Bolshevik Revolution, people like Felix Warburg and Jacob Schiff. The conflict set up between Communism and Capitalism provided a reason for huge expenditures for defense, funding the Military Industrial Complex. In addtion to the Cold War defense spending, wars that were supposedly to stop the spread of Communism were very profitable for the bankers. When the Soviet Union dissolved, the new boogieman was terrorism, justifying large defense expenditures and the “Global War on Terror” and legislation like the Patriot Act, which is being used against US citizens. I don’t know why it has taken me so long to see how fake all this has been. Anyway, here is an interesting article about the machinations of the global bankster mafia over the years which addresses some of these issues: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/12/09/the-killing-joke-chapter-7-of-25/
Excellent post. My blog mirrors what you say. Https://strangerinajewishworld.blogspot.com
El-El-O-Eh-Israel; God-God-Of-All-Israel, named in Freemasonry as their god in Genesis chapter 33. Chapter 34 is claimed to be an example of “Right Conduct”, as in Gaza. This is why Britain and America support Israel. The Jews claim that the word Britain comes from the Hebrew ‘Brith’ meaning ‘People’ and ‘Ish’ meaning ‘Faith’. “No longer will you call me Bali but ‘Ishi’.” Hosea 2:16 “From the rivers (Euphrates, Tigris) to the sea”, greater Israel takes in Iraq, so we assisted in that. Ghadafi had to go because he was building a pan African currency opposing the dollar. The holocaust was one of the biggest false flag demonstrations to divert the criticism that the Jews were Bolsheviks that massacred 50 million White Russians in 1918, the war that was generated by the Jews as a smoke screen for the Russian revolution. There are documents that were written by Jews foretelling of the 2 World Wars designed to eliminate the white races in Europe; kill the best of white men in 1914-18 then 21 years later have another war to kill the children of the survivors of the first. King Edward l expelled the Jews from Britain for clipping gold and silver from the coinage, sacrificing children and sexual perversions. For 400+ years the country enjoyed zero inflation until Oliver Cromwell took the Jewish ‘shilling’ to finance the English civil war to oust the monarchy, we have been in debt ever since. There is such a thing as anti-Goyism, but no one dare mention it. Read the Talmud and read this:- “Masters of Truth, Fathers of Lies” :- https://www.dropbox.com/s/46ivz0y7p8rlzl3/MASTERS%20OF%20TRUTH%20FATHERS%20OF%20LIES.pdf?dl=0
Good research & truth. All religions were created to control the masses living in the geographical regions from the very first Phallis worship Totemic Icons carved out of stone known so far in Karahan - Gobekli Tepe, Turkey. All religions were frist based on Astronomy & animal forms. That is immutable & inalienable truth. From that truth above cultures & rituals were born & developed from man’s own state of consciousness & belief system in that region. Mankind cannot evolve until the above truth is revealed as truth & taught at all levels. Otherwise the ruling hierarchy keeps cycling their conquering domain & dominion over mankind cycle after cycle. The notion that any religious belief system is greater than all other’s is truly heretical & absurd. BeLIEf is the death of intelligence. The greatest trick of infamy is to invent two (religions & political polemics) lies & have people argue over which lie is true.
People always leave out the fact that the Communist Manifesto had two authors: Marx and Engels. Essentially Jew and Gentile.