...and yes Trump is controlled opposition. Loves Israel. Aspiratationally Jewish. Promises to vanquish "antisemitism." Either way we are in trouble.

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If we knew the "vaccine" was poisonous even before the lockdowns, then Trump and the medical establishment knew, too. They are simply mass murderers, no doubt about it.

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Exactly. And a little bit of research shows that the pandemic was planned out years in advance. Fauci even predicted it at the beginning of 2017.

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The clot shots are the 2020's version of poisoning the wells.

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I am looking into that history because I am trying to compile a list of all the different examples of jews maiming and killing Gentiles over the centuries. I have seen some information that links the Black Plague to jewish well-poisoning. I recently learned that the Armenian Genocide was jewish--the "Young Turks" who were behind it were jews. I have also seen claims that the Spanish Flu was actually the result of vaccine poisoning, and if that is true, I am guessing there is some sort of jewish connection to it. I suspect that American processed food is a form of slow-poisoning too, poisoning by our corporate overlords.

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This is a good summary. The slow-burn trajectory of one's deep-opinion-shift is relatable to many, and as you observe - the trigger (JFK, Iraq war, 911 / other) and timelines (3 decades or last 5years) may be phase-shifted or overlap with others. The issue is most people who are reading are very nearly where you are now - already. You are preaching to the choir but it is sparsely populated.

You may have justifiably skipped over some other observables: MIriam Adelson's purchase of DJT for $100M. That by itself could explain Trump 2024. As Upton Sinclair said "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."

I agree that the revolution will not be through electoral politics but also not convinced "The situation will be resolved when the majority of the population understands the nature of this corrupt system, understands who really runs it, understands how they divide us and weaken us and kill us, and the masses of people band together and work together to replace the system. " - that simply seems probabilistically low. I have yet to see narrative change work magic over small timescales. I urge you to read the Populist Delusion by Neema Parvini whose main thesis is that an organized minority will always overcome a disorganized majority and that elite replacement/circulation is the way out. the disgruntled 9% plot to unseat the 1% and we - the 90% - ride on their coattails - you get the drift.

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Thanks for the information. I was aware that Trump got $100 million from Miriam Adelson for his campaign. I am sure that is just the tip of iceberg in terms of the support that he has gotten from jews and I am sure that his ties to the jewish power structure go way back.



>>I urge you to read the Populist Delusion by Neema Parvini whose main thesis is that an organized minority will always overcome a disorganized majority and that elite replacement/circulation is the way out. the disgruntled 9% plot to unseat the 1% and we - the 90% - ride on their coattails - you get the drift.

That makes a lot of sense. It astounds me that 5 years after the plandemic, the vax mandates, the shut downs, the stolen election, etc, there are still so many people I know who have no idea that our governments are waging a war on us, or they may know something is wrong but they don't make any real effort to dig deeper into what is going on. If I try to share information with some of them, they often become hostile. I guess everyday life will have to get stranger and stranger for them before they are forced to really question things.

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Always love that Sinclair quote

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Outta the ballpark again Binky! I voted for Trump twice as well. At 61, I’m not voting in this election.

Also, this should disturb people at bit…https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/

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Yeah, it is hard for me to see a reason to vote because I doubt that it really has any practical effect on who gets into office at this point, and I am not interested in either of the people at the top of the ticket anyway.

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All I can reply with is "yep."

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I remember having seen the following quote: "a source close to the White house told Melania that if Trump would present himself he would be executed JFK style". You are right, they stole the last election.

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Is there a rating system for the level of control one is under? I mean, some are straight up assets/employees, some are bribed, some are blackmailed, while others are just flying low to avoid being zapped.

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With you there all the way. Would just like to point out that the Chinese Sinopharm was of the traditional type, not experimental technology, and no apparent harm came from it. The stories the US put about in the Philippines were shameful and deterred people from taking a harmless preventative medicine leading to many deaths. I was triple vaccinated with no ill effects, but it seemed to wear off with time and I picked up a dose in the Philippines where it was raging at the time. Then at the end of 2022 when it was let rip in China I was immune again from the exposure and the only person in my circle and family who didn't get it.

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Maybe this is some information that might be interesting for you and your readers: https://mileswmathis.com/trump.pdf

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I still have hope that a revolutionary group is forming and Trump is part of it. Do you not think he would have been mowed down now by the DS and an easy take-out for Mossad if he didn't play 4D chess? Good guys coming together now with his lead. Tucker, RAMASWAMI, Tulsi, JDV, Bobby K Jr... And the military is the only way. Let's see what comes next

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I would recommend that you research "Operation Trust" which was done by the Bolsheviks when they took over Russia. Keeping people enthralled with the idea that someone is coming to save them is a very effective way to keep them docile and complacent.


I would like to believe that Trump is secretly leading an army of the resistance, but the idea doesn't pass the smell test. It is clear to me that he is working for the other side. Some people have said that he is a perfect president for the globalists right now because if there is a major war in the Middle East, the American people would be more likely to support it and participate in it if Trump was in office and was promoting America's participation in it.

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Incredible that this still needs to be explained to qtards.

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I'm sorry and please don't be angry, but this is delusional. Those people you just listed are frauds. They are not the "good guys," they are Conservatism, Inc. grifters who are only there to keep conservatives chasing their tails in the dark. They are talking heads, repeating GOP talking points, that is all. Even the military is totally woke now.

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Yes, I think that it the plan, if they allow him to win. I could see him leading Americans into another war.

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