The Jews smear any intellectually genuine reportage about child rape -blood -murder -sacrifice as blood libel antisemitism...Yes..the Jew lying dolts love that term..blood libel antisemitism** It's now a sacred cow dialectic tenet of the sneering Jew pharisee lawyer liars.....*Simon of Trent..Andre unschinsky ..... thousand s of other mainland European anecdote examples. is it..really..so different today? Bronfman..raniere..nxivm..trumpdog....naambla..

.glaad... Schwab harari..geffen..schumer nadler schiff..boteach...Ghislaine Maxwell Jeff mossad Epstein....lolita express superstars......trumprat dershbag gates..---- Epstein s mossad island* ...when pedophile-pederast politicians lie they go insane.*..is it therefore now not visible..risible..insanity ..lunacy..in the demon infested uninhabited white house?..What's really transpiring in the Jew infested Jew micromanaged failed Biden junta? ....was stalinistic genocide Joe the flaming idiotic Zionist fake Catholic mob boss a sex crazed pedophile child molesting super liberal tool for the very obvious onerous odious blood dripping Synagogue

of Satan? Do Americans so quickly forget the Franklin affair?..jfk and Marilyn Monroe? .giancana and rfk?...Jewdevil L.B.J..?........9-11?..

.Many former little Jews we're and are so horrified by Talmudic preternatural bolshevism .satanic kabala. they ran away screaming..some lived to tell about unspeakable Jewish ritualized horrors...**.....Adam Wrishsupt. Aleister criwley..anton ke vey..(real name Howard Levy)..Robert durst...greaves the jew..head of the new church of Satan----**.---Freemasonry..--which always was Judaism for ignorant non Jews...*?... ...jimmy. saville .. like formaldehyde Jew Biden..a. flaming open Zionist...many folks were so *creeped out*they couldn't stand to be in the horrific presence of such a skivey skell degenerate devil..*.

..fact check *.the high places ** look it up...--- in the Old Testament ...we're ..at the time..Biblical threatenings of extreme cosmic condemnation of the Jewish (then lost tribal isrealite) child blood murder sacrifice cultists..many claim the Rothschild's host child murder parties in Switzerland..elsewhere...time to burn down the Jew frankinsteen murder -torture castle -fortresses... Don't be squeamish..all ancient cultures had some

of this..but fact is..there's one Moral law for everyone..no sacred cow exceptions* so hilly Rosenberg Clinton and web hubbels daughter Chelsea Clinton is a proud cannibal..is old but true news...no surprise there...

*All should now read ..reread..and congratulate the author for a timely reportage..no one is above the Moral law...No one*. Open your eyes.**

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Who do you think these people are?

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The writer all but names them, but I think that he doesn't actually name them because he knows that a lot of people would stop reading the article if he did.

"This ancient group is still here and they’re disguised as government, medicine, science and media."

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I accept that answer. Have you seen that video of the Molech festival done in NYC from way back in the day?

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Was there one in NYC? I am aware of a Jewish celebration in Chicago in 1933 where they wheeled out a Molech statue and did a mock(?) sacrifice. Reportedly there were over 100,000 Jews at this event:


I have a video of the event on this page, in the "Jewish kidnapping, torture and murder of Christian children in ritual sacrifices" section:


It is amazing that they had this huge public event centered around or at least involving a mock child sacrifice ritual--in Chicago, less than 100 years ago. Every American should know about this.

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Oh Gott! Chicago! I was wrong, thanks for being more thorough!

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