• Adolf Hitler - The Lies Won't Always Hide The Truth - RonP1


Comment by RonP1:

"As an instance of what can be accomplished by means of Press-control, we may instance the fact that Litvinoff, a criminal Jew who represented the Jewish Soviet of Russia, whose officials murdered the Tsar and his family, and who are responsible for about twenty million deaths of Russian Gentiles, can walk in the funeral procession of our beloved late King George V. because "public opinion" has been guided by the Jew-controlled Press to regard the Bolshevik murders with complacency. In the same way, Britain is being gradually prepared, by constant misrepresentation of facts, to look upon the great spiritual leader of Germany, Herr Hitler, as a barbarian and a madman, in the hope that this country may be used once again to fight its own kith and kin in Germany so that Racial Fascism shall be destroyed."

Arnold Leese - Jewish Press Control (1930s)

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“Thereupon began a multi-year period of civil unrest in which an estimated 10 million Russians were killed”? The most conservative estimate I’ve ever read was 25 million, between the years 1917 and 1953. Solzhenitsyn in "The Gulag Archipelago" bluntly placed the total at 66 million. I read somewhere that by 1923 when Satan came to take Lenin home, it was already 10 million, and Russian industrial output had declined 95%.

James Corbett in his documentary “The WWI Conspiracy” analyzes the real origins of the First World War (https://corbettreport.com/wwi/); it was as far back as the 1880s in various backrooms of The City of London – although James never uses anything like the proper noun “Jew”.

Meanwhile I recall a footnote from an article on Unz.com that I first learned about from Ava Wolfe’s Substack:

“What Ails America — and How to Fix It,” Jeffrey D. Sachs, Unz Review, November 25, 2024 - https://www.unz.com/article/what-ails-america-and-how-to-fix-it/#comment-6877674

It’s a very curious business. I’ve known dozens of Jews in the course of my life, with maybe 2 exceptions, every one of them came across as decent, kind, compassionate human beings. The exceptions? They were complete assholes, but I’d guess that was because they were assholes, not because they were Jews... 🤔

But then you read a little about Judaism and Jewish history, you read a little of “The Talmud”; about people like Henry Morgenthau, who wanted to genocide Germany in its entirety. Or you read about Leon Trotsky. Or Bela Kun. Or Emma Goldman. How about Jacob Schiff, the financier who in 1917 not only bankrolled the Bolsheviks to the tune of 20 million dollars, back when 600 dollars could buy you a house? He also gave the order for the murder of the Russian Royal family! You read about Bolshevism, or the subversive work of the Frankfort School / Cultural Marxism; or how about in 8th Century Visigothic Spain, where the Jews opened the gates of the cities to the Moorish invaders resulting in a brutal occupation that lasted over 400 years... Or coming down to today, reading James Howard Kunstler? He not only approves of what's going on in Occupied Palestine? He REJOICES in this monstrous slaughter! And his attitude is by no means uncommon amongst “The Chosen”. 😱

At best, they represent a thoroughly pernicious, deeply subversive role in any society they find themselves in, as demonstrated by their expulsions over the course of 3,000 years since 1200 BC in Ancient Egypt, 1,030 times; averages out to every 3.1 years... (https://archive.org/details/TheCompleteListOfThe1030JewishExpulsionsInHumanHistory) According to Larry Romanov in “Jews and Revolutions” (https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/jews-and-revolutions/), the first thing Mao did when he gained control of China? Expelled the Jews!

But far worse, whenever they gain any measure of leverage, never mind power? It seems mass murder inevitably follows. And thus, you seriously have to ask yourself, “what in Hell is with these people?”


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Fabulous expose, thank you for bringing this all together and sharing so we can know the truth and act on it before it is too late.

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Excellent work. I commend you for exposing the truth.

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Well, they are, in fact deicidium. They cannot admit their error, so they embrace their bargain with evil. Power, wealth, and influence on Earth in exchange for denying the Christ. It’s too bad they don’t look at the big picture and understand eternity. In the process, they lead many Christian souls to hell. The people in Israel today are not the Hebrews in the Bible.

Behold, I will bring of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. Behold, I will make them to come and adore before thy feet. And they shall know that I have loved thee. Rev 3:9

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Great minds think alike! See the article I myself just posted today:

Germany As Thought Crime

How "official narratives" of history continue to maliciously, purposefully break the German people, their culture, and spirit.


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The Americans are still armed to the teeth. I hope they do what they should do to the mass murderers.

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• Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told part 24 (The Money Power) - RonP1


Comment by @RonP1:

"NOTHING could be easier to understand than money. It is one of the simplest inventions of man, born of his necessity to serve a simple purpose; but it has been made, deliberately, the subject of more confused thought than any other thing within human experience. - As Hitler said in 1937:--Work is the safest cover for a currency."

• Arnold Leese - Money No Mystery


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• Babylon BEFORE Adolf Hitler.!!


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