The Freemasons are proselyte Jews, subverting peoples minds, defrauding people of property to enrich the Zionist endeavour to take over the world. Here is a link to my short book on Freemasonry and the Jewish Talmud. https://www.dropbox.com/s/46ivz0y7p8rlzl3/MASTERS%20OF%20TRUTH%20FATHERS%20OF%20LIES.pdf?dl=0

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Thank you. I am still trying to sort out the relationship between judaism and Freemasonary so I will check out your book.

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1. Original (traditional/Historic) Goyim hatred by Jews had internal religious basis. It was there as a means of separation, of protection from outside influence, of nationalism (in the good sense of the word). There was no weaponization of Jewish tribalism. It was a way of preserving the tenets of their religious faith. This was neither good not bad. It was the religion.

2. Psychologically, some strands of original Judaism were harsher than others in their interpretation of this stance against the Goy. Those strands allowed themselves to include vile language against Goyim but even then, it was part of their ritualistic self-preservation rather than an “attack” on Goyim.

3. Some 250 years ago, as Jews lost their religion in a long process of abandoning their religious way of life (most Jews today are Jews only by birth) they no longer see themselves as connected in any way to the Torah or the historical Jewish way of life, Judaism entered an existential crisis. It is no longer a collective of people (nation) with a clear definition, or with a definition at all.

4. Zionism failed to achieve anything towards advancing a meaningful Jewish life outside militarism and nationalism (in the bad sense of the word. i.e. fascism)

5. Together with imperialism, Zionism sought to weaponize Judaism to further imperial interests. As a result, Zionism and Judaism today are indeed working (together with imperialism!) against Goyim but also against most Jews who’ve been sucked into this cultish fraud.

Although you are correct in seeing Jewish collective in its state of degeneracy and barbarism, you omit the context I described and distort the meaning of it as if JEWS or JUDAISM are inherently problematic. This omission created mystery around 1) a historic process of disintegration of Jewish identity and way of life. And 2) The weaponization of Zionism and Judaism for other global interests.

By doing this you are (unknowingly) helping this criminal group who will label you as an anti-Semite, and use this as an excuse to carry on, confusing and gaslighting everyone as the go about doing it.

In my mind this is a criminal group of Jews and non-Jews who will use every trick in the book, against anyone, non-Jews and Jews alike, to get what they want. Just my thinking. No intention to create a heated debate or anything. So yes, it is "JEWS" but not in they way you say it.


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Thank you for your comment. I just woke up to the jewish question recently so I am still trying to understand the history of it, but it seems as though jews have been waging war on non-jews for thousands of years and it seems like their strategy has not changed dramatically. It appears that even back during the Roman Empire their strategy was to infiltrate goy countries, take control of the political and financial systems and live of the labor of the natives, ruining their lives in the process. I might be wrong about this, but that is what I am seeing.

How do you suggest non-Jews fight against this enemy? I think a first step is making everyone aware of this enemy and showing people how their lives are being destroyed by these parasites.

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Well, I am probably more knowledgeable that the average person on this as I have been looking into this (on and off) as a matter of general interest. I am a normal guy with family and a job, I am not a scholar, nor I am political in any way shape or form so my knowledge on this, especially, the historical is not good, virtual zero actually. However, I am not really sure this is necessary to really go that far back in order to understand what is happening today. I'm aware of this material over the internet (Europa 12 hour video etc) but as I say I'm utterly not convince this is that relevant for today issues. Honestly, the Jew of today is comparable to Roman times??? I really don't know. maybe, but it sounds to me a bit farfetched. That said there may be some intellectual value in delving into this but if you are trying to suggest that there is something there we should know about, then I am not the person to speak with as I just don't know this material at all.

I will write about this very soon, but I would say this enemy hurt everyone (in my opinion) also Israelis (who are mostly clueless and self-deluded about Israel - their country). Obviously this must be an international mafia that know what’s it doing and it doesn't target "goyim" but humans in general (if you ask me), they are parasitic in nature, of course, they have control on media, academia, pharma, military, politics, banking, large corporations, religion, etc.

But this, in my mind, a criminal-based mafia, (populated by high number of Jews) but the labelling of this entity as particularly Jewish is just not convincing to me. As I said they are tormenting the entire of 8 million Israeli Jews for decades so they aren't really protecting their own kind... They have also vaccinated them just like everyone else in the "pandemic".

That said Israel is some sort of important military base / money laundering / and god knows what else they are doing there.

Its hard to say here just like that what we can do.

Who am I to say?..

They have been separating us unto little groups in the last say, 20 years especially after 911. so maybe we could do with uniting, putting our differences to one side and working somehow together to show them their game is up.

I'll write about this more soon/ Ben

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I would appreciate your thoughts on this article: https://lucasgage.substack.com/p/where-art-thou-good-jew

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A hard-hitting article. Most of the observations of the author are true and correct.

But not all of them.

*** He identifies a REAL problem with modern Jewish identity.

*** There is no denying this is a very problematic issue.

But he then goes on to say that possibly all Jews have high capacity in arguing and all have "kvetching point" ... I think he gives too much credit to Jewish collective abilities... As if all Jews went into some "training facility" for debating...?? This is not very serious stuff.

He is clearly angry about something that happened to his family but he doesn’t specify in article what happened?

It is probably going to be a very long response if I write here all that I can say (as I mentioned before I will right something more systematically soon) but I can say that the concept of JEWISHNESS is indeed problematic but the way Lucas Gage and Gilad Atzmon are presenting it may not give the full picture of this even though the things they say have a point, which means they were NOT saying bullshit.

The implication as if JEWISHNESS is something that you can determine in the way that they describe (“Trinity” etc) it is probably incorrect although as I say they refer to a REAL issue, and what they say has truth in it.

Most Jews today simply cannot tell you much about their JEWISHENSS not because they don't want to talk about it but the really DON’T know by themselves! It is this TRUE IGNORANCE(!) that creates all the “bamboozling” impression they get.

If you press them all you will do is confuse them and embarrass them.

They don't (most of them) have the tools to answers it...

Even Atzmon is struggling a little to describe it...

This is a result of a change that occurred in Jewish society and a process of disintegration that begun some 250 years ago.

When the author says "The jew is part of a decentralized, global mafia" it almost sounds as if he means ALL jews... obviously this is getting completely carried away.

I am not sure if this response was a "kvetching point".

To summarise: YES! there is merit in this article. There is a collective issue with Jewish situation today but this is a result of the mishandling of Jewish leaders in dealing with how to approach this and by the total neglect Zionism preferred dealing with this, for some obvious reasons...

If you have a more specific question please ask(!) but otherwise I need to develop here a very long response that will be published, as I said, on my page in the coming days.


This is another category that need elaborating and hope this will be in my article too.

Thank you.

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Thank you for taking a look at this article and your response. Even if it's true that most jews today can't tell you much about their JEWISHNESS, I assert that every single one of them do believe they are "special" vis-a-vis "chosen", even if they do not advertise it (to put it another way, they are closeted supremacists).

Anyway, I've been wrestling with the JQ for quite awhile now and arguably the most complex part of it is whether it applies to "all jews", organized jewry, or just the overtly supremacist ones (Chabad and the like).

You might want to reach out to Lucas Gage directly with your concerns and perhaps share notes. If you both could produce and publish a unified message it would be very helpful in arriving at an irrefutable answer to the JQ.

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Jews are not a race and they do not go through some uniform indoctrination. That said you are correct to suggest that there IS AN issue.

Have you seen Defamation (2009) ?

I'll put a free link to YT below, this film explore how mental this situation is!

Take for example the "hero" of this film, non other than mr abe foxman (ADL guy) is he a fraudster or is he a psychopath? Not so easy to say is it?

But to me the fraudster side wins. The guy is 100% professional fraudster.

None of what he does bring any positive value to his people (Jews). Its just a money making business. So is Chabad which is another peculiar body, worshiping a dead man as the messiah... cult of nutters, simple as.

As for this JEWISHNESS / chosen / special ...

YES, YES, there is something there, for sure. But most secular Jews do not get any formal direction of this personality "trait" they simply get some kind of fear from the outside world. If they hear that they were almost got exterminated, they all are taken to holocaust museums and have memorials every year the whole of Israel is in lockdown watching films on that day of piles of bodies etc.. from very young age -- what would that do to you?? this is psychological treatment they DO go through (watch Defamation for more on this) so they utterly clueless about who they are PLUS they are afraid. Then some guy comes to them and asks them about their Jewishness... what can they say? They got traumatised and they don't really know? They really don't have a clue. Its a very bizarre preparation to life... so when they stick together and call themselves JEWS but what does it really mean? The real meaning of Chosen is not chosen BY God as such because they have something special IN THEM. No, but that THEY were given a TASK to follow Torah. There is no other choseness. A jew that FEELS chosen for simply being a Jew is an idiot (if you ask me).

It is very interesting and I'll try to cover it further as my comments are getting a bit long. Best / Ben

Defamation (2009)


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Thank you sir, for this question and for the link you provided.

I will most certainly read this and reply to you very soon.


I am in the process of looking into similar articles relating to

*** America being ZOG'd ***

I am planning to write an article on my substack page dedicated to this.

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As long as “the goyem” remain consumers “the jew”s goal is inevitable.

"What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general." Karl Marx

"Capitalist production, therefore, develops technology, and the combining together of various processes into a social whole, only by sapping the original sources of wealth, the soil and the laborer." Karl Marx

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Why are they all so gross and disgusting?

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This is very eye opening, jaw dropping, etc. Especially if you believe the "chosen people" narrative & all the other pro jewish hogwash propogated since WW2. But I happen to know its true having been married to a jew for 20 years. No, they didnt tell me their secrets, but if youre smart & pay attention, eventually a picture starts to emerge. Everyone should see this- thank you!

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Grow some BALLS and the Jews will run home to Satan!

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