Yes, and it's not just the Holocaust, although that is extremely important pillar of Jewish Supremacy. It's also the entire WW2 narrative where the jews play themselves off as the victims while being the ultimate villain-perpetrators. This is why they had a collective "antisemitism" freakout over the very mild Tucker Carlson Darryl Cooper podcast that only obliquely challenged the sacred narrative.
The "Nazis" must be the bad guys and Hitler must be "the evil madman — the biggest villain in history" because otherwise the jews can't be the victims. If we take the old Russia proverb, "the jews tell you what happened to them but they never tell you why," taking an honest look at WW2 flips the entire narrative script; reality is an inversion of what jewish media, Hollywood, and publishers have indoctrinated us with over the last 75 years.
1. Hitler did NOT start WW2. Hitler invaded Poland because ethnic Germans were being massacred in the Danzig corridor. After many warnings by Hitler, Poland continued to do nothing to prevent this. Finally, Hitler invaded, and then offered to withdraw under generous terms.
2. At this point Britain and France declared war on Germany.
3. We should not forget that international Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933, which included a word-wide boycott of good and a major media anti-German propaganda campaign. Jews in the UK and the US, both politically and in the media, were agitating for war against Hitler in Germany.
4. Charles Lindbergh found out the hard way that the jews really do control the media: In 1941, he was summarily cancelled after giving a speech suggesting that war with Germany was not in US interests and was being promoted mainly by jews in the media. Queue a jewish-led media outrage cycle that destroyed him and his previously sterling reputation.
5. The entire reason the Third Reich came to power in Germany was due to JEWISH BEHAVIOR. A) Predatory and parasitical Judeo-Capitalism was sucking the vital lifeforce out of German society in the same way that it's sucking the lifeforce out of America today. Hyperinflation was crippling. Unemployment skyrocketed. Mass starvation was common. Jews speculated on and bought up German housing just like BlackRock is doing today. The key underpinnings of Judeo-Capitalism: Central banking, fractional reserve banking, and usury, were destroying the host economy. B) Jewish cultural subversion was turning Berlin into a new Babylon: Widespread prostitution, pornography, drug promotion, and even the birth of transgenderism and "LGBT" lifestyles were widely promoted. Jews profited off of all of this just like they do today. C) The very real threat of genocidal Marxist-Bolshevism in the East and from within. Most of the jews sent to work camps were Communist partisans and many were engaged in guerilla warfare. The Bolsheviks, who as Solzhenitsyn notes were heavily jewish in per capita representation, had already murdered tens of millions of Russian Christians. It wasn't a "Russian" revolution; it was a jewish one against Russians.
SO, when they jews kvetch and oy vey about the "Holocaust," it's really a disowned shadow projection of their own psychopathic, narcissistic tendencies, and the genocides that they engaged in. There is paltry evidence that the Reich did any of the wild atrocities that the jews claim but there is lots of evidence that the jews engaged in that kind of behavior, hence the rampant censorship and propaganda.
The Zionist jews still engage in that behavior today, so rather than calling them "Nazis" like some are prone to do, they really are the heirs of the Bolsheviks, or we can just be honest and say that there seems to be a perverted genetic tendency for jews to engage in any manner of antisocial and genocidal behavior against non jews. Then they gaslight and project their own evil onto others, whether it's "Nazis" or "White supremacists." Thankfully it seems that because of their hubris and folly in Gaza, people are starting to wake up. The 'Holocaust' and the WW2 narratives must be destroyed, for if they are destroyed, jewish supremacy crumbles...
[PS I should add that Winston Churchill was fully backed by Jewish financiers who were strongly against Hitler; Churchill goaded Hitler many times by aerial bombing civilians in Berlin and he also ignored all of Hitlers peace pleas. Roosevelt's administration had 329 Soviet spies, including Harry Dexter White, while Morganthau and Brandeis were Bolshevik sympathizers. Between the jews in his administration and the jewish media, the jews, like Lindbergh said, were fully responsible for steering America into war with Germany. The jews started the war, got others to fight it for them (sound familiar, Middle East?), and then claimed to be the victims while they were the only winners. Since 1945, they've consolidated massive wealth and power to the point where they are fully able to realize their messianic third temple Talmudic goal of a global dictatorship over the goyim...]
Thank you for your very enlightening post. I only recently started to see many of these things and it has helped me to understand the bizarro world we live in today much better. It amazes me that tens of millions of Christians were murdered in Russia and Ukraine by the "Bolsheviks" and this is never talked about, not really taught in school, not memorialized, there aren't museums everywhere dedicated to teaching people about it, etc. I mean, I understand why this history is being memory-holed, but it is still hard to process the fact that a genocide of this size can just be disappeared. It makes it crystal clear that we are living in a corrupt system controlled by the same group that committed this genocide. It is a bit of a nightmare.
I remember learning about Lindberg's falling out of favor with the public when I was younger. The way it was explained was that he was some sort of jew-hating Nazi sympathizer. At the time that I read about this, I thought is was sad and I lost respect for him. Now, though, after waking up, I see him as a hero again, someone who was trying to do the right thing and keep the US out of another jewish-manufactured war. And I now understand that the good guys lost WWII, and we are living with the result of that. I want to believe that lots of other people are starting to see this too.
in thinking about this - i remember when the holocaust TV show came out. i was in HS. a few years later, in college, a jewish guy came to speak at my small college in the South. what i clearly remember was he wore cowboy boots and a big pinky ring. he showed a movie about the holocaust that was really a collection of horrifying images of atrocities against the Jewish people. now, at the same time, Solzhenitsyn was alive and publishing. And some were annoyed that in the second volume of Gulag, he included the names of the creators and administrators of the Gulag system. and guess what? this would explain why 200 Years Together had never been officially translated.
I believed the Holocaust story up until only the last couple of years. I remember that the story traumatized me.
There are two facts that should get people questioning the Holocaust story before they even examine the evidence for it. One fact is that it is illegal to question it in about 20 countries. That tells you that the Holocaust story promoters have something to hide. The other fact is that the jewish Bolsheviks genocided 30-40 million Christians in Russia and Ukraine and this terrible slaughter has been memory-holed. It's not talked about, not really discussed in the government schools, yet we are bombarded with sob stories about the Holocaust everywhere. It doesn't make any sense until you realize who the Bolsheviks were and who controls our society now.
Here is a copy of Solzhenitsyn's book, by the way:
"Three of the best known works on the Second World War are
General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday, 1948), Winston Churchill's The Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959).
In these three works there is not a single mention of Nazi gas chambers.
Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six
volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de
Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this
mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi “gas chambers,” a “genocide” of
the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war".
[Quote from Gerard Menuhin's book "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil"].
Thank you. I hope that what I was trying to say was somewhat coherent. It makes me angry when people who are persecutors and victimizers pretend to be victims to escape justice for their crimes. This is being done on a truly epic scale with the Holocaust hoax.
very very interesting. it makes me more sympathetic to the Germans for the slander they’ve endured, which effectively criminalizes the act of remembering and honoring their ancestors. same thing in the USA, applied to Southerners, with antebellum slavery presented as the most horrific of evils.
I know one of the hardest things to wrap your head around once you realize that the Holocaust narrative is a hoax is, how is it that so many Jews have been able to lie about this?
I've asked myself that question for years. And what I am realizing now (and articles like this one have helped me to do so) is that the "ROI" (Return On Investment) for Jews for lying about the Holocaust is just so incredibly high, they cannot help themselves.
Thanks very much. I am getting people to read it, nearly 2000 now, but not getting comments. So I don’t know if it’s that they don’t accept it or are afraid to be seen associating with it!
Amazing to hear you have had 2000 reads! Don't worry about the small number of comments - I find that the number of comments on newer substacks isn't necessarily a reflection of the number of readers, so what you're seeing is not unusual.
Not to mention that, as you speculated, many people are probably afraid to comment positively on such a piece.
Never mind, as you say, the tide is turning.
The great thing about figuring out the Holocaust myth is that once you've seen it, you can't "unsee" it, and then every time you are exposed to more propaganda about this false history, the propaganda actually works in reverse to how it was intended, because you are reminded of just how evil and pernicious this Big Lie is.
I'm restacking this again right now. This is a masterpiece Binky well done woohoo high five fist bump etc. this is a knockout punch for the lies of the unholy trinity of Holocaustianity self Chosenism and jisrael. JEWS DID 911 & 10/7 and had the hutzpah to blame it on "the" Muslims... They lie constantly about everything but they're not lying about "the" Holocaust??? Oi veh LOLOCAUST I say. Yes obviously 10s of millions died in WW2 and some Jews suffered too but there was obviously no organized extermination plan like the Jews have recently applied to Gaza, and there were no death camps withgas chambers and ovens for burning millions of bodies. It's as ridiculous as Hamas traipsing through the Jews impenetrable border fence unopposed on a rape spree with a side order of beheadings oi veh. Complete reversal of the truth is the Jew World Order of the day!!!! Oi veh again. Anyway, obviously nobody with a serious media platform is going to touch these really important truths with a 1 foot pole, but it is sinking in to people's thick skulls. I posted the fuck out of this shit on Fakebook for decades as much as humanly possible had at least 22 accounts permanently closed, and I think it did have an effect. More people than ever are waking up to the full ess of the grim Nature of Reality. It's definitely like a religious thing. The truth. They've tried to water it down with "fake news" and his truth her truth or somebody else's so called truth that could be "validly" refuted by yet another's truth, but we do have bullshit detectors and some critical thinking skills still barely mebbe... And it's articles like yours that are perhaps the most important resources in the great quest. I am suddenly reminded of one of my old gurus who actually had the greatest command of the English language of any writer ever. One of his books was called The Secret Path by Dr Paul Brunton. Thanks again Binky!
I feel like you should cut out references to stuff like the "plandemic" and "Israel planned Oct 7". Holocaust denial can be a tough pill to swallow by itself, trying to stuff in anything else might be too much.
Yeah, I kind of assume that people reading these posts know or at least suspect that the pandemic was fake and the October 7th attack was a false flag attack. But maybe referring to those things is a mistake because lots of people aren't that far down the rabbit hole yet. Thank you for your comment.
You totally did the right thing. You are helping people go further - if they haven't considered that the pandemic was fake or that Oct 7 was a false flag, they will start to do so. And they need to.
I must have done something wrong in a previous life that I don't have a friend like you. I got duds I got turds people that barely can get above 96 IQ wise and are oblivious to anything that matters. That's a really nice comment you gave
Yes, and it's not just the Holocaust, although that is extremely important pillar of Jewish Supremacy. It's also the entire WW2 narrative where the jews play themselves off as the victims while being the ultimate villain-perpetrators. This is why they had a collective "antisemitism" freakout over the very mild Tucker Carlson Darryl Cooper podcast that only obliquely challenged the sacred narrative.
The "Nazis" must be the bad guys and Hitler must be "the evil madman — the biggest villain in history" because otherwise the jews can't be the victims. If we take the old Russia proverb, "the jews tell you what happened to them but they never tell you why," taking an honest look at WW2 flips the entire narrative script; reality is an inversion of what jewish media, Hollywood, and publishers have indoctrinated us with over the last 75 years.
1. Hitler did NOT start WW2. Hitler invaded Poland because ethnic Germans were being massacred in the Danzig corridor. After many warnings by Hitler, Poland continued to do nothing to prevent this. Finally, Hitler invaded, and then offered to withdraw under generous terms.
2. At this point Britain and France declared war on Germany.
3. We should not forget that international Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933, which included a word-wide boycott of good and a major media anti-German propaganda campaign. Jews in the UK and the US, both politically and in the media, were agitating for war against Hitler in Germany.
4. Charles Lindbergh found out the hard way that the jews really do control the media: In 1941, he was summarily cancelled after giving a speech suggesting that war with Germany was not in US interests and was being promoted mainly by jews in the media. Queue a jewish-led media outrage cycle that destroyed him and his previously sterling reputation.
5. The entire reason the Third Reich came to power in Germany was due to JEWISH BEHAVIOR. A) Predatory and parasitical Judeo-Capitalism was sucking the vital lifeforce out of German society in the same way that it's sucking the lifeforce out of America today. Hyperinflation was crippling. Unemployment skyrocketed. Mass starvation was common. Jews speculated on and bought up German housing just like BlackRock is doing today. The key underpinnings of Judeo-Capitalism: Central banking, fractional reserve banking, and usury, were destroying the host economy. B) Jewish cultural subversion was turning Berlin into a new Babylon: Widespread prostitution, pornography, drug promotion, and even the birth of transgenderism and "LGBT" lifestyles were widely promoted. Jews profited off of all of this just like they do today. C) The very real threat of genocidal Marxist-Bolshevism in the East and from within. Most of the jews sent to work camps were Communist partisans and many were engaged in guerilla warfare. The Bolsheviks, who as Solzhenitsyn notes were heavily jewish in per capita representation, had already murdered tens of millions of Russian Christians. It wasn't a "Russian" revolution; it was a jewish one against Russians.
SO, when they jews kvetch and oy vey about the "Holocaust," it's really a disowned shadow projection of their own psychopathic, narcissistic tendencies, and the genocides that they engaged in. There is paltry evidence that the Reich did any of the wild atrocities that the jews claim but there is lots of evidence that the jews engaged in that kind of behavior, hence the rampant censorship and propaganda.
The Zionist jews still engage in that behavior today, so rather than calling them "Nazis" like some are prone to do, they really are the heirs of the Bolsheviks, or we can just be honest and say that there seems to be a perverted genetic tendency for jews to engage in any manner of antisocial and genocidal behavior against non jews. Then they gaslight and project their own evil onto others, whether it's "Nazis" or "White supremacists." Thankfully it seems that because of their hubris and folly in Gaza, people are starting to wake up. The 'Holocaust' and the WW2 narratives must be destroyed, for if they are destroyed, jewish supremacy crumbles...
[PS I should add that Winston Churchill was fully backed by Jewish financiers who were strongly against Hitler; Churchill goaded Hitler many times by aerial bombing civilians in Berlin and he also ignored all of Hitlers peace pleas. Roosevelt's administration had 329 Soviet spies, including Harry Dexter White, while Morganthau and Brandeis were Bolshevik sympathizers. Between the jews in his administration and the jewish media, the jews, like Lindbergh said, were fully responsible for steering America into war with Germany. The jews started the war, got others to fight it for them (sound familiar, Middle East?), and then claimed to be the victims while they were the only winners. Since 1945, they've consolidated massive wealth and power to the point where they are fully able to realize their messianic third temple Talmudic goal of a global dictatorship over the goyim...]
Thank you for your very enlightening post. I only recently started to see many of these things and it has helped me to understand the bizarro world we live in today much better. It amazes me that tens of millions of Christians were murdered in Russia and Ukraine by the "Bolsheviks" and this is never talked about, not really taught in school, not memorialized, there aren't museums everywhere dedicated to teaching people about it, etc. I mean, I understand why this history is being memory-holed, but it is still hard to process the fact that a genocide of this size can just be disappeared. It makes it crystal clear that we are living in a corrupt system controlled by the same group that committed this genocide. It is a bit of a nightmare.
I remember learning about Lindberg's falling out of favor with the public when I was younger. The way it was explained was that he was some sort of jew-hating Nazi sympathizer. At the time that I read about this, I thought is was sad and I lost respect for him. Now, though, after waking up, I see him as a hero again, someone who was trying to do the right thing and keep the US out of another jewish-manufactured war. And I now understand that the good guys lost WWII, and we are living with the result of that. I want to believe that lots of other people are starting to see this too.
in thinking about this - i remember when the holocaust TV show came out. i was in HS. a few years later, in college, a jewish guy came to speak at my small college in the South. what i clearly remember was he wore cowboy boots and a big pinky ring. he showed a movie about the holocaust that was really a collection of horrifying images of atrocities against the Jewish people. now, at the same time, Solzhenitsyn was alive and publishing. And some were annoyed that in the second volume of Gulag, he included the names of the creators and administrators of the Gulag system. and guess what? this would explain why 200 Years Together had never been officially translated.
I believed the Holocaust story up until only the last couple of years. I remember that the story traumatized me.
There are two facts that should get people questioning the Holocaust story before they even examine the evidence for it. One fact is that it is illegal to question it in about 20 countries. That tells you that the Holocaust story promoters have something to hide. The other fact is that the jewish Bolsheviks genocided 30-40 million Christians in Russia and Ukraine and this terrible slaughter has been memory-holed. It's not talked about, not really discussed in the government schools, yet we are bombarded with sob stories about the Holocaust everywhere. It doesn't make any sense until you realize who the Bolsheviks were and who controls our society now.
Here is a copy of Solzhenitsyn's book, by the way:
The third glaring inconsistency is the following;
"Three of the best known works on the Second World War are
General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday, 1948), Winston Churchill's The Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959).
In these three works there is not a single mention of Nazi gas chambers.
Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six
volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de
Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this
mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi “gas chambers,” a “genocide” of
the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war".
[Quote from Gerard Menuhin's book "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil"].
He who learns must suffer.
And even in our sleep pain, which cannot forget,
falls drop by drop upon the heart,
until, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.
a most excellent summary of the salient points, sir!
The final debunking of "muh Holocaust" will also result in people taking a fresh look at Hitler, WWII, and who the real bad guys are.
churchill and roosevelt. Sean McMeekin’s Stalin’s War was brilliant.
So comprehensive. Excellent! Have long considered it a crucial cornerstone for them.
Thanks very much for sharing such super, educational work.
Thank you. I hope that what I was trying to say was somewhat coherent. It makes me angry when people who are persecutors and victimizers pretend to be victims to escape justice for their crimes. This is being done on a truly epic scale with the Holocaust hoax.
DAMN!!!! Outta the damn ballpark!!!!
Excellent commentary… I’m a critical thinker, and this is a “thinker” article. Thank you!
very very interesting. it makes me more sympathetic to the Germans for the slander they’ve endured, which effectively criminalizes the act of remembering and honoring their ancestors. same thing in the USA, applied to Southerners, with antebellum slavery presented as the most horrific of evils.
I know one of the hardest things to wrap your head around once you realize that the Holocaust narrative is a hoax is, how is it that so many Jews have been able to lie about this?
I've asked myself that question for years. And what I am realizing now (and articles like this one have helped me to do so) is that the "ROI" (Return On Investment) for Jews for lying about the Holocaust is just so incredibly high, they cannot help themselves.
"What's good for the Jews..."
I am amazed that they have gotten away with lying about this for so long. But then I am beginning to suspect that a lot of our history is fake.
Read this.
Thank you for sharing that post! It is very comprehensive and directly ties into this post. I have added it to the links at the bottom of this page.
Thanks very much. I am getting people to read it, nearly 2000 now, but not getting comments. So I don’t know if it’s that they don’t accept it or are afraid to be seen associating with it!
Amazing to hear you have had 2000 reads! Don't worry about the small number of comments - I find that the number of comments on newer substacks isn't necessarily a reflection of the number of readers, so what you're seeing is not unusual.
Not to mention that, as you speculated, many people are probably afraid to comment positively on such a piece.
Never mind, as you say, the tide is turning.
The great thing about figuring out the Holocaust myth is that once you've seen it, you can't "unsee" it, and then every time you are exposed to more propaganda about this false history, the propaganda actually works in reverse to how it was intended, because you are reminded of just how evil and pernicious this Big Lie is.
Quite a comprehensive take on this important subject. Thank you.
Also suggest: John Beaumont's "The Truth will Set You Free" and E Michael Jones' "The Holocaust Narrative," both available from Fidelity Press.
I'm restacking this again right now. This is a masterpiece Binky well done woohoo high five fist bump etc. this is a knockout punch for the lies of the unholy trinity of Holocaustianity self Chosenism and jisrael. JEWS DID 911 & 10/7 and had the hutzpah to blame it on "the" Muslims... They lie constantly about everything but they're not lying about "the" Holocaust??? Oi veh LOLOCAUST I say. Yes obviously 10s of millions died in WW2 and some Jews suffered too but there was obviously no organized extermination plan like the Jews have recently applied to Gaza, and there were no death camps withgas chambers and ovens for burning millions of bodies. It's as ridiculous as Hamas traipsing through the Jews impenetrable border fence unopposed on a rape spree with a side order of beheadings oi veh. Complete reversal of the truth is the Jew World Order of the day!!!! Oi veh again. Anyway, obviously nobody with a serious media platform is going to touch these really important truths with a 1 foot pole, but it is sinking in to people's thick skulls. I posted the fuck out of this shit on Fakebook for decades as much as humanly possible had at least 22 accounts permanently closed, and I think it did have an effect. More people than ever are waking up to the full ess of the grim Nature of Reality. It's definitely like a religious thing. The truth. They've tried to water it down with "fake news" and his truth her truth or somebody else's so called truth that could be "validly" refuted by yet another's truth, but we do have bullshit detectors and some critical thinking skills still barely mebbe... And it's articles like yours that are perhaps the most important resources in the great quest. I am suddenly reminded of one of my old gurus who actually had the greatest command of the English language of any writer ever. One of his books was called The Secret Path by Dr Paul Brunton. Thanks again Binky!
I feel like you should cut out references to stuff like the "plandemic" and "Israel planned Oct 7". Holocaust denial can be a tough pill to swallow by itself, trying to stuff in anything else might be too much.
Yeah, I kind of assume that people reading these posts know or at least suspect that the pandemic was fake and the October 7th attack was a false flag attack. But maybe referring to those things is a mistake because lots of people aren't that far down the rabbit hole yet. Thank you for your comment.
No. No. No.
You totally did the right thing. You are helping people go further - if they haven't considered that the pandemic was fake or that Oct 7 was a false flag, they will start to do so. And they need to.
Absolutely superb post.
I must have done something wrong in a previous life that I don't have a friend like you. I got duds I got turds people that barely can get above 96 IQ wise and are oblivious to anything that matters. That's a really nice comment you gave
End Israeli occupation of the USA
Only the Jews could think of a lie as HUGE as the Holohoax!