I don't know how long it took you to pull this lot together, and order it so clearly, but the result is tremendous. - As Sigma Alfa Wolf suggests, this is high signal to noise ratio. Really well done, and many thanks. 🙏
Plus, I love the Ron Unz quote towards the top. 👏👏👏
Thank you. I have been collecting Holohoax memes for a few months and thought it was important to share them, maybe inspire a couple people to do some research and change their minds about the official Holocaust story. The world will be such a better place when the Holocaust victim card is taken away from jews, when they don't have that as a shield and get-out-of-jail-free card. I have been trying to get a relative to see that the story is false, but he gets very emotional/angry when I try to talk to him about it. The next time the subject comes up, I will just ask him: "Wouldn't it be a great thing to find out that the Holocaust story is false? Wouldn't it be great to know that all these millions of jews did not suffer and die horribly, and that the Germans of the 1940s were not quite the monsters that they are portrayed as in the history books and the movies? Well, I can show you that the Holocaust didn't happen-not the way we are told at least." And I can open up this page and we can scroll through the memes together. Ha ha. Thankfully a few other relatives have woken up to the Holocaust lie too.
I recall several conversations on unz.com with Fran Traubman in which I asked her why she wasn’t celebrating the fact that 6 million Jews we NOT exterminated during the war. Of course she completely ignored me. Because her entire identity as “a jew” was and is tied up in her belief in her own scared victimhood.
But it’s time now for contemporary Jews to start facing facts and accepting their place amongst the gentile races, no better, no different, not uniquely chosen in any way. Failing that, the consequences of their self-pitying, fearful, Messianic belligerence will be felt by all of us, them included, for generations to come.
That puts those of us who’ve become wise to the Jewish Question on the front lines in this information war. And it also means we have to invite/entice self identified Jews to read us too.
Good luck with waking up your family, B. And thanks again for your work. 💚✊🇵🇸
No, you're not a victim, Adam K, your a perpetrator. Whatever contributions to the betterment of mankind you perceive the Jews to have produced (Psychiatry? Pornography? Sociology? Usury? Jazz? ...?) none of it can unspill the blood of Palestine’s children or undo the lies used to justify their murder.
Stop being pathetic, Adam K, and try actually formulating an argument. Ad hominem attacks are a sign of mental weakness, and your page is full of them.
I know you can do better. Dig deep, I’m rooting for ya! (And following your activity on here so I can jump in and help out whenever you might need me.)
LoL. To think, you followed that up with two other responses to me. - Seems to me you might just care a tiny bit. 😉Because you know people really do care (more and more every day) what we “Jew obsessed weirdos” have to say. 😱
Oh, you are precious, Adam K. Such a strong, creative individual! 😂 But I'm older, wiser, stronger and better informed than you. And now I’m following you. What are you gonna do, block me like a coward, or face some home-truths??
Terrific scholarship Binky, thanks. It must have taken quite a while to compile it all. The information you present should awaken any propagandized American or foreign citizen for that matter. All Germans should be required to read it to break the guilt complex they’ve been brainwashed into having. Syria is now lost to the terrorists at a terrible cost especially to Christians. We can’t let these demons lie us into attacking Iran. It’s the only country left on their “Clean Break” agenda of having the US destroy 7 countries in 5 years. God help us if these monsters trigger world war 3. Sadly all we have representing us are traitors.
I got most of the memes from Telegram from JQ channels. I have been collecting COVID memes for three years and jewish memes for a year or two and thought it was important to share them to help other people wake up.
It does seem like they are maneuvering for a war with Iran, based on the people Trump is filling his administration with and based on his comments. And of course the takedown of the government of Syria makes going after Iran a lot easier. It is very frustrating to see the corruption and evil of the governments and to see where they are taking the world. A lot of people are being woken up by their blatant corruption and evil though, so there is that.
I wish I didn't have to spend any time thinking about and writing about jews, but unfortunately too many jews are obsessed with killing and enslaving non-jews, so I am trying to warn others about the dangers these jews pose to humanity.
I wish I didn't have to spend any time thinking about and writing about jews, but unfortunately too many jews are obsessed with killing and enslaving non-jews, so I am trying to warn others about the dangers these jews pose to humanity.
Feel free to explain anything that I have gotten wrong. I am always looking to improve this substack and would be happy to remove any information that I have posted which is false.
It is interesting that you call my posts ignorant but are unable to cite one thing I have gotten wrong. I will gladly remove or change anything you can prove I have gotten wrong. Thanks.
Oppression by Zionist sanctions and other interference would not be a theory, if it was not supported by the facts. Non the less, Iran treats their Jews better than Israel and the West.
Thank you so much for this excellent collection of undeniable FACTS, Binky. Facts that thoroughly put the lie to this ongoing egregious narrative that has been benefiting such undeserving "chosenites".
Time for me to release them unto the world of my readership, too, so they can be shared with many others.
Good stuff the signal to noise resonates divinely.
The Zionist narcissistic psychopath Juwe punches you in the face while he kicks you in the balls & screams out in agony. Let the effulgent flaming arrow of truth shot from Chiron into the Sun. Got plenty more effulgent arrows of truth in my quiver.
Ad hominem are always for the same reasons aren’t they Adam K. IOT allows that derisive & animus. Wisdom is knowing you without knowing you or wasting my time.
But now consider this… Ask Google how many of them there are in the world today. It will tell you 15 million. How is that possible? How is it that the number is always around 15 million weather in those days, or now when we havecomputer networks and all this other information gathering technology? They must obviously control all of that and I’ve been for a long time. I’m not trying to say that the German did kill 6 million off of, that’s bullshit. However, we don’t know how many of them actually exist.
I know shoes who are married to Christian and have children. The children pretty much identify themselves with their usually Jewish father. So there are lots of misclings as well.
Are there actually any legitimate reasons for your insults and ridicule? Is there information on this page that is actually false? If so I would appreciate your help in identifying it so I can remove it. Thanks!
So, are you telling me that you can find nothing on this page which is false or misleading? If so, do you agree with me that the official Holocaust story is not entirely accurate, and that maybe jews should stop using it to justify their ongoing crimes against Gentiles, including torturing and mass-murdering innocent men, women and children in Palestine for the past 14 months?:
Excellent work, Binky.
I don't know how long it took you to pull this lot together, and order it so clearly, but the result is tremendous. - As Sigma Alfa Wolf suggests, this is high signal to noise ratio. Really well done, and many thanks. 🙏
Plus, I love the Ron Unz quote towards the top. 👏👏👏
Thank you. I have been collecting Holohoax memes for a few months and thought it was important to share them, maybe inspire a couple people to do some research and change their minds about the official Holocaust story. The world will be such a better place when the Holocaust victim card is taken away from jews, when they don't have that as a shield and get-out-of-jail-free card. I have been trying to get a relative to see that the story is false, but he gets very emotional/angry when I try to talk to him about it. The next time the subject comes up, I will just ask him: "Wouldn't it be a great thing to find out that the Holocaust story is false? Wouldn't it be great to know that all these millions of jews did not suffer and die horribly, and that the Germans of the 1940s were not quite the monsters that they are portrayed as in the history books and the movies? Well, I can show you that the Holocaust didn't happen-not the way we are told at least." And I can open up this page and we can scroll through the memes together. Ha ha. Thankfully a few other relatives have woken up to the Holocaust lie too.
I recall several conversations on unz.com with Fran Traubman in which I asked her why she wasn’t celebrating the fact that 6 million Jews we NOT exterminated during the war. Of course she completely ignored me. Because her entire identity as “a jew” was and is tied up in her belief in her own scared victimhood.
But it’s time now for contemporary Jews to start facing facts and accepting their place amongst the gentile races, no better, no different, not uniquely chosen in any way. Failing that, the consequences of their self-pitying, fearful, Messianic belligerence will be felt by all of us, them included, for generations to come.
That puts those of us who’ve become wise to the Jewish Question on the front lines in this information war. And it also means we have to invite/entice self identified Jews to read us too.
Good luck with waking up your family, B. And thanks again for your work. 💚✊🇵🇸
No, you're not a victim, Adam K, your a perpetrator. Whatever contributions to the betterment of mankind you perceive the Jews to have produced (Psychiatry? Pornography? Sociology? Usury? Jazz? ...?) none of it can unspill the blood of Palestine’s children or undo the lies used to justify their murder.
Stop being pathetic, Adam K, and try actually formulating an argument. Ad hominem attacks are a sign of mental weakness, and your page is full of them.
I know you can do better. Dig deep, I’m rooting for ya! (And following your activity on here so I can jump in and help out whenever you might need me.)
LoL. To think, you followed that up with two other responses to me. - Seems to me you might just care a tiny bit. 😉Because you know people really do care (more and more every day) what we “Jew obsessed weirdos” have to say. 😱
Oh, you are precious, Adam K. Such a strong, creative individual! 😂 But I'm older, wiser, stronger and better informed than you. And now I’m following you. What are you gonna do, block me like a coward, or face some home-truths??
It looks like you care Hasbara. You read it.
Shut up jew. As usual, it’s all name calling and misdirection because you cannot possibly debate the facts.
Cry more kike. 110 will come soon enough.
What makes jews superior to the Goyim, Adam?
Terrific scholarship Binky, thanks. It must have taken quite a while to compile it all. The information you present should awaken any propagandized American or foreign citizen for that matter. All Germans should be required to read it to break the guilt complex they’ve been brainwashed into having. Syria is now lost to the terrorists at a terrible cost especially to Christians. We can’t let these demons lie us into attacking Iran. It’s the only country left on their “Clean Break” agenda of having the US destroy 7 countries in 5 years. God help us if these monsters trigger world war 3. Sadly all we have representing us are traitors.
I got most of the memes from Telegram from JQ channels. I have been collecting COVID memes for three years and jewish memes for a year or two and thought it was important to share them to help other people wake up.
It does seem like they are maneuvering for a war with Iran, based on the people Trump is filling his administration with and based on his comments. And of course the takedown of the government of Syria makes going after Iran a lot easier. It is very frustrating to see the corruption and evil of the governments and to see where they are taking the world. A lot of people are being woken up by their blatant corruption and evil though, so there is that.
I wish I didn't have to spend any time thinking about and writing about jews, but unfortunately too many jews are obsessed with killing and enslaving non-jews, so I am trying to warn others about the dangers these jews pose to humanity.
I wish I didn't have to spend any time thinking about and writing about jews, but unfortunately too many jews are obsessed with killing and enslaving non-jews, so I am trying to warn others about the dangers these jews pose to humanity.
Feel free to explain anything that I have gotten wrong. I am always looking to improve this substack and would be happy to remove any information that I have posted which is false.
It is interesting that you call my posts ignorant but are unable to cite one thing I have gotten wrong. I will gladly remove or change anything you can prove I have gotten wrong. Thanks.
Iran is the best place to practice Judaism.
I have seen commentary that the people running Iran are jews or are controlled by jews. True? False? Ridiculous conspiracy theory? I don't know.
Oppression by Zionist sanctions and other interference would not be a theory, if it was not supported by the facts. Non the less, Iran treats their Jews better than Israel and the West.
Blessed be the enemies of Zionists-in Tanakh and Talmud.
Terrorism is a CIA and Mossad (ISIS) problem. Islam plays no part.
The best religions do not divorce themselves from life.
You got to admit its stance on wars of conquest being curse is to strict to allow virtually all wars.
In Sunni and Shia hadith, Muhammad never allowed violence over people merely disbelieving, blaspheming, or apostasizing.
Hadith Qudsi curses those who fight to increase borders, capture slaves, acquire other wealth, or try to force conversion.
The accounts of the 43 Ghazawat and 165 Jihad ayats are a stalwart against the injustices of governments and wars.
Wow. The veil is lifted and you’ve got the memes to prove it. The world is waking up. This is an example of sharp deprogramming device. Well done 👍
Thank you so much for this excellent collection of undeniable FACTS, Binky. Facts that thoroughly put the lie to this ongoing egregious narrative that has been benefiting such undeserving "chosenites".
Time for me to release them unto the world of my readership, too, so they can be shared with many others.
You're welcome! I wish I knew about all of this years ago.
Wow ! The whole deal plus some !
Good stuff the signal to noise resonates divinely.
The Zionist narcissistic psychopath Juwe punches you in the face while he kicks you in the balls & screams out in agony. Let the effulgent flaming arrow of truth shot from Chiron into the Sun. Got plenty more effulgent arrows of truth in my quiver.
Ad hominem are always for the same reasons aren’t they Adam K. IOT allows that derisive & animus. Wisdom is knowing you without knowing you or wasting my time.
Terrific. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for laying this out here for us. INDISPUTABLE. 🔥🔥🔥
To Rabi Shmuley. Let’s never forget professional victims always become professional predators, criminals
and extremely effective accusers.
But now consider this… Ask Google how many of them there are in the world today. It will tell you 15 million. How is that possible? How is it that the number is always around 15 million weather in those days, or now when we havecomputer networks and all this other information gathering technology? They must obviously control all of that and I’ve been for a long time. I’m not trying to say that the German did kill 6 million off of, that’s bullshit. However, we don’t know how many of them actually exist.
I know shoes who are married to Christian and have children. The children pretty much identify themselves with their usually Jewish father. So there are lots of misclings as well.
Adam Katz who doesn't realize Jews funded all sides WW1-2
You sir are a total fool 👍
Are you Jewish by any chance? 😂😂
You have all their attributes and qualities mainly being abusive and vulgar primarily
Are there actually any legitimate reasons for your insults and ridicule? Is there information on this page that is actually false? If so I would appreciate your help in identifying it so I can remove it. Thanks!
So, are you telling me that you can find nothing on this page which is false or misleading? If so, do you agree with me that the official Holocaust story is not entirely accurate, and that maybe jews should stop using it to justify their ongoing crimes against Gentiles, including torturing and mass-murdering innocent men, women and children in Palestine for the past 14 months?:
Okay, so I take it then that you could find no errors on this page. Thanks!