This post is a little different than my other posts, but it is still relevant to this substack. This entry is about self improvement, specifically personal health. Since waking up to the criminality of our governments and the deadliness of the COVID “vaccinations,” I have become convinced that The Powers That Be are purposely poisoning us in many other ways and have been for awhile. I think that they are poisoning us with “vaccinations” of all types, with fluoride in the water, and with seed oils and various toxic chemicals in the food. The promotion of alcohol consumption seems to be part of their poison-pushing agenda, and I believe that coffee is a poison as well. I am starting to suspect that there is something to the “crazy” chem-trail claims too. Jason Christoff argues that our hidden rulers use poison and mind control to maintain us as docile and domesticated debt slaves. Based on the state of the world today, what he says makes a lot of sense.
Related: Population Control-How Corporate Owners are Killing Us, by Jim Marrs
Related: Here are The True Intentions Behind Vaccinations!
I specifically wanted to use this post to provide some advice about diet and health, to help people avoid some of these poisons that we are inundated with. Working to improve conditions locally is about all most of us can do in resisting this onslaught of government tyranny, and personal health is as local as you can get. I am not a trained health or nutrition expert, just someone who has done a little research and linked a few things together. I urge you to check and verify for yourself any information that I provide on this topic.
Here are some substances that I believe people should stop putting in their bodies and cooking habits that I think that they should avoid:
1. Seed Oils. Up until about 100 years ago, humans did not consume highly processed seed oils like canola oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, etc. The creation of processed seed oils and their inclusion in our diet is a relatively recent development. There is overwhelming evidence that these oils produce a variety of health maladies, including autoimmune diseases, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. They disrupt the body’s metabolic processes and create inflammation. Of course processed foods are filled with seed oils, so read labels and try to stay away from processed food. Most restaurant food is loaded with seed oils as well.
Pure olive oil is supposedly healthy, but be aware that most “olive oil” is mixed with unhealthy seed oils and this is not disclosed on the labeling. Butter, ghee and tallow have been recommended as healthy alternatives to seed oil for cooking.
You can find more information here and here about why seed oils are bad for your health.
2. Refined Sugar. Excessive consumption of processed sugar is tied to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and neurological disease. Refined sugar intake disrupts leptin production (a hormone that regulates hunger), which can increase your desire for food and contribute to weight gain. Depression, dementia, liver disease, and cancer are other conditions that can be aggravated by a high intake of refined sugar. Because sugar is empty of nutrients, the body uses stored nutrients to process it, so high sugar intake can lead to vitamin and mineral depletion. This makes the body crave more food, leading to more eating, leading to an increase in weight.
They put refined sugar in just about every processed food, and in absurd amounts-this is yet another reason to stay far away from processed foods.
50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To Point Blame At Fat
More about refined sugar here and here.
3. Artificial Sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are more dangerous than refined sugar, and ironically many artificial sweeteners cause weight gain. They can cause heart disease, neurological problems and cancer. See more here and here.
4. Starches/Carbohydrates. The problem with certain starchy foods is that they are quickly converted to fat and cause your glucose to crash, which makes you feel hungry even if you just ate. This can cause an eat-hunger-eat-hunger cycle leading to weight gain and diabetes. I have been working on losing a few pounds and have decided to forgo rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, beans, etc. and just stick to meat, eggs, some cheese, vegetables and fruit. Since starting this diet a few weeks ago, I have found that I am much less hungry and am fine with just two meals per day. I believe that the high quantity of carbohydrates in the Western diet has played a big part in the obesity epidemic.
5. Microwave ovens. Apparently they destroy nutrients and create toxic, carcinogenic elements in the food. They are convenient, but if they make you unhealthy, why use them?
Related: Microwaved water kills plants
6. Teflon/non-stick pots and pans. The coating on these pots and pans contains chemicals that are linked to hormone disruption, metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes, impaired cognitive development in children, fertility issues and cancer.
See more here, here, and here. I would stay away from aluminum cookware as well since aluminum is linked to dementia and other health problems. I would suggest using cast iron and Pyrex cookware instead.
7. Fluoridated Water. Fluoride is a dangerous chemical waste product that the U.S. government started putting in municipal water supplies starting in 1945. Government “experts” claimed that the chemical prevents cavities. Numerous studies have established that, among other things, fluoride is a nuerotoxin that reduces IQ. Was reducing citizens’ IQ a goal of the government? I think so:
Another Study Confirms Fluoride’s IQ-Lowering Effects in Children
EXCERPT: As of 2018, 53 studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ in humans while 45 animal studies have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and/or memory capacity of animals. The Fluoride Action Network writes, "The human studies, which are based on IQ examinations of over 15,000 children, provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child's developing brain." After reviewing 27 of the human IQ studies in 2012, a team of Harvard researchers concluded their findings "Supported the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children's neurodevelopment." They also suggested that fluoride's effect on the young brain should now be a "high research priority."
Water fluoridation is supplied to about 66% of US residents, 38% of Canadian residents, and 3% of European residents. In fluoridated communities, fluoride from water and beverages made with tap water makes up well over half of daily fluoride intake in adolescents and adults while dental products remain a major source of exposure in children. Regulatory agencies have yet to recommend any sweeping reform in light of the scientific evidence regularly contradicting the practice of water fluoridation. In their absence, local communities have taken action with 250 communities ending the practice since 2010.
Govt Report: Fluoride Linked to Kids' Lower IQ (and CDC in Denial)...
In addition to damaging cognition, fluoride can cause a multitude of other problems:
10 Facts About Water Fluoridation That You Need to Know
EXCERPT: …according to a 500-page scientific review, fluoride is an endocrine disruptor that can affect your bones, brain, thyroid gland, pineal gland and even your blood sugar levels. At present, 42 human studies have linked moderately high fluoride exposures with reduced intelligence, and over 100 animal studies have shown that fluoride exposure can cause brain damage.
Most striking among these are 30 (out of a total of 32 investigations) that have shown that fluoride lowered the ability of animals to learn and remember. Studies have also demonstrated that fluoride toxicity, caused by overexposure, can lead to a wide variety of health problems, including:
Increased lead absorption
Disrupts synthesis of collagen
Hyperactivity and/or lethargy
Muscle disorders
Thyroid disease
Brain damage
Skeletal fluorosis
bone fractures
Lowered thyroid function
Bone cancer (osteosarcoma)
Inactivates 62 enzymes and inhibits more than 100
Inhibited formation of antibodies
Genetic damage and cell death
Increased tumor and cancer rate
Disrupted immune system
Damaged sperm and increased infertility
8. Coffee. Studies show that coffee reduces blood flow to the brain and creates brain damage in chronic coffee drinkers. Coffee is also linked to high anxiety, insomnia, depression, birth defects, pain syndromes, unnatural breathing patterns, hyperactivity, behavior disorders, fatigue, certain types of cancer, Crohn's, IBS, colitis, heart disease, headaches, PMS, increased incidence of muscle and tendon injury, joint pain, carpel tunnel. See more here, here, here, here and here.
Sorry if you are a coffee-lover.
Fun fact: The father of depopulation afficionando Bill Gates helped establish the Starbucks coffee chain.
9. Alcohol. This is obviously a poison and will kill you outright if you drink too much at once (well, yes, water will too if you drink an excessive amount), but habitual drinking causes all sorts of long-term health problems, including brain damage, heart problems, liver disease, digestive issues, reduced immunity, cancer and diabetes.
In this post I have touched on just a few of the ways in which people are being poisoned by what they eat and drink, and by food preparation. I have not mentioned all of the dangerous chemicals that are added to processed foods, or discussed the pesticides and GMOs that are in the food supply, or the hormone-disrupting chemicals in plastic bottles, or what corporate farmers are feeding and injecting into the animals that end up on our kitchen tables. But these are issues everyone should be aware of as well.
It is quite disconcerting to wake up and realize that the system we are living in is corrupt, and is designed to keep us ignorant, complacent, fat, weak and sickly. I am convinced that one of the ways that The Powers That Be keep people in this condition is by feeding the population poison through the grocery stores and corporate restaurants, and by putting poison in the water supply.
Some people might argue that our corporations create tasty and addictive food that is unhealthy, fattening and damaging only because it is profitable. Profit is certainly a motivation but I believe that it is done mainly to keep us under control. Blubbery, feeble, diseased, stupid people are easier to control.
Another aspect of this control is our dependancy on the corporate food system. If the grocery stores shut down and the restaurants closed up, I’m guessing most Americans would starve within a couple of weeks. In Colonial America, agriculture was the primary livelihood for 90% of the population, and most towns were shipping points for the export of agricultural products. It’s harder to starve when you run a farm. Today farmers and ranchers make up just 1.3% of the employed US population and BlackRock-controlled mega-corporations dominate U.S. agriculture and farming. I think that this is a problem.
As World Economic Forum globalist Henry Kissinger famously said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls the money can control the world.” The WEF, of course, is currently waging a war on European farmers.
Related: Ukraine-Genocide by Famine, 1932-1933
To sum up, I believe that the same world controllers who orchestrated the COVID-19 vaccine poisoning program are also poisoning us through the food and water systems to stupefy, sicken and enfeeble us. This is to maintain their control over us-their debt slaves (and to siphon our money to the pharma companies). So avoid their poisons, warn others about them and their poisons, try as much as possible to become independent of their systems-especially their food system, and do not comply with any more of their ridiculous, tyrannical dictates. These psychopaths make up a relatively small portion of the world population, and their power seems to be mainly based on poisoning and mind control. I might be wrong, but I don’t think that they can maintain their power if they are faced with billions of healthy, awake, aware, angry people.
Related: American Pravda: Dangerous Foods
Coffee’s bad, huh. Well, what about tea? Not the stuff in plastic bottles, but freshly brewed DIY tea from loose leaves or genuine paper bags (not the plastic sachets they are foisting on us). Can we drink tea?
I don’t have the strength of character to give up caffeine. I love coffee and tea.