Excellent list.

Thank you.

Kill whitey seems to be the order of the day/century.

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When this anti-White propaganda started in White majority countries, I did not understand where it was coming from. Why would our governments and corporations be putting out this messaging? It made no sense to me. I finally solved the puzzle in the last year when I realized that:

1) Jews do not consider themselves White and Jewish supremacists HATE whites.

2) Jews and Gentiles have been at war for millennia.

3) Communism came from Jews.

4) Jews control pretty much all of our institutions at this point.

The fact that it has taken me so long to see all of this shows me how well we have been programmed and controlled. I am glad that I can see all of this now but of course I know there is so much I still don't know about how the world is really run.

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I was fully on board with the "poor persecuted Jews" story.


I reluctantly watched Europa and realised that much of what I absolutely knew to be true, was probably lies, or at least a twisted bastardisation of the truth.

I have no love for Islam either, though that is based upon the many terrible atrocities that have been carried out in it's name.

Atrocities by groups that I now suspect are likely to have been a construct of the CIA / MI6 / Mossad.

These bastards have been doing it for generations and have tens of millions of deaths on their hands, not counting the recent jab genocide.

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I spent years railing about Muslims and the Muslim invasion of Europe. I didn't see who was really behind the mass importation of Muslims into the West. But now this invasion makes sense to me: The people running things start wars in the Middle East to destroy Israel's enemies, and then use the wars as an excuse to bring millions of "refugees" into Western countries to weaken these countries, to create division and to make the populations more controllable by the cabal running the governments. It is a two-for-one deal.

This revelation has not changed my negative opinion about Islam's misogyny and its mistreatment of children though. Overall I am not a big fan of religion, because I believe its main role is to keep people divided. I see a lot of great teachings in Christianity, but it also advocates for people to be passive and to not interfere with worldly rulers, to instead wait for justice and rewards in a supposed afterlife. Turn the other cheek. It seems as if it was designed to keep people docile. I also have recently seen some information that indicates that the Scofield Bible was created to make Christians into supporters and promoters of Judaism.

Waking up to the fact that our intelligence agencies are the ones behind Al Quaida and ISIS and seeing that our governments do most or all major terrorist attacks has thrown me for a loop. I used to live in a world where our governments were our protectors, keeping us free and safe from the barbarians of the world. Now I see that the barbarians are the ones running our governments. And our governments are actively working to kill us. It sort of throws you for a loop, waking up to all this. However, I am glad that I have had some time to absorb this information and work my way through the different stages of grief. What has been helpful in dealing with this reality is understanding that the criminal takeover of our system didn't just happen recently, but that the system has been corrupted for a long time, maybe from the very beginning. I am happy that I know about this now, and am not still living in the delusion I was in my whole life. It is what it is. I imagine a lot of people are going to lose it when they wake up to all of this. Of course I know that there is still so much I don't know. I am suspecting now that a lot of our history is utter BS.

I am sure you are well aware of this information, but I thought I would share a link to a site called The Liberator, which details the corruption, criminality and evil of the people who run our system. It might be a site that you would want to share with other people who have not woken up yet:


Thank you for sharing your insights on your substack. I think waking people up is one of the most important things we can do.

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I'm ex military and fully believed that we in the West were the good guys, saving the world from evil, as we always had done.

I was fully on board with a brutal response to 9/11 and the subsequent invasion of Iraq.

I saw Snowden and Assange as traitors

Not any more.

Neither are most of the other ex military I know.

We were lied to by our leaders and the "enemy" was manufactured for profit and control.

Before 2016 I started to see.... things that made no sense.

Libya being destroyed, the Syria "gas attack".

Islamist attacks in London and Europe, but Mi5 then claiming that white supremacy was the biggest threat.

It confused the hell out of me at the time, but I now see it as them trying to mentally break us, just as Yuri Bezmenov predicted.

Trump and Brexit upset the globalist parasites and I have a sneaking suspicion that some of what has taken place over the last 8 years is the parasites getting their own back on us unruly plebs.

Learning about Operation Northwoods, the anomalies with JFK's assassination, the many questions about Pearl Harbour, WTC Building 7, Dachau / Auschwitz gas chambers that demonstrably weren't, Danzig / Bromburg and allied war crimes; have made me question absolutely everything I thought I knew.

"Throws you for a loop" is spot on.

I used "having the rug pulled out from underneath me" to describe it.

A horrible as it was at the time, being mentally unprepared for it, I am glad it happened, as it has allowed me to see things with a lot more clarity.

Since covid, I now feel as though I am observing the very slow, intentional, car crash of humanity.

The most worrying thing is that 99% of people are still fully asleep, though I have seen a few wake up and start to question things.

Thank you for the link.

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Great compilation of information!! Thank you.

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