This is an EXCELLENT, well detailed “synopsis”! Thank you! I’ve been awake to Truth for a few years. It’s absolutely mind boggling! I question ALL, except my God/Creator given Intuition.

Thank you for being a courageous Truth Seeker!

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Your welcome, Renee. I can't believe it has taken me so long to see all this stuff. I know there still so much I don't know. Hopefully more people will wake up this year. Cheers!

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Here is a book that was banned. There are a few editions. I recently purchased it, but I haven’t read it yet…it’s an “eye opener”. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with it…

Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy https://a.co/d/01pvArvJ

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Believe me, I understand more than you can ever imagine!

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Very interesting and filled in some gaps for me thank you. You may be interested in these.

How Karl Marx is related by marriage to Nathan Rothschild, founder of the London Rothschilds.


The Secret Origins of Bolshevism: 1879 Letter to Karl Marx from Baruch Levy


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Thank you Kiwi. I only understood that Communism came from Judaism in the last year or two, and I am angry because I felt like this was hidden from me my whole life. I mean, I could have discovered this if I had done some research, but I am angry because I shouldn't have had to research this--it should be common knowledge, taught in school from early on. But of course I understand why this is not common knowledge.

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Great post. As you noted, one of the very important concepts to understand for much of this to begin making sense is that Jews (at least the Talmudic ones) see themselves as a separate race with their own national/tribal identity and their own criminal code of conduct regardless of their skin color or the physical nation where they reside or the national laws. One can also convert to this satanic religion through performing certain rituals and once performed are rewarded. I believe the Rockefeller empire was funded by agent Jacob Shift via the Rothschilds - Morgan was also groomed by the Rothschild. Both Rockefeller and Morgan interest are substantial donors to Israel. These folks by design kept their "Christianity" cover- because at the time folks were more enlightened and distrusted the Jew. Such deception had worked for centuries with European political and business leaders.

As pointed out, in the US many of the folks that surround Biden and the directors of departments are Jewish - and many have not taken an oath of office - according to Greg Reece https://boosty.to/gregreese/posts/e139676d-fcef-4587-8323-ce36ebf6309d?locale=en_US

Myron Fagan - "The Illuminati and the CFR" audio at https://archive.org/details/youtube-ForvEyNABs8

Also the short book by Alison Weir - "Against Our Better Judgment: the hidden history of how the US was used to create Israel - was very illuminating - excerpts on links at https://israelpalestinenews.org/growing-evidence-inhumane-israeli-prison-conditions-palestinian-detainee-dies-day-272/

Speech by Benjamin H. Freedman, given at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D. C. in 1961. [A man who spent 2.5 million to warn America and who witnessed 1st hand the negotiations of WWI and the aftermath- we need to unlearn history. He was in his 80s when this speech was given ] https://www.mailstar.net/freedman.html

You have probably seen these - but I've posted the links just in case.

It is a bitch realizing we have been lied to and then spending untold hours unlearning the BS we have been fed and replacing it with the truth- but in so doing - those nagging questions that haunted you when learning the propaganda - begin to make sense. The revenge to the system that lied to us is to spread the truth.


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Are the dual citizenshiped, propriotarized, Owners of Our jeWSA government and the 1000% owners/manufacturers/controllers of big pharma BIO-WEAPONs, Talmudic, Sephardic, or just your garden variety zionist jew?🤔🤡😎 Please, give me a fuckin' break! It's the jews, silly!

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Oh yes. School. What can be said? NZ is a textbook example of indoctrination. TV & popular culture etc. adds to the joy. It’s been a bane for 20 years. Most science (wrong or incomplete), math (incomplete), history (don’t get me started—that’s a lifetime conversation on its own), money…

Communism was certainly a banker play; most originating in Germany/Prussia and Jewish. No doubt. Nearly all the main players in Russian communism were Jews — almost none Russian — and they were murderous.

@Will Zoll’s Prussia Gate series has some interesting insights (with sources) into the Prussian banking side and more (the roots of modern western schooling for example).

Have a look at my NZ Financial Reset series essay on Communism and Central Banking for some good sources too.

Richard Grove’s interview with John Taylor Gatto is also worth a look.

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Good piece as per usual. Exactly the kind of article, I'd send to anyone eager to hear the jewish question (for lack of a better phrase). It's ultra-comprehensive, extensively hyper-linked. Many of us have been at the exact stage you indicate "I would have scoffed at it myself just a year or two ago—and then been angry at the person who made it." a few years back, and we either chanced across unz.com^ or run across one of the many X posters who specialize in this topic (@palsvig, @ianmalcolm84, ZundelAcolyte, @pepedownunder2)

That said, I would question the premise of the questions Q#2 "Q2. Is “antisemitism” a serious problem?". Recently Columbia University - as a policy - conflated Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism**. That would make all decent peoples morally (not just ethically) obligated to be anti-semitic! Ergo, the phraseology of a revised Q2 ought to be "Why is lack of widespread Anti-semitism a serious problem?" Pierre Simon's titular response "Antisemitism Is a Logical and Rational Reaction to Jewish Behaviour" which you've linked to, provides fodder for thought.

You also take pains to indicate "not all jews" on several occasions. That'd be apt had there been a critical mass of Jewish peoples willing, able and motivated to deeply and seriously reflect and question - literally everything you point in your piece - from Talmudic-supremacy-logic to on-the-ground-jewish behaviours towards non-jews. Alas, there isn't such a group, not even a significant minority. The best one can do is enumerate Jews willing to go against the grain full-on unapologetically calling out all the faults there are : Gilad Atzmon, Ron Unz, the late Bobby Fischer and Benjamin Freedman (afaik 3 of them consider(ed) themselves ex-jews). All other "Jewish dissidents" are one step down ( (I.Pappe, G.Mate, Gideon Levy, Miko Peled, Ann Arbor's Henry Herskovitz, Vanunu). But you see it's two handfuls and those deserve wide praise and respect. So I'd generalize to "the jews" without being too hung up or apologetic about it. Its like saying the Dutch are tall people knowing very well that Itchy Boots is shorter than average.

Again, book-markeable piece.

** https://theintercept.com/2024/06/17/israel-columbia-antisemitism-task-force-zionism/

^Here's a comprehensive alternative starter kit there: https://www.unz.com/runz/the-bibliography-for-an-alternative-historical-narrative/

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Thank you for your comments, suggestions and links!

>>You also take pains to indicate "not all jews" on several occasions. That'd be apt had there been a critical mass of Jewish peoples willing, able and motivated to deeply and seriously reflect and question - literally everything you point in your piece - from Talmudic-supremacy-logic to on-the-ground-jewish behaviours towards non-jews. Alas, there isn't such a group, not even a significant minority.

It seems that there is a core group of people within Judaism that is committing all of this horrific evil, and this group hides behind the rest of the Jewish people, using them as a shield. I read that this core group actually conspires to bring persecution to Jews so that the core group always has a victim card to wave around, and the greater mass of fiercely loyal, tribal, paranoid, traumatized Jews shields this group from facing justice for its crimes.

We have all been brainwashed by the people running the world, and I think that rank and file Jews have been especially brainwashed and traumatized by their leaders. It may be that because of this brainwashing, no amount of facts, logic or evidence is enough to change the minds of most Jews, and they will never understand the real nature of their religion, which seems to be a criminal mafia/satanic cult at its core. Maybe more Jews know this than I think, and are okay with it. I don't know. In any case, I am trying to avoid writing in a way where it SEEMS I am somehow blaming ALL Jews for these horrors and atrocities. I don't want people to stop reading before they have seen the evidence for the points I am trying to make.

The idea I am trying to convey to anyone reading my posts is: "hey, I am a reasonable, compassionate, open minded person-just like you-and I understand that it is wrong to collectively blame an entire group of people for what some people in their group do, but maybe you should look at this several millennia-long history of absolutely horrible, terrible, monstrously evil things that large numbers of Jews have done, collectively, as Jews, to millions of innocent people. All of this stuff is pretty awful, don't you think? And this evil has never stopped. Maybe, after looking at this several millennia-long spree of Jewish criminality and evil, you can see-as I can see-that there is something seriously wrong with the religious teachings and the group psychology of Jews?"

Thanks again!

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This stentorian riveting magisterial finely detailed article commentary popped up ..serendipitously .. we say cheers!...Excellent*....Talmudic bolshevism is only a fraction of the deleterious impact of the 2

Talmuds ..see also..shulcan aruch...the Mishnah gemarra...... toledoth yeshu..the post Frankfurt militant Marxist school..the satanic denoument--disachievement s. Of. ... aipac..adl...B'nai brith zoa hias .Tikkun and olam ....kol nidre.... judeao satanism......mossad ,unit 8200..vicious hasbara trolls and mossad s..**Mitrovets"styled extra judicial assasination teams......plus..all intellectually honest folk realize Covid is ultra Jewish..isreali American biopharmakeia is in actual fact..right out of the mindset of the protocols of the learned elders of Zion*** and of course.....kabala..... see red bracelet cucker tarlson...** we state unequivocally..Americans are still being suckered into insensible irrational fear of naming and exposing The Jews...look at this short list..semion mogilevich.greaves..Soros..cecille Richards Vanessa gelman talk zaks ...geveer satanyahoo..bourla....anton le vey real name Howard Levy..zuckerfarce..Google gulag fascist Jewdevitry... jon pollard David Berkowitz Robert durst Sam .b.fried...sam Altman. ..and Globohomosexual jewrat ..Gavin gruesome newsome. Who singlehandedly destroyed California..... marina abramovitch the Rothschild and pritzker clan..s Julio'us and Ethel Rosenberg .dov zackheim Ghislaine Maxwell zelensky..Dianne finesteen rb.ginsburgh ovadia Yosef Tim wise Noel ignatiev rabbi Solomon fried pornhub owner ..Arthur ochs Sulzberger Larry fink Steve schwarsmen klaus schwab Yuval Noah Harari..rabbi butt plug schmuely boteach..Jared kushner Doug emhof..wallensky. nadler Schumer Paul singer .Vadim lepinsky..fetterman..Betty Friedan Barbara Cohen(all she wants for Christmas is white genocide)..ballmer Ellison bezos Greene wolf wolff ..Paul singer bill ackman...the bronfman clan Miriam adelson...gene Simmonds ..ben.shapiro..Jewish mob boss..coward stern.this short list are essentially..all Jews who are actively imposing Jew race supremacist totalitarianism...we salute this fine author..we hope all will fact check the list..there are many more mentally ill luciferian leftwingnut and corporate and religious totalitarian supremacist Jews ..not just Zionists**many other degenerate vile reprobate Jews are also occasionally

anti Zionist but insist on funding..promulgating incentivizing white and Christian genocide..plus their real goal isa planet without Non Jews*..many Jews really are that unbalanced**. Remember dear non Jewish readers..hate speech is all speech that exposed perfidious surreptitious Jewish networked crime*any "speech"Jews don't like"...be advised bezos may may not be Jewish but bezos funds all manner of monopolist Jewish technofacist stalinism with and for Jews. bill gates all lies aside is Jewish*Not company decent people want to keep....further links..200 years together..A.Solszhenitzhen*geinrich yagoda..bela Kuhn...Anna Pauker .lazar kaganovich gulag magadan lubyanka prison laventri Beria...hope that helps..**Fact check more..Do not capitulate for. Fear iofThe Jews**

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Excellent. Thanks very much.

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Absolutely!!! 💯👍🏼👊🏼📣📣📣

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I'm beginning to doubt, that unless radically diluted from the original haplotype by repeated miscegenation (not really possible with the matrilineal descent?), whether or not it CAN BE seriously asserted that there ARE ANY "good ones" (decent, civil, responsible individuals with personal integrity and empathy, compassion & a strong & demonstrably observable moral centre and motivation) whatsoever anymore? When their OWN polls even determine that 80+% of them proudly & aggressively state that ALL Palestinians are animals that they have an absolute right to KILL, and they're DOING it right in FRONT of us, even uploading their smirking atrocities and war crimes to antisocial media platforms, boasting about, ignoring ALL pleas to behave like human beings & they angrily retort-"NO🤬!! MAKE me!! YOU'RE an antisemite for even calling them 'human' or challenging US!!", I mean.......WTF??!! I begin to consider that this vicious psychopathy is literally imprinted in the very genetics 🧬 of them? Jewish ritual murder is neither a "blood libel" NOR some "vanishingly rare" & "exceptional" phenomena, & even IF only the practice & preserve of some elite rabbinical inner cult, the rage-filled uniform denial of them ALL without the least evaluation OF the mountain of undeniable evidence OF it, makes them ALL complicit in the COLLECTIVE blame for it. Even such as "come out strongly" in condemnation AGAINST the abhorrent atrocities committed by their fellows must, at this point, be considered to be engaging in their ghastly ,ungodly talmud's suggested "subterfuges" employed against us, as the kol niddre thing ALSO supports,&, if there genuinely ARE some small body of them who approach some discernable level of humanity & empathy, then it is now apparently SO FEW of them as for them to definitely be regarded AS the tiny exception that proves the otherwise general RULE?? Their OWN research even now demonstrates that 40+% of ashkenazim exhibit a genetic predisposition for developing paranoid schizophrenia too!! This is neither the time nor place for a detailed analysis/discussion/debate, but there IS a fascinating genetic intrigue concerning the whole homo-capensis (the "cone-headed skulls" ancient race) nephilim serpent-seed jew/throwbacks notion, which a subset of THEM aggressively boast, and the markedly weird & suggestively imitant skull shape of the likes of Jacob Rothschild and cryptos like Roger Stone?? I feel there "might be something" in THAT line of conjecture(?), & were THAT the case, given everything ELSE we see & HAVE long observed historically? Well........... I'd have to follow God's decree- "Leave NONE alive!", their being not even "merely" MORTAL enemies, but SPIRITUAL ones, who have, from the beginning of time, are our children and slaughtered & brutalized us beyond imagining, in WHICH case- sorry! fight fire 🔥 WITH fire! KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, LEAVE NONE ALIVE! ESAU WILL BE BURNT UP LIKE STUBBLE!!". F**K it, F*CK THEM. They're demon-spawn who fell outta their beloved Moloch's ass.Look what their MOST "holy", "sacred" text SAYS about us? Look what these vile, racist, vicious subhuman hobgoblin rabbis OPENLY say about us? Look at what they're even now DOING to the children & innocents of Palestine, their acts- SO abhorrently and fiendishly, diabolically, imaginatively EVIL that NO normal, ordinary human being COULD so easily and readily manifest & eagerly exploit such demonic ingenuity? How much MORE obvious & blatant DOES it HAVE to GET, and how FEW of us LEFT, before we permit the open utterance of "OK, it IS them against us, they ARE trying to cause our extinction! Maybe we should..... uh........DO something about THAT?" What wretched, psychopathic, devious, deviant, duplicitous, dishonest, depraved, degenerate, homicidal, whoremongering, pernicious, paedophilic, absolutely repellent, pariah vermin, scum, and filth. Come GIT me, you unit-8200/B'nai berith ADL ugly hooknosed kid-killin', adrenachrome-swillin', baby-bombing, "need specific laws to protect yourself because ALL OTHER races of humanity sense the innate "wrongness" and demonic "otherness" of you & feel an inextinguishable loathing and contempt for & of you at an instinctive level".....&.... so on, & so on..... Doesn't FEEL "good", DOES it? So, if you want to exclude yourselves from inclusion in the so far absolutely undeniable list of high moral crimes and fundamental human failings above, front up- & with contrition & evident shame we might judge approaching genuine, ADMIT every single one of your racial sins, the ritual murders of our children, the dark magic & witchcraft & curse of babylonian money magick you have, for aeons, arrayed against humanity, admit then forever abandon your nasty usuries, RENOUNCE, and DENOUNCE the EVERY scribbled statement of the midrash, zohar, mishnah, & babylonian talmud, & burn EVERY copy OF them, RENOUNCE and DENOUNCE your jewishness itself, & FFS!! Just STOP with the kidnap and sacrificial murder of our children, STOP with the paedophilia, porn pushing & "Weimar" style moral degeneracies & LGBTQ shtick, submit yourselves for an "as long as it takes" ongoing battery of intensive genetics 🧬 testing & investigation in order for us to properly determine whether or not we really CAN ultimately deem you to be merely shitty , "evil humans", and, y'know-? CONVINCE us is NOT ALL more kol niddre talmudic "subterfuges" shit, & kneel down & open wide. FAIL us? And it WON'T BE a fairy-story "hollow-cost" THIS time, it'll be Obadiah 18:- "Esau WILL be burnt up like stubble🔥!".

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Thank you Gabriel 👍. If only people KNEW my friend, if they only knew.......... Were they to actually go READ the vicious vomitings of the pro-pedo, hatefully supremacist, genocidal, toilet🧻paper talmud, then, as it says ITSELF- "For if the goyim KNEW what we SAY about them, they would KILL us openly!" Oy Vey.......!! the comment above would be NUTHIN' compared with the shit-storm of righteous wrath they'd be facing! Just sitting here waiting on the astroturfing asswipes of unit-8200 to detonate 💣💥my📱phone now! What do I care? I'm ALREADY on their "watchlists", "dissident's databases" & shitlists, & it's "straight upstairs" for me if/when the synagogue of satan whore-shippers martyr me! Die like a man AND be spared having to exist in the JWO? Sounds like a "WIN/WIN" to me? 😄👍

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Aug 1
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That is a good suggestion, and I may see if I can find links for them at some point. However, most of the videos in this post I downloaded as bare files from Telegram. If there was a link in the Telegram post, I didn't save them. Anyway, this is something I will keep in mind for future posts. Thank you!

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Jul 8
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It may be that most of them cannot be woken up. The important thing to focus on is waking up all the Gentiles up so we can face the common enemy together.

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