What is my take on spiritual warfare? What actually is it? Is it a bunch of immaterial ghosts, angels, demons, and gods, fighting over the control of mankind, or it is something much simpler than that?
In my view, spiritual warfare isn't about angels and demons, voodoo dolls, telepathic powers, magical potions, or bearded wizard using magic fireballs to strike down his enemies, but rather the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnosis to “cast spells” on people which put them in a state of mind that causes them to do one’s bidding.
What Are Spells?
Language is a representation of reality, so when we speak it, we are manifesting it in the minds of others. When we “spell” a word, it is called “spelling.” When we speak a word out loud, we “cast” our voice out and name something that is a part of reality. When we communicate with people and try to convince them of something (intention to manipulate), we are basically “spell-casting,” as our words affect those seeing and hearing them.
What is a “spell book”? Well, it’s not a book of full of abracadabra nonsense, but a book that could contain any of the following: a manifesto, sales scripts, a set of platitudes, poetry, a story, etc., that are engineered to manipulate the human imagination.
Why Do they Work?
How does one “cast a spell” on someone? A person casts a spell by using a specific combination of words that they “conjured up” to elicit specific thoughts and emotions within their target. For example, a salesman trying to sell you a vacuum is trying to put a spell on you when he tells you how much easier cleaning the house will be when using his product. Typically, salespeople follow a script, which is basically a spell that has shown to have been effective on people in previous sales; in fact, companies spend tons of money researching on the best ways to “craft” and present their message.
Because our beliefs are not a choice, all a spell-caster has to do is use one of their crafty spells to convince you of what they're saying; whether it is or not is irrelevant, because if you end up being convinced it’s true, then it will be true to you. Just being around such a person is all they need to try and cast a certain spell on you.
The jew, who is physically inferior, evolved to make up for this deficiency by becoming an excellent story-teller, which makes him a great spell-caster. His “black magic” is nothing more than weaponized “isms,” platitudes, symbols, and illusions (movies) that are designed to harm our people. Thus, what makes the jew dangerous is not his physical strength, but his ability to make himself seem like a harmless person by playing the victim, when he is actually the wizard casting spells on people to make him his victim.
For example, “transgenderism” is a spell the jew uses to convince people they’re in the wrong body, so much so, some even mutilate themselves. He doesn’t need a voodoo doll to cut put pins in if he wants to castrate a man, all he has to do is cast the transgenderism spell on him, and if it “works” (convinces him), he will castrate himself.
So you see, spiritual warfare isn't about turning you into a frog; it's about the jew trying to turn you into a Zionist, a globalist, a feminist, a tranny, an atheist, an “anti-racist,” and anything else you can think of, all of which are pulled from his spell book of “isms” (ideologies), and are designed to weaken and destroy you.
How to Break Spells
The only way you can break a spell is to find the contradiction within it. Therefore, it behooves you to learn about logical fallacies that would help you not only break them, but also repel them.
The reason people fall under a spell in the first place, is because they cannot find the “holes” in its logic and are convinced by it. In order to “break a spell,” someone else has to speak words that refute the ideology and convince them that it is false—getting them to “snap out of it.”
Think about it: how many times have you dealt with someone talking a bunch of nonsense until you “snapped” them out of it? I’m sure you have done it plenty of times to others, and others have done it plenty of times to you. The reason they snapped out of it was because you were able to show them the fallacy in their logic, which broke whatever thought pattern that kept them “bound” to a spell that put them in a certain state of mind (a trance).
Another way a spell can be broken: reality and time. Sometimes reality will bludgeon you over the head and break a spell for you the hard way; other times, without reinforcement, the spell weakens and “wears off” on its own.
An example of the former is when trans-people take their lives after they’ve “transitioned.” This tragedy happens because after undergoing unnecessary surgeries and mutilating themselves, over time, they realize that their faux penis or vagina will never make them a real man or woman, and there is no way to go back to how things were, so they opt-out instead of suffer.
An example of the latter, is when a “trans-kid” grows out of the transgender phase as they get older, which thankfully, occurs 95% of the time.
What We Can Do
In order to save our people from these demonic witches and warlocks casting spells on them, we must show them how weak (fallacious) their “magic” is. We achieve this by crafting and casting our own “counter spells"—isms and platitudes that are based on sound logic, reason, and reality—which will break our people free from the jew’s black magic.
The jew uses spells that are based on lies; and because of this, he has to keep adding spell on top of spell in order reinforce his illusory power and keep his victims mentally enslaved. This is why he always has to gain control of all media, academia, and entertainment before he can take full control of a nation and its people. But the jew has cast so many spells, he has to spend billions a year to keep the masses in a trance.
The jew writes in his satanic scriptures, that “the best of the Gentiles should be killed.” He wants to kill us truth-tellers, because we are the best; not only because we are the ones who have awakened from his spell, but also because we are the ones who know how to craft better “magic” to counter his. In fact, our magic is so much more powerful, due to the fact it is based on the truth, one counter-spell can undo several of his and wake up millions of people all at once. For this reason, the jew is the main force behind cancel culture and censorship, and continues to work hard to ban and censor us, because only our truthful words can break the spells cast on our people.
In this spiritual war, it is extremely important to keep telling the truth no matter what cost. All you need to do is expose the fallacies in the jew’s isms, and you will do your part in helping your people become free.