Interview with Jason Christoff
On Mind Control, Poisoning, Human Farming, Solar Panels, Word Magic, Egyptians and much more.
It’s almost a year since I first came across Jason Christoff, it might have been on Facebook.
There was something awfully true, direct and clear about his posts. I felt a connection.
I’ve been in his slipstream during that time and his work has inspired quite a bit of my own.
Jason has given me a clearer view on the poisoning. From one vantage point it’s about profit, off course.
But from another, higher vantage point, it’s about control. It’s clearer to me now that poisoning serves a higher purpose.
To rule 8 billion people, the two primary tools are mind control and poison.
To rule 8 billion people, you need to mind control them to poison themselves.
I’m delighted at the opportunity to interview Jason. It was a face-to-face interview that I have transcribed, so any errors in the text and transcription are my own.
With thanks and gratitude to Jason Christoff.
Overcoming Self-Sabotage with Jason Christoff (
1. Jason, can you please tell us about your background and what led you to become an expert in mind control, brainwashing, and psychological manipulation?
It was a natural extension. I used to be an entrepreneur and owned a small fleet of health clubs. Took the highest grade certification from the Check Institute in San Diego, California. This is a fantastic, holistic rehabilitation system, and I'd apply it to my clients who paid me plenty of money. Thing is, they were terrified to become better. Wouldn't move ahead. They were stuck, and I didn't know why, so I contacted the Institute and said, "I don't know if anybody else sees this. My clients are paying thousands of dollars to me but they seem terrified to stop anything that makes them unhealthy. They do lose some weight, but they scurry back to their old habits. Does anybody know anything about this?”
They said, "Well, they're infected with these memes." They were called memes, memetic mind virus, and mind control and brainwashing were involved. And I said, "Well, that doesn't make sense, why wouldn't anybody want to be their best?"
So they sent me some material, and that's when I started to really dive deep. And I started to use those sort of counter measures to brainwashing and mind control on my health clients. And they started to progress faster than anything I've ever done. So I started to offer the services online, and then, after that, it just accelerated. From there I became too busy to work one on one. So I invented a school which taught my angle on it to medical doctors, chiropractors, health coaches, and members of the general public.
2. You've mentioned that mind control is primarily based on repetition. Can you explain how this works and why it's so effective? You've discussed the impact of repetitive content in movies and TV shows. Can you give some examples of how this affects viewers?
Although the public isn't aware that repetition is the primary cornerstone of mind control, but the people who organize the mind control are. The target of the repetition is the safety protocol that operates outside our conscious awareness, in our nervous system. There are things happening in our body to keep us safe that we're not in control of. Like your heart beating, or a cut healing. You don't tell your heart to beat, right?
It's about finding safety with the bigger group. There's a part of our defense system that counts repetition, trying to see where the bigger group is. What they're doing, saying, believing. This invisible counting mechanism also hooks up into your behavioral system, makes you adopt the beliefs and actions of the majority as your own. Like your heart beating, you don't control it.
Basically, the most repetitive content represents safety inside the bigger group. So the people organizing these attacks on humanity simply control the repetitive content of our media, school system, environment. Billboards, magazines, everything we see.
This part of the brain doesn't know when one movie ends and another begins. Doesn't know the difference between a movie and a TV show, a TV show and a magazine, a magazine and what you learned in school. It's simply counting for repetition. The controllers use this to change your behavior. It can be done quite quickly.
There's a famous example. Psychology Professor Jerry Kroth, from Santa Clara University. He documents these social contagions. There was this movie in 2001, "Gone in 60 Seconds", with Angelina Jolie and Nicholas Cage. Lots of repetitive content about car theft. If you asked anyone in the theater if this could make people steal cars, they'd say you're out of your mind.
But the controllers know it's the case. I don't think they intended to get car theft going, but in one city in Canada, Burnaby in Vancouver, car theft went up 70% in the first 4 days. It's like "Fast and the Furious" too. Suddenly everyone wanted those Honda cars, or the RX-7s, or the Supras.
Social contagion works like that. It's a safety mechanism, and the people organizing our content to get the results they want, they're well aware of this.
3. You've spoken about the "one-two punch" of poison and mind control. Can you explain this concept and its implications?
It's not that difficult to understand. The average neurological system wants safety in the group, but if you can poison the animal... poisoned animals don't need less support, they need more. They need more group acceptance.
Think about it. If you're injured, or if I'm sick, you might need someone to get your shoes or make you a meal. You're not going to fare well without the group.
So injured animals need more group support. This is why they poison absolutely everything in our society. Any poison will do. Humans are like any other animal. The more injured they are, the more group pressure they'll succumb to. They can't fend for themselves.
This is what all the poison is about. Injectable poison, ingestible poison, Teflon pans... it's all poison. They've even done studies where microwave food was given to people. You had the same blood markers that you'd get if you were poisoned.
Everything's poison. The soap, the shampoo... your cell phone in your pocket going off. Same markers in your blood as if you've been poisoned. There's damage going on. The Wi-Fi radiation causes damage. We live in a toxicity soup. But it's because it adds more efficiency to any campaign the mind controllers roll out.
Psychology Professor Dave Hodge was interviewed lately by Sarah Westall, a mind control researcher. Dave Hodge gives fortification to what I've understood for a very long time.
4. Can you delve into the potential neurological impacts of long-term exposure to the control techniques you've described?
You get to the point where the person can't think. The thinking is shut down. It's almost like the repetitive content cements the idea as unquestionable. You run across people who have a hard time processing the truth. It's like an additional barrier to coming out of your mind control.
You can experience a programming breakdown. It's natural. Supposedly under MK Ultra, program breakdowns where you start questioning the programming happen around 30 years of age.
But if the repetition is so frequent, it would appear that people lose their ability to rationally and logically debate issues inside their own mind. Look at alcohol. Want to see an old mind control technique? It's intergenerational. This group has known about it for thousands of years. The Egyptians fermented beer to keep the slave class brain damaged and easier to control.
Talk to someone about alcohol today, you'll see the same effect. They can't process the idea that there's alcohol poisoning, but there's not cauliflower poisoning. They can't even contemplate that something so accepted as normal would be purposely put in society to increase the effectiveness of mind control. Keeping them diseased, depressed, and dysfunctional.
Alcohol - Lies are Unbekoming (
And the long-term effect of poison can be a lot more prolific than you believe. The poisons they're using these days. Go to the work of Dr. Michael Nels and his new book, "The Indoctrinated Brain". You'll see that a lot of these modern attacks on the brain aren't just poisons to injure the animal. They're very specific. Almost like cruise missiles.
They go for the hippocampus. They interfere with memory recall. This means the person can't remember what to get upset about. Can't remember what freedom was. Can't remember how to defend their children, or how to defend themselves. Because the hippocampus is what houses and stores long-term memories.
The Indoctrinated Brain - Lies are Unbekoming (
5. How do you define the concept of "human farming," and how does it relate to modern society?
The farming of humans is simply like farming avocados. There are ways to do it which maximize your profit. These things are all connected. They're like pieces of a watch.
Even in Europe, where I live, they spell pharmacy F-A-R-M-E-C-I-A. It's a farming outlet. Why's it called the pharmacy is because if I go to a farming wholesale outlet, I can buy a tractor, I can buy a weeder, I can buy a hoe, I can buy a shovel. I need that to produce my profit for whatever crops I'm growing.
You need to poison the human cattle to maximize the profit, steal their taxes and get them to the point where everything's going to be stolen. If they weren't poisoned, you couldn't maximize your profit. They wouldn't believe anything ridiculous like Covid. If they weren't poisoned, they wouldn't even be governed.
Think about the structure of governance. To get people to start believing that they're better off with someone else telling them what to do and someone else wielding 50% of their income, for obviously evil means. To get people to that point, you're going to need poison.
So farming humans is about profit. And to be honest with you, if you go to a grocery store, the avocado's maximum profit is when it's picked or dead. The fish... you sell it when it's dead. The chicken has to be killed before you get the profit. Same thing with humans. People don't even realize this. The maximum profit of a human is in their death, because you can go and steal their assets.
6. You've discussed the concept of humans as "solar panels." Can you elaborate on this idea and its implications for human potential and societal structure?
Humans need the sun to charge themselves. We need to get out in the sun. It's like we've forgotten we're solar-powered beings. There's this great book, "The Healing Sun" by Richard Hobday. If you want to know how valuable the sun is, read it. It's crazy, only 50, 70 years ago people realised how valuable the sun was. It does charge us.
The food, it's like gifts or battery-stored charge of the sun. When the sun's gone for winter, or at night, we can charge up. We plug into the sun with our green pepper, or red pepper, or whatever we have in the fridge.
We go out and our value, our workforce is powered by the sun. People don't remember these concepts. When we charge up from the sun, we walk around and do things, usually to benefit us. The idea of money is taking the sun value, our walking around energy, and putting it into a physical commodity which can be stolen. We need the energy to live. They translate sun's energy into money, but by changing sun's energy to money, they can steal so much of our energy that we don't have enough to live, and therefore we die.
It's like an old science fiction movie where the sun's power charges an individual, but if you use this monetary idea to take 50% of the sun energy from each person on the planet, and channel all the sun's energy, maybe in a tube to the dark Emperor, like in Star Wars... In the last movie, the dark Emperor could just raise his hands, and he had so much power he took down all the star fighters above the planet. Just one man.
What I'm trying to say... and it's not really an analogy... we're getting the sun's energy, it's getting siphoned on this big pipeline to individuals or small groups. They're making a death star ray out of it to destroy or feed whatever they want. It's a massive, focused energy beam. That's what money is.
The word money actually means 'mon', in the ancient world, it means moon or one, there's only one moon. And mon-ey, even though it's spelled E-Y, means magical energy. It means the one and only magical energy. If you can siphon it off and concentrate its beam like a magnifying glass concentrates the sun's beam, you can do great damage. This is why these wars are going on, because all our work energy from the sun is being funneled to these evil empires. I don't even think it's an analogy. I think it's real.
7. You've touched on the concept of "fake freedoms." Can you provide a more in-depth analysis of how this operates in modern democracies?
It's almost like that "Raiders of the Lost Ark", the first one... it was a great picture right at the beginning with Indiana Jones. He's got the golden head, the golden idol. He's trying to weigh out the bag of sand because he knows it's a booby trap. You’ve got to take the gold away, and then put the sand back at the same time not to set off the booby trap. Of course he did. That was pretty funny scene.
But basically, with humans, the golden idol you got to steal is the freedoms that matter. Humans are going to recognize if you take away the freedom that matters, unless you give them some freedoms that don't matter. That would be the equivalent of the bag of sand.
So they'll say you can have every freedom that doesn't matter. You can get 31 flavors at Baskin Robbins. You can get 50 different flavors of coffee. You can look at pornography all day. You can work any job you want.
If you look at the phonetics of the word... that's not the true freedom. F-R-E-E D-O-M. This is, they call it free dumb... F-R-E-E dash D-U-M-B. They know it's very close... the bag of sand and the idol... freedom and free dumb.
And if you're in the free dumb system, everything that makes you dumb is provided to you free by the state. The dumber the people... the more injured they are, the less likely they are to take care of themselves, the more effective the mind control modalities. Regardless of which one you pick.
So the fake freedoms are very, very important. When people have nothing left to lose, they lose it, and all kings and queens know that. You’ve got to give them the bread and circuses as you're surrounding them, and we've been surrounded. Now we are surrounded now, and the best thing people can do is realize it, and then start to reduce the poison so that the proper brain function comes back on.
8. You've described sports as a "sedating effect" and a "steam valve" for the masses. Can you elaborate on how professional sports leagues might be engineered to maximize this effect?
The human brain has this mirror neuron firing. Dr. Jerry Croft talks about this as well. They've done experiments with EEGs, brainwave analyzing equipment. If I'm knitting and you're watching, your brain fires like it's knitting too. Whatever you see, you experience yourself.
If you are going to set up a slave system where the average person has no wins, no victories, no bouts of strength, no celebration, you can put all that on a screen. The neurological system digests it, believes it's experiencing real life. Meanwhile, they're just rotting on the couch. This is why it’s very important to have sports.
We're tribal in nature. We want our group to win, others to lose. We crave victory, strength. If you're enslaving people and don't satisfy that in the nervous system, by pumping in fake, feel-good emotions, the slaves would rebel. They'd tear the whole place down.
So to enslave someone with no amazing life experiences, no vacations, no victories, you have to pump it all through the screen. It sedates the slave class, and vent off rebellion potential.
They won't do it forever though. Soon, they'll just shut the screens down and say, "You're trapped." Like a lobster trap and you can't get out. It's been orchestrated for a very long time.
The slave gets sedated mentally. Has his sports, his porn, her shopping. It's all to put them in the pen.
Sports - Lies are Unbekoming (
9. In your work, you've touched on the manipulation of women through beauty standards and cosmetic procedures. Can you delve deeper into how this ties into larger control systems, particularly in light of modern feminist movements and the push for body positivity?
This one's really multi-factorial, and it's a landmine. Because, there's other conditioning inside the female sphere where you're not allowed to criticize anything about the female. When you go in and start pointing these things out, I can point it out with males, too. But the males sit down and say, "Hey, interesting! I noticed that, too. Where can I find out more?"
If you talk about, say, the infantilization agenda with the female, where they're conditioned never to deal with aging, they always want to stay young, because it's really easy to manipulate adults that act, talk and think like children. In psychology, for any child to mature to an adult, they have to experience pain, discomfort, and failure.
You see this agenda when you try to bring this information up, it's painful. The female has been told generally... "I don't want pain in my life", which is the agenda, because if they felt pain they'd mature. They don't want to age, because aging, seeing yourself as a beautiful young 20-year-old, and you age and become wrinkled, gray-haired 60 or 70-year-old... You have to start contemplating what you were doing here. What your life was for. Did you love? Did you live? Did you matter? They don't want anybody going down what's called the Individuation Road, where you're different from the herd. You realize you're different from the herd or the maturation process... They don't want that.
This cosmetic surgery thing is also there to disempower them financially, because these things aren't cheap. A lot of times all women will be doing this regardless of income status. They would only pursue it because of repetitive content in the media. No one looks better when their lips look like the labia of a baboon. No one looks better like that.
But if you give enough repetitive content, the subconscious can be tricked that this is where the safety is to be found. I've seen beautiful women really overdo it with these lip injections. I've seen women bankrupt themselves and then bankrupt their husbands as well in the pursuit of this. And this isn't an accident. This is all about...if they're financially destitute, they're easier to mind control.
If you told them you can't go to the cosmetic surgery, unless you had a vaccination... well, if you're in that zone and thinking “I inject the needle in my lips, why not in my arm.”
So there's a lot of infantilization agendas to avoid maturation and individuation with both genders. There's a lot of agendas toward both genders, but they're both to disempower because mind control is a power differential on its very foundation. That's all it is.
10. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn's work from the '70s, particularly his book "Male Practice" - a play on the word malpractice, argues that of the two sexes, females are more abused by the medical system. In your experience with mind control and societal manipulation, does this ring true? Do you see women as being more targeted or vulnerable to these control systems?
Absolutely. It's a very dangerous road for a female to walk under the mind control conditions that are being laid out today. I know where this is going, and I predicted it in many articles. People can't say, "Oh, you're just describing what we're seeing today." No, I have many articles that describe this, the destruction of the female... I called it the Shakespearean agenda.
This group organizing this... they don't like anything natural. I'd say they don't like anything from God, but that'll throw everybody into some kind of lather because of what comes with that. They don't like anything natural, including reproduction. They don't like both genders, because that leads to reproduction potential and creativity is God's or Nature's biggest gift, the gift to procreate and they want to destroy them.
The lane of traffic technique to get people into this zone is basically to mind control women that they don't need men. You get the single female movies, "Bad Moms", "Bridesmaids", and everything's all about single women... single empowerment. But this is all just to get, and the males will be feminized too. It's not a big leap to get a female decoupled from their cosmic protector. Then you have the female out there with their kids. Now we're getting into some dangerous territory, because if you know this group, they're hunters, and they'll hunt the most vulnerable. They're a very weak group, and they will disempower you before they attack. They'll defang you and declaw you before they attack.
You get the female out in the woods alone with their children, and you can see what's happening in the Olympics right now. The Shakespearean agenda's upon us, because in Shakespearean days there were no females allowed in the playhouse... it was men and men in drag. If there was a female part, it was a man in drag that played the role.
We see this going back there today, because this is one of the base foundational beliefs of this cult that's running our society right now. They don't believe in females, but they believe in dysfunctional males, so they can start preying on the females because they are decoupled from the cosmic protectors, because that was the first couple of steps of the mind control agenda.
So now we see openly in the Olympics, we see a man in women's sports... and women backing up the man because he said he's a girl, and he's punching a woman right in the face. And if you know this group, you don't want to go down this road because the road never ends.
It's not going to end with, you know, a bronze medal match or a qualifying match, where a man dressed as a Shakespearean woman punches a woman square in the face. It never ends, these agendas. You can just continue them on with the abuse foundation, and they're just going to expand it and fortify it and keep going down the road.
So women have to be very, very careful, because really they want to get rid of the women because they want the children. They got rid of the men. They got the two separated. Between attacking a male or a female, they'll attack a female because she's physically weaker, but they're not after either the man or the woman... they're after the children, so they'll just leave them open for pillaging by this old group.
Male Practice - Lies are Unbekoming (
11. In your research, you've found connections between ancient Egyptian practices and modern control techniques. Could you elaborate on some of these parallels?
The Egyptians... everybody knows about the secret societies. There's an Egyptian pyramid on the back of the U.S. Dollar bill. An Egyptian obelisk in the Vatican, in the city of London. The Washington Monument is an Egyptian obelisk, and people still don't get it because of the repetitive content. Don't forget repetitive content that doesn't exist won't affect you so they're never telling people. There's a big Egyptian connection.
The Egyptians were the users of beer to sedate the slaves, and they coined the phrase "rock and roll". A lot of people think rock and roll meant... You know, it was always related to the slave class. They say the modern definition is about the rocking and rolling of the boat when black slaves were brought over from Africa on the boats. It's not... it's the rock quarry, and you would roll the rocks on the lumber to the worksite, where you would build the Egyptian monuments... rock and roll. You'd serve the beer to them at night. Give them a rock and roll concert and old time rock and roll, with Bob Seger... rolling stone magazine. It's everywhere, right? Absolutely everywhere.
This group laughs because, you know, we'll he rock and roll sign with our hands, but it’s actually part of the bull cult. They'll flash the double bullhorn signs, not even knowing that this goes all the way back to this ancient bull cult.
The Egyptians used to use this thing called the Blue Nile Lily. It was a minor hallucinogen, and they would just use it like they use marijuana today. Just make sure that the slaves are sedated and tranquilized and brain damaged and traumatized. And then we'll just tell them exactly what we want them to do, and they'll usually do it. It's not a guarantee, but we're playing the odds. It's like a casino...
Even circumcision... This was known in ancient Egypt as the mark of the slave, and it's proven to cause this massive brain damage. If you're brain damaged in that way you're more compliant. You're more reflexively obedient. The Egyptians invented it. It was easy to find a slave in the Egyptian agora because they wore the kilts, same kilts that the British and the Scottish use today because they're directly connected. But if a slave escaped and was hiding somewhere in the population, the authorities would just go up and just lift up their kilt. If you were circumcised, you were a slave, you were owned by someone else, and you were not in their possession. So you're going to get taken away.
All these methods of these control modalities were initiated in this ancient world, what we call secret societies, Skull and Bones, at Yale and the Free Masonic Order. They covet the control modalities and share them amongst themselves.
12. You've mentioned the importance of understanding "word magic." Can you provide advanced examples of how this manifests in modern discourse?
Well, words can really affect your behavior. Let me give an example. If someone were to go to Youtube right now... There's this video. It's a Mentalist, a mind control expert named Max Major. He goes on America's Got Talent, and he's going to hunt Howie Mandel right on national TV. Live.
Max Major knows, repetitive content is key. As he's coming out giving his speech... words have a big impact, especially with mind control. He had a prescripted speech, but he was so loose with it you wouldn't think he remembered it verbatim, but he did. In the talk as he was coming out he used the word "perform". He used the word "performance". He used "before". He used "comfortable".
Then he actually said, "Howie, I want to ask you a question. Are you up for it?" Howie says "absolutely". So. "I'm going to take my watch. I'm going to turn it around. I'm going to set it a time that only I can see, and I'm going to hang it on this hook over here, and no one else can see it. I'm not going to touch it. Close your eyes, picture your watch hands, clock hands spinning round and round... when it stops, let me know." Howie says "it stopped". "Open your eyes! What time did you see?" He said, "4 o'clock!"
The Mentalist, Max Major turned around the watch that only he could see... showed it to the cameras. It was 4 o'clock, because in "comfortable" there's the word "for"... in "performance" there's "for"... in "perform" there's "for"... "before" is "for", and of course, "are you up for it". There's 5 "fours" right there. The subconscious mind of Howie Mandel is the same as ours. It's always counting for repetitive content to establish what sort of tribe that you're in.
Oddly enough, this doesn't make sense to the average person. But Howie Mandel's mind said you're in the 4 o'clock tribe. If you're in the 4 tribe, you better flash the 4 gang colors or the gang words. If you're going to be asked a question in this 4 tribe. So he just said 4. He didn't know why. But this has a huge impact.
Max Major REVEALED How He Influenced Millions on Americas Got Talent (
Words have a huge impact like even "bless"... it's "B less"... "black"... "B lack"... right... "brave", "be rave". There's other things. Even the Olympics. The word Olympic is an anagram... "i-comply".
Your subconscious is proven to do the anagrams, pick out words in other words. Even when you look at basic word magic, they have a huge impact on your mind because you use them so repetitively like "work week"... work week. Well, you're spelling it W-E-E-K. What about W-E-A-K? Work weak or the weekend. How about a "weakened"? You arrive to the weekend weakened.
Or you know you make it to your Friday... you get to relax on your Friday, but you could be in a "fried daze". F-R-I-E-D D-A-Z-E. And you earn... you earn a living. Well, an urn is a funerary vase that holds the ashes of the dead.
There's all kinds of things going on with the language... even the word job. You go to the Bible, you find the same word job. They use word magic on you as well, they say, "No, no, that's not Job. It's “Jowb.” That's how they pronounce it in the Bible. But in your own mind, you go, and it's spelled the same. Now who's Job? Job's a man that was tormented by both the devil and by God!
And you got a job where you're tormented all the time, and it's spelled exactly the same. None of this stuff makes any sense unless you understand that words have a huge impact and the repetition is massive. It's massive. A lot of these words people use every day, and they don't really understand what they mean. And there's a lot more examples than that... I'll give you my primary article where I analyze the English language, it was definitely invented to confuse. And basically, confusion is a huge part of mind control. It's a huge part of mind control.
13. You've spoken about the concept of "raising the dead" in terms of reviving harmful ideologies. Can you explain this further?
You got all the hard questions! It's good that you asked about the funneling of the money to the dark Emperor. If you go to something like the classic movie Frankenstein, where they have the parts of the dead, the corpse, and they put the corpse on the table, then they have the winch and the chains, they bring the corpse up, and it gets hit by all this electricity. And then, oddly enough, Frankenstein is coming back from the dead. You know he's alive, he's alive.
What we're seeing today again... This is so connected to that concept... is that the money is electricity, and it works like electricity. There's things that are supposed to stay dead. We might even call it a free market capitalist society, where we're going to decide where the electricity goes. But if they can steal the electricity and direct it toward their evil and dark projects, you can raise ideas and concepts and give those concepts life yourself because you're the funneler of the money. You're the dark Emperor, you're the funneler of the electricity, but no one in the real world... no human would ever want these concepts roaming the streets.
Let me give you an example... in a free market. I would even appreciate some doctor says "I'm going to open up a clinic. I'm going to cut off the breasts. I'm going to give castration chemicals called Lupron. I'll cut your penis off, scrape it out like a squash or a zucchini, stitch it up, tuck it back inside your pelvis... who would like to buy it?" Free market. That's fine. That's completely fine with me as an entrepreneur. You want to offer that service... absolutely fine. But I'll tell you one thing, it's a bad business plan, because no one's going to buy.
But if you're the dark Emperor... so that idea is dead, it will stay dead. No one in the right mind would ever give it life with their own electricity, with their own money. But then we have that funneling process where our electricity from the sun is turned into monetary assets. Those monetary assets can be stolen through taxation. No one can steal the sun's energy from our bodies. But if we turn the sun's energy into money that can be stolen... goes to a dark emperor or an old Egyptian Pharaoh, which actually is actually what's going on here.
And the Egyptian Pharaoh says these are the remnants of my ancient cult, and they're going to get the funding. And I'm going to pay that doctor. And I'm going to give the kids incentives psychologically through repetition to go. So not only am I going to pay the doctor to cut the penis off, cut the breasts off, and castrate the kids chemically. I'm going to pay him double what his regular surgeries are, so I'll have a monopoly on his time, and I'm going to use the other monies to open psychological warfare on the children in the school through repetitive content to trick them, believe that their life will be better, and they'll have more security by having their penis and their breast hacked off.
That's how these things sort of connect... These are all remnants of the old Egyptian bull cult of Moloch... ceremonies and sort of religious foundations. They're bringing that back from the dead, whether you like it or not, and they're using your energy to do it.
14. How do you see modern education systems contributing to societal control mechanisms?
It's a mind control system, 100%. It makes the people dependent and disempowered. The foundation of all mind control is a power differential between the controller and the victim. So it doesn't matter if I poison you with Teflon, or I poison you with alcohol... trick you into doing it to yourself, or trick you to go on the Birth Control pill. That doesn't matter, or I teach you things that are in the free-dumb area like you're free to cut your penis off and your breasts off.
But you don't know how to farm. You don't know how to start a business. You don't know how to exercise properly. You don't know anything about nutrition, you don't know basically anything about spirituality.
So you're a disempowered human being. You can't survive outside the system if you don't know how to start a business, and I've been in business since I'm 24 years old. I started my first business as soon as I graduated university. But if you don't know how to produce value for yourself, the sun energy, the power, you don't know how to charge your own battery. You don't know how to stay healthy. You don't know how to lead. You don't know how to garden. You don't know how to speech write. You don't know how to lead a group. Well, you're just disempowered and they can do anything they want with you. So that's what this whole government system's about.
There was a, I think, a man called George Land. He was a professor, and he did an experiment, saying, "I'm sorting for the population, for geniuses to work at NASA", and when he tested 5-year-olds, 98% qualified as geniuses, and he kept testing them throughout the government public school system. By the time they got to grade 12, only 2% were geniuses.
And if you read John Taylor Gatto's book, "Weapons of Mass Instruction"... it's open record. The government school system is there to dumb down and disempower the children. The people who organize it to be like that don't even hide it. They publish it often, and that's how thick the mind control is. The average person can't even comprehend. They have to dumb down their kids. They don't have any other option. That's how thick the mind control is here.
The Great Dumbing - Lies are Unbekoming (
15. How might the structure of higher education, including student debt, play into larger control systems?
Well, it's the only debt you can't get rid of through bankruptcy, and... and there's no coincidence there. They need you in the system right. They need you to take the lowest hanging fruit. They've set you up in this ambush. They're pulling the vine down as far as they can go. Can you eat this apple from the lowest branch and get into the system, get a job so that we can steal your energy. I mean, if you don't have debt and you don't have these fake goals, I mean, if you don't want Netflix, and you don't want the latest fashion. You don't want the latest car. Why would you really work 40 hours a week?
So it's all intertwined like the pieces of a watch. You're paying for your own brainwashing. You're paying for your own disempowerment. As I said, these agendas, they only get sharper and wider and more fine-tuned. I mean, you can see the extension there to give you the brainwashing for free up until grade 12. But if you want to continue your own dumbing down process, it's going to be $30,000, and only those people will get the middle management jobs... not even the top jobs. A teacher, firefighter, police officer somewhere in the government, making 150... 200 grand a year to enslave other people, to destroy other people. And to just be basically guards inside the prison system. I mean, teachers are guards inside the system. Police officers are guards. Most people that work for the governments are guards inside the prison system.
And the brainwashing for doctors? It's beyond military grade. The quality of the brainwashing that they've been able to do on these doctors is just... it might be the best of the best. To pump out these people who can cause this damage, this maiming, this death, and be totally oblivious to it.
16. When I look at the last four years it’s clear to me that the brainwashing of doctors is arguably the best brainwashing in the system. Can you comment on this?
There was a doctor interviewed by two people, Janice Barcelo, and this black activist, Lenin Honor, and they interviewed the same medical doctor who compared his residency because he started to investigate MK Ultra, he said, "well, we have the blood, and then they have the sleep deprivation, and then they have the psychoactive drugs with the coffee"... he said "I'm working 36 hours in a row with people's lives in my hand. I'm only surviving on caffeine, which is psychoactive drug. I'm seeing death. I'm seeing blood. I'm seeing corpses. I'm seeing bodies blown apart." He says, "If you go into... Say, Kathy O'Brien's documentary 'Trance', the Kathy O'Brien story", he says, "exact same MK Ultra modalities put on to Kathy and all the other victims."
And he said, "This is probably why most medical doctors simply do as they're told, because they've been traumatized. It's called the cremation of care ritual. This is a ritual inside all secret societies where they traumatize you so much. It sort of fries the nervous system area that cares, or that can care... that cares that you have morality and ethics. Because if you expose a human to something so horrific, it's natural for the nervous system to draw back and not feel the trauma. So you can see, doctors potentially are being conditioned very similar to MK Ultra mind control victims.
17. What are you currently focused on in your work, and how can people stay connected with your research and teachings?
Well, I know the group we're dealing with, and disempowerment is every card they play... doesn't matter if it's a psychic disempowerment through the Paris Olympics opening ceremony. This is called the Uglification Agenda, and it's psychic. You can be brought down emotionally. You can be made weaker energetically, with just through what you take in through your eyes. If you watch a scary movie and you were to do some muscle testing on the people. You'll see they're weaker after... they're afraid... they're weaker after they're confused. They're weaker if they don't have direction or If what you're watching is not inspiring.
I just know this group is disempowerment. It's their bag. So I do full empowerment. The only way to fight the system is if they're trying to disempower people. I'm going to try and empower people. So I teach programs 2 to 3 times a year. You don't have to come into my paid programs. I give the information away for free on my email list. But it's private. It's free to get on. But I don't post it because it's information that empowers. So it'd be censored immediately.
So you have to get on my private list. Email me at and I'll feed you stuff that they hide from you. You'll find it confusing, maybe, at first, or a little bewildering, but it will empower you.
It's about progress. It's not about perfection. Start where you are, use what you can, you know. Use what you have, do what you can, and just know that it's better to start now... you'll have to deal with all the programming that tells you all these things are good for you, or at least benign. Such a “alcohol is healthy, “ there's not one shred of evidence on the entire planet that alcohol is healthy in moderation. They actually admit that now, because they don't care because we're nearing the end of the brain damage agenda where they're like... "Okay, enough's enough. Just tell them the truth. It's not going to matter. They've been drinking it so long they don't even care, they don't even know any other way."
So just if you even just reduce your consumption of the poison or hopefully quit, your life will improve, and the power starts to come back to you, and it's again invisible... and it will be siphoned from them. The more power you have, the more inspiration you have, the more positive you think... it disempowers them on an etheric level. Which is this invisible... They used to call the air the ether, and trust me, they know what they're talking about. They've taught us a bunch of lies... when you get powerful, the power you're getting comes from them. They have your power. You just got to get it back.
Overcoming Self-Sabotage with Jason Christoff (
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Resources for the Community:
For those affected by COVID vaccine injury, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
Discover 'Baseline Human Health': Watch and share this insightful 21-minute video to understand and appreciate the foundations of health without vaccination.
Books as Tools: Consider recommending 'Official Stories' by Liam Scheff to someone seeking understanding. Start with a “safe” chapter such as Electricity and Shakespeare and they might find their way to vaccination.
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